Hey guys, new member here. Dynamic Remote Containers: docs. Webpack 5 Module Federation aims to solve the sharing of modules in a distributed system, by shipping those critical shared pieces as macro or as micro as you would like. The setting requiredVersion: 'auto' is a little extra provided by the @angular-architects/module-federation plugin. Enterprise security and module federation. At this point, we have a lot of bloat in our system as these individual files are already contained within both import types above. We then move down a level in our import statements and import from subdirectories within tenable-io/common (components and utilities). As discussed in the previous article, sharing code is critical to using module federation successfully. At this point you should have a fairly good grasp on how both vendor libraries and custom libraries are shared in the module federation system. Is there any consideration to how to control access to the remote components? To solve this problem, we decided to use a unique identifier to identify the library version. The book also covers many practical topics include; state sharing across shared code, different deployment options, sharing non-view related code, writing your code to be resilient to code and network failures, and so much more. Went looking for this reddit because I want to introduce module federation to my company. This article focuses on the importance of sharing your custom library code between applications and some related best practices. Otherwise, if its the only micro-app using that library, it will simply bundle a version of that library within itself (ex. All the feature development for this package will be made from the new repo. Sharing State/Storage/Theme While we tried to keep our micro-apps as independent of one another as possible, we did have instances where we needed them to share state and theming. If SPA A wants to utilize another SPA's (SPA B) modal for whatever, the system in place relies on opening a browser-sized iframe to SPA B where . Good question, thanks for clarifying it for me. If SPA A wants to utilize another SPA's (SPA B) modal for whatever, the system in place relies on opening a browser-sized iframe to SPA B where the modal is displayed. This plugin essentially reproduces the functionality of Webpack's ContainerReferencePlugin and OverridablesPlugin. So with your one purchase you are buying a whole year of updates. With Module Federation you can import remote Webpack builds to your application. https://gist.github.com/jacob-ebey/23aee3036c0c0c78a0b9369a5d8286ff. Without module federation your clients also can load your code, no security problems here, anyway if you want to do it more security, you should setup this on server level Marked as answer 1 1 reply blackbaud-jeremymorgan on Sep 13, 2021 Author Ohhh good point, that clients can load the app bundle as-is now. One of the powerful features of module federation is that all micro-apps are capable of being built independently. At this point the code is not shared in any way and each application simply pulls the library code from its own bundle. Webpack plugin external-remotes-plugin. This can be interesting to improve an application's startup performance, when there are lots of shared dependencies. As illustrated below, App A and B both use Lib 1. rollup-federation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I'll be doing my own thought process on this since it's a domain-specific concern regardless but I was just curious to ask the question to the community as I'm still figuring out what webpack does inherently. In the first update, the presentation portion of this library is updated. When these micro-apps are built, they each contain a version of that library within their build artifact. Limitations We used a similar approach above for building out our aliases. As we soon discovered, most of our bugs/issues resulting from this new architecture came as a result of updating one of these areas (state, theme, storage) and allowing the micro-apps to deploy at their own pace. This was the purpose of the serve script shown above, i.e. Right now, my company has an ecosystem set up where multiple Angular SPAs are deployed under a common domain. To demonstrate this situation, let's install @angular/material and @angular/cdk in a version that is at least 2 versions behind our Angular version. IBM Security Access Manager provides a Federation Module so that collaborating organizations can gain secure access to each other's applications. Lib 2). However, only App B gets deployed to production with the new code. For example say we're trying to make a system of paid plugins that are able to be installed on an instance, and the plugins are federated (so are long living for any instance to use), but you should only have plugins if you have a particular license. Was this translation helpful? We now get to the most granular import statement where were importing from a specific file. This is because these items live in memory and are shared at a global level, which means you cant rely on them being confined to a physical file. theyre not leveraging the same version of shared code where this change was made), the applications will attempt to store and access notifications in memory in two different ways. Any