[74] He also constantly attacked the Labrang monastery. [181], As Mind and Life Institute's remit expanded, Engle formalised the organisation as a non-profit foundation after the third dialogue, held in 1990, which initiated the undertaking of neurobiological research programmes in the United States under scientific conditions. [278], In an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag published on 7 September 2014 the Dalai Lama stated "the institution of the Dalai Lama has served its purpose", and that "We had a Dalai Lama for almost five centuries. The Dalai Lama is also currently a member of the Board of World Religious Leaders as part of The Elijah Interfaith Institute[162] and participated in the Third Meeting of the Board of World Religious Leaders in Amritsar, India, on 26 November 2007 to discuss the topic of Love and Forgiveness. C'est aussi pendant cette priode que Chgyam Trungpa a fond Vajradhatu, une organisation qui chapeaute les nombreux centres qui s'tablissaient travers le monde sous sa direction et dont le sige central est tabli Boulder dans le Colorado. The full set, which is most commonly used in modern De 1959 1963, Chgyam Trungpa fut nomm par le 14e dala-lama conseiller spirituel de la Young Lamas Home School, Dalhousie en Inde. He added that Chinese laws banning the selection of successors based on reincarnation will not impact his decisions. The two remained friends until Harrer's death in 2006. The next time the party returned to the house, they revealed their real purpose and asked permission to subject the boy to certain tests. Story of humanity's decline from a golden age in the past, with a prophecy of its eventual return. The monk said "if you know who I am, you can have it." In his essay "The Ethic of Compassion" (1999), the Dalai Lama expresses his belief that if we only reserve compassion for those that we love, we are ignoring the responsibility of sharing these characteristics of respect and empathy with those we do not have relationships with, which cannot allow us to "cultivate love." In terms of social economy theory, I am a Marxist. The first known film about the life of Buddha was Buddhadev (English title: Lord Buddha) which was produced by the well-known Indian filmmaker Dadasaheb Phalke (18701944) in 1923.. Two years later, another important Buddha film was released, The Light of Asia (Hindi title: Prem Sanyas).This movie was made by the German filmmaker Franz Osten (18751956). [65] At the age of 11 he met the Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer, who became his videographer and tutor about the world outside Lhasa. "[218] The Dalai Lama has labeled such practices counter to the "message of Christ" and has emphasized that such individuals "practice conversion like a kind of war against peoples and cultures. In 2011, related allegations were introduced by journalist Mary Finnigan, who was also the main author of the original article in 1995. The Wedding Planner actress was reportedly so impressed by her co-star Richard Geres dedication to Buddhism that she was inspired to embrace the religion after she had a [251][252] The Dalai Lama supports the anti-whaling position in the whaling controversy, but has criticized the activities of groups such as the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (which carries out acts of what it calls aggressive nonviolence against property). [7], Sogyal Rinpoche began to teach in London in 1974. [4][5] He was selected as the tulku of the 13th Dalai Lama in 1937 and formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama in a public declaration near the town of Bumchen in 1939. [331], Current foremost spiritual leader of Tibet, Journalism, Literature, and the Creative Communication Arts (19582008), Peace and International Understanding (19582008), Cooperation and conflicts with the People's Republic of China, Interest in science, and Mind and Life Institute, Democracy, nonviolence, religious harmony, and Tibet's relationship with India, At the time of Tenzin Gyatso's birth, Taktser was a town located in the Chinese province of, It has been noted that two of the examining debate partners of the 14th Dalai Lama were, From Article 31 of Charter of the Tibetans-in-exile 1991: "The Council of Regency shall exercise executive powers and authority in the following circumstances: (1)(a) of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has not assumed or retained the powers of the head of the Tibetan Administration and the executive functions therein;", From chapter 5 of Constitution of Tibet (1963): "Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the Head of the State shall:". The Chinese Foreign Ministry has warned the US and other countries to "shun" the Dalai Lama during visits and often uses trade negotiations and human rights talks as an incentive to do so. The Dalai Lama advocates compassion for animals and frequently urges people to try vegetarianism or at least reduce their consumption of meat. The four truths Full set Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. [27], He was one of seven siblings to survive childhood and one of the three supposed reincarnated Rinpoches in the same family. In 1994, a $10 million civil lawsuit was filed against Sogyal Rinpoche. I think he's