other thoughts along these lines? In these instances, we needed to ensure that all the micro-apps were deployed at the same time to ensure the applications and the state, store, and theming were all in sync. Control from consumer to container Overriding modules is a one-directional operation. PowerShell Copy Get-ADFSProperties The property is ExtendedProtectionTokenCheck. When App B is loaded in its going to do the same thing. Teams can consume components at runtime instead of as part of their build pipeline. Give feedback. Webpack Module Federation is actually solving all these issues in a much more elegant way. Luckily Webpack Module Federation supports dynamically defining URLs for our remote applications. This code is already contained in the common.js file above. Module federation for the backend. A connection to the Microsoft Federation Gateway is established. Module Federation allows a JavaScript application to dynamically load code from another application and in the process, share dependencies. Hybrid Sharing Leads To Bloat When we first started using module federation, we had a library called tenable.io/common. Sure, and I get that. E.g. I want to introduce module federation to my company. Since this was originally a directory (and not a library), our imports from it varied quite a bit. You signed in with another tab or window. We will be actively updating this book over the next year as we learn more about best practices and what issues people are running into with Module Federation, as well as with every release of Webpack as it moves towards a release candidate and release. Module Federation in Angular. We are going to consider four solutions available to us: Environment variables. However, for another application this could be a very bad decision, and your customers could end up having to pull down a ton of granular files when it would have made more sense to only have them pull down one larger file. If SPA A wants to utilize another SPA's (SPA B) modal for whatever, the system in place relies on opening a browser-sized iframe to SPA B where the modal is displayed. It does this by pulling them out of the the build pipeline and out of your apps. Aegis core lib. To avoid updating all of these import statements to use a consistent approach (ex. CSP). Note: We are once again leveraging the tsconfig.base.json to dynamically build out the libs that should be shared. If you are looking to create challenging bugs, this is a great way to do it. For us, this was evident in our application early on and it was not until we did a thorough performance analysis that we discovered the culprit. Eliminate the need for deployment automation. In short, each parts of the application can come with their own libraries, that will be made available . As an example scenario: say you have . Ohhh good point, that clients can load the app bundle as-is now. Gone are the days of updating each consuming application after making a change to a shared NPM package. Is there prior art in the Webpack domain that I'm missing that would be applicable? For example, lets say we have a notifications library shared between the micro-apps. remotes This is the primary difference between the host application and the. Module Federation allows to directly bundle shared dependencies into your app's bundles. My thoughts here are to build in some kind of token auth within components so even if they are exposed and someone starts an improper host using the same config, the code isn't useful without authenticating with a service first. it enabled us to spin . Thank you so much for pointing this out to me. Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, Breaking down the OSI model by buying pizza, Bluzelle Development Update + Launch of Developer Bounty, Solving Popular Algorithms: Balancing Strings, How to write a program that prints itself, #FeatureWeek#AYearInReviewPart 4 Q4 2019, How to Setup Kubernetes Cluster with Microk8s, Module Federation Managing Your Micro-Apps. Module parse failed: Unexpected token i in JSON at Migrating app to use Module Federation and Micro-frontends, Press J to jump to the feed. Can you see the problem? Let services deploy themselves. You can use any of the plugins above to generate applications as well. I get it, but is this really a concern? In this case, thats okay because the code is constrained to an actual file. Bonus: Programmatic Loading To demonstrate this, lets say that weve made a change to the way state is getting stored and accessed. Hybrid Sharing Leads To Bloat When we first started using module federation, we had a library called tenable.io/common. if (!await doGlobalAuth ()) throw new Error("Not authorized"); module.exports.get = async (modId, rest) => {, // This could be more easily handled gracefully by a consumer via dynamic importing. This means that when webpack bundles everything together, one large file is created for this import statement that contains everything (well call it common.js). If it needs a library that hasnt been loaded in yet (or the version it needs isnt compatible with the version App A loaded in), then it will proceed to load on its own. In this instance, once our applications get out of sync on production (i.e. ModuleFederationPlugin combines ContainerPlugin and ContainerReferencePlugin. In the last article we focused on sharing vendor code. Typescript support for module federated apps Project Status This project is now moved to module-federation/nextjs-mf. . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. and theming (styled-components for us), you cannot rely on this. only importing from the index of tenable-io/common), we opted to expose every single file in this directory and shared it via module federation. Sharing our libraries is similar to the vendor libraries discussed in the previous article. It does this by pulling them out of the the build pipeline and out of your apps. Before You Proceed: The remainder of this article is very technical in nature and is geared towards engineers who wish to learn more about sharing custom library code between your micro-apps. ModuleFederationPlugin This is what enables module federation. someone starts their own improper host to consume from the remote. On the backend side developers themselves should care about security and . Was this translation helpful? It covers the internal implementation of Module Federation, and how Module Federation fits with other sharing options. Currently, when we import one of the test components, it comes from the index file shown below. If webpack is too low-level like I fear it might be, what is a common pattern people are doing to accomplish permission checking? However, when it comes to things like state (Redux for us), storage (window.storage, document.cookies, etc.) This may be a domain-specific concern instead but I was curious if there was any pre-existing thought or prior art on limiting by auth or by request (e.g. Webpack module federation is quite new but has already changed the architectural concepts of building modern web applications. Hi, I haven't seen much discussion related to security and access considerations when using Module Federation, so I thought I'd start one here. So as we did, youll want to do your own performance analysis and use that as the basis for your approach. That's just how the web works. As a result, they can both operate independently without bugs. This indicates that we are now sharing the code from @microfrontend-demo/design-system/components between the micro-apps. You can could use startup code to override the "init" and or "get" method on the container and do some auth logic there when initializing or retrieving a module: https://gist.github.com/jacob-ebey/23aee3036c0c0c78a0b9369a5d8286ff, this is exactly what I was looking for! Furthermore, only one version gets loaded by the Host application (port 3000). Responsibility of our micro frontend projects is to expose a component. This is an easy way to ensure that as new paths are added to your libraries, they are automatically picked up by webpack: How does webpack currently treat this library code? Since the alias configuration in webpack is already leveraging the paths in the tsconfig.base.json file to build out these aliases dynamically (discussed above), we can simply update that file and provide all the specific paths to each component: We can now import each one of these individual components: If we investigate our network traffic, we can see that each one of those imports gets broken out into its own individual file: This approach has several pros and cons that we discovered along the way: We recommend you choose the solution that works best based on your codebase. Right now, my company has an ecosystem set up where multiple Angular SPAs are deployed under a common domain. This key data is just several strings, hence you can load it from literally everywhere. Staying up to date on technology and patterns are important, allowing me to work within your existing stack, or propose one that will scale far into the future. Dynamic Remotes in Webpack Module Federation. Limitations Hence, you don't need to load an additional bundle per shared dependency. Specifically, we went from storing our notifications under an object called notices to storing them under notifications. The Problem: Security Tokens in the Browser. If you wish to see the code associated with the following section, you can check it out in this branch. At a certain point, it becomes a performance issue when each application pulls in its own unique library code. Went looking for this reddit because I want to introduce module federation to my company. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. . Explore the source of a simple blog that utilizes the ContainerReferencePlugin to reference federated components from this website. Generate a library ModuleFederationPlugin is a high level webpack plugin that provides a very convenient way to configure module federation in your projects. As it comes with respective schematics, you can easily ng add it to your CLI workspace: For some applications, going granular is an ideal solution and leads to the best performance in your application. This test ensures that communication between the local Exchange server and the Microsoft Federation Gateway is working correctly. To activate it, we need a custom builder that, e. g. ships with the community solution @angular-architects / module-federation. Without module federation your clients also can load your code, no security problems here, anyway if you want to do it more security, you should setup