now being told, the more he meets doctors from the west, that he can get his protein somewhere else. That was a very special year as I met His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and received innumerable precious teachings and empowerments from Him at Thubten Dhargye Ling Centre in Los Angeles, California. "[19], The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying was first launched in the United States in September 1992, where it received high acclaim and spent several weeks at the top of the bestseller lists. In 2004, he served as a keynote speaker at the Parliament of the World's Religions, where over 8,000 religious leaders and lay people gathered in Barcelona in Spain to discuss the issues of religious violence, access to safe water, the fate of refugees worldwide, and the elimination of developing countries' debts. They knew that if he was declared to be the Dalai Lama, the Chinese government would insist on sending a large army escort with him, which would then stay in Lhasa and refuse to budge. "[54] This criticism was extended to Rigpa's organisation during an interaction with students from the University of California, San Diego, at his residence in Dharamsala on 6 September 2017. Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Nantou, the tallest Buddhist temple in the world.Height: 136 metres (446 ft) Dharma Drum Mountain, New Taipei City (Fa Gu Shan), international headquarters of Dharma Drum Mountain organization; Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Kaohsiung; Linji Huguo Chan Temple, Zhongshan District, Taipei; Mengjia Longshan Temple, Wanhua District, Taipei [17] In 1991, Sogyal Rinpoche founded the retreat centre of Lerab Ling near Montpellier in southern France. The Dalai Lama has voiced his support for the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, an organisation which campaigns for democratic reformation of the United Nations, and the creation of a more accountable international political system. Peu de temps aprs, il reoit aussi des enseignements de Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoch, qui l'impressionne[10]. Peu de temps aprs, en avril 1987, la vie de Chgyam Trungpa arriva son terme des suites d'une maladie du foie lie son alcoolisme[18]. The Dalai Lama has received numerous awards and honors worldwide over his spiritual and political career. [8] According to his mother, the patron of his courtesan aunt and de facto stepfather, Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr, recognized him as the incarnation of Tertn Sogyal and supervised his education at Dzongsar Monastery. [d][62] He passed with honours and was awarded the Lharampa degree, the highest-level geshe degree, roughly equivalent to a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy. La dernire modification de cette page a t faite le 21 mars 2022 16:54. He held an old mala that had belonged to the 13th Dalai Lama, and the boy Lhamo Dhondup, aged two, approached and asked for it. [15][16][17][18] His enthronement ceremony was held in Lhasa on 22 February 1940 and he eventually assumed full temporal (political) duties on 17 November 1950, at the age of 15, after the People's Republic of China's occupation of Tibet. [44] When Ma Bufang heard a candidate had been found in Taktser, he had the family brought to him in Xining. [256] He has asserted that all religions have the same view about adultery. Story of one of the Buddha's past lives as a king. [75], In October 1950 the army of the People's Republic of China marched to the edge of the Dalai Lama's territory and sent a delegation after defeating a legion of the Tibetan army in warlord-controlled Kham. [21], Rinpoche was a regular speaker at conferences around the world, addressing topics such as Buddhism in the modern world, death and dying, meditation and happiness. [288], The Dorje Shugden Controversy reappeared in the Gelug school by the publication of the Yellow Book in 1976, containing stories about wrathful acts of Dorje Shugden against Gelugpas who also practiced Nyingma teachings. [199], The Dalai Lama uses various meditation techniques, including analytic meditation and emptiness meditation. It is considered one of the most important institutions for Tibetology in the world. [153] In India, no fees are charged to attend these teachings since costs are covered by requesting sponsors. Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoch est considr comme l'un des enseignants du bouddhisme tibtain les plus dynamiques du XXesicle[19]. "[222] In May 2015, the Dalai Lama called on Myanmar's Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, said that he had urged Suu Kyi to address the Rohingyas' plight in two previous private meetings and had been rebuffed. They should consult the various heads of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions and the reliable oath-bound Dharma Protectors who are linked inseparably to the lineage of the Dalai Lamas. 2005. [248] Around 2005, he started campaigning for wildlife conservation, including by issuing a religious ruling against wearing tiger and leopard skins as garments. And also this is not a political matter", he said in the interview. The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, and the US Congressional Gold Medal in 2006. "[286] Dhundup Gyalpo of the Tibet Sun replied that Tibetan religion could be traced back to Nalanda in India, and that Tibetans have no connection to Chinese "apart from a handful of culinary dishes". "[80], The nineteen year old Dalai Lama toured China for almost a year from 1954 to 1955, meeting many of the revolutionary leaders and the top echelon of the Chinese communist leadership who created modern China. "[285], The Chinese press has criticized the Dalai Lama for his close ties with India. Mooney, Paul. However, later that year, the Russian state prevented the Dalai Lama from fulfilling an invitation to the traditionally Buddhist republic of Kalmykia. dplacer vers la barre latrale "[266], In 2015, he said in a BBC interview that if a female succeeded him, "that female must be attractive, otherwise it is not much use," and when asked if he was joking, replied, "No. [56], On 11 August 2017, Sogyal retired from his position as Rigpa's spiritual director in the wake of the abuse allegations. [49] He first demanded proof that the boy was the Dalai Lama, but the Lhasa government, though informed by Kewtsang that this was the one, told Kewtsang to say he had to go to Lhasa for further tests with other candidates. En 1958, il reoit les titres de kyorpn (docteur en thologie) de khenpo (matre des tudes). If you both agree, then I think I would say, 'If two males or two females voluntarily agree to have mutual satisfaction without further implication of harming others, then it is okay. [90] In 2019, after the United States passed a law requiring the US to deny visas to Chinese officials in charge of implementing policies that restrict foreign access to Tibet, the US Ambassador to China "encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama or his representatives, without preconditions, to seek a settlement that resolves differences".[91]. He also said that by nature, women are more compassionate "based on their biology and ability to nurture and birth children". The Dalai Lama is the author of numerous books on Buddhism,[136] many of them on general Buddhist subjects but also including books on particular topics like Dzogchen,[137] a Nyingma practice. Within 48 hours the Dalai Lama confirmed to Engle that he was "truly interested in participating in something substantial about science" so Engle proceeded with launching the project. No one else. [291], The controversy has attracted attention in the West because of demonstrations held in 2008 and 2014 by Dorje Shugden practitioners. [38][39] The lawsuit was settled out of court. Chiang Kai Shek ordered Ma Bufang to put his Muslim soldiers on alert for an invasion of Tibet in 1942. [Bursts out laughing.] "[264], In 2009, on gender equality and sexism, the Dalai Lama proclaimed at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee: "I call myself a feminist. As soon as they were out of Ma Bufang's area, he was officially declared to be the 14th Dalai Lama by the Central Government of Tibet, and after ten weeks of travel he arrived in Lhasa on 8 October 1939. [152], In India, the Dalai Lama gives religious teachings and talks in Dharamsala[145] and numerous other locations including the monasteries in the Tibetan refugee settlements,[139] in response to specific requests from Tibetan monastic institutions, Indian academic, religious and business associations, groups of students and individual/private/lay devotees. Sir Basil Gould, the British representative of the Government of India, has left a highly detailed account of the ceremonies surrounding the enthronement of the 14th Dalai Lama in Chapter 16 of his memoir, The Jewel in the Lotus. Fagan, Geraldine. [292] After the Reuters investigation revealed that China backs it, the Shugden group halted operations and disbanded. [234] He spent many years as a vegetarian, but after contracting hepatitis in India and suffering from weakness, his doctors told him to return to eating meat which he now does twice a week. A monk has left the order because he says the Buddha does not work miracles; most of the sutta is taken up with accounts of miracles the Buddha has worked. I just recently read an article in a paper where His Holiness the Pope also pointed out some positive aspects of Marxism. Silakkhandha-vaggaThe Division Concerning Morality (suttas 1-13); Maha-vaggaThe Great Division (suttas 14-23), Patika-vaggaThe Patika Division (suttas 24-34), This page was last edited on 19 August 2022, at 01:45. Chgyam Trungpa a aussi invit d'autres matres, dont le 16e Karmapa, chef de la ligne Karma-kagyu, venir enseigner en Occident. [257], In his discussions of the traditional Buddhist view on appropriate sexual behavior, he explains the concept of "right organ in the right object at the right time", which historically has been interpreted as indicating that oral, manual and anal sex (both homosexual and heterosexual) are not appropriate in Buddhism or for Buddhists. He said that he believed that China after opening up, had changed 40 to 50 percent of what it was earlier, and that Tibetans wanted to get more development from China. "[221] In May 2013, he said "Really, killing people in the name of religion is unthinkable, very sad. The temple originally belonged to the Tendai sect of Buddhism, but eventually became an independent temple of the Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. He said he hoped that the Chinese-recognised Panchen Lama (Gyaincain Norbu) studied well under the guidance of a good teacher, adding that there were instances in Tibetan Buddhist tradition, of a reincarnated lama taking more than one manifestation. [161] He has since visited Israel three times, and in 2006 met the Chief Rabbi of Israel. He said "I prefer the concept of a 'republic' in the People's Republic of China. [132], The Dalai Lama's best known teaching subject is the Kalachakra tantra which, as of 2014, he had conferred a total of 33 times,[133] most often in India's upper Himalayan regions but also in the Western world. [14], The Dalai Lama's formal rule as head of the government in Tibet was brief although he was enthroned as spiritual leader on February 22, 1940. ;A Stranger in My Native Land", Basic points unifying Theravda and Mahyna, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rinpoche&oldid=1113273743, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Standard Tibetan-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 September 2022, at 17:29. [237], In 2009, the English singer Paul McCartney wrote a letter to the Dalai Lama inquiring why he was not a vegetarian. A monk since childhood, the Dalai Lama has said that sex offers fleeting satisfaction and leads to trouble later, while chastity offers a better life and "more independence, more freedom". Tsem Rinpoche was 15 years old when he received a Vajrayogini initiation from the great Abbot of Sera Mey Monastery , Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin in New Jersey. Some of the most commonly referenced suttas from the Digha Nikaya include the Maha-parinibbana Sutta (DN 16), which described the final days and death of the Buddha, the Sigalovada Sutta (DN 31) in which the Buddha discusses ethics and practices for lay followers, and the Samaaphala (DN 2), Brahmajala Sutta (DN 1) which describes and compares the point of view of Buddha and other ascetics in India about the universe and time (past, present, and future); and the Pohapda (DN 9) Suttas, which describe the benefits and practice of samatha meditation. He supported the refounding of 200 monasteries and nunneries in an attempt to preserve Tibetan Buddhist teachings and the Tibetan way of life. As McCartney later told The Guardian, "He wrote back very kindly, saying, 'my doctors tell me that I must eat meat'. This vision was also interpreted to refer to a large monastery with a gilded roof and turquoise tiles, and a twisting path from there to a hill to the east, opposite which stood a small house with distinctive eaves. The 14th Dalai Lama[a] (spiritual name Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, known as Tenzin Gyatso (Tibetan: , Wylie: bsTan-'dzin rgya-mtsho); n Lhamo Thondup),[b] known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, is the current Dalai Lama. His father was Lobzang Nyendrak (blo bzang snyan grags) and his mother was Namgyel Butri (rnam rgyal bu khrid). [82][83] On 27 September 1954, the Dalai Lama was selected as a Vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,[84][85] a post he officially held until 1964.[86]. Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoch (5 mars 1939, Gj, Kham[2] - 4 avril 1987, Halifax), est un matre du bouddhisme tibtain connu pour avoir fond Vajradhatu et la Naropa University(en) en Occident dans les annes 1970, ainsi qu'une voie laque de mditation dans la ligne Shambhala[3]. This is all the more so given the considerable suffering that has resulted from such actions". [citation needed] The Dalai Lama has said that his first language was "a broken Xining language which was (a dialect of) the Chinese language", a form of Central Plains Mandarin, and his family speak neither Amdo Tibetan nor Lhasa Tibetan.[35][36][37]. He has pointed out that many rivers in Asia originate in Tibet, and that the melting of Himalayan glaciers could affect the countries in which the rivers flow. Pakistani leaders should calm down and think beyond emotions and should follow a realistic approach". In 1825 in his 10th year, the Dalai Lama had many tutors and was enrolled at Drepung Monastery and studied both sutra and tantra. [14] In 1973 he assisted in organizing the Dalai Lama's first visit to the West in Rome, which included an audience with Pope Paul VI. He did no more than present a ceremonial scarf, as was done by the others, including the British Representative. It literally means "precious one", and may refer to a person, place, or thinglike the words "gem" or "jewel" ( Sanskrit : Ratna ). Kevaddha asks the Buddha why he does not gain disciples by working miracles; the Buddha explains that people would simply dismiss this as magic and that the real miracle is the training of his followers. L'anne suivante, le 3 janvier 1970, il pousa Diana Pybus (Diana J. Mukpo) alors ge de 16 ans et partit aux tats-Unis, o il tablit son premier centre de mditation en Amrique du Nord Barnet dans le Vermont. [57], Sogyal Rinpoche appeared in Bernardo Bertolucci's 1993 film Little Buddha in the role of Kenpo Tenzin. [304], The Dalai Lama has his own pages on Twitter,[305] Facebook,[306] and Instagram.[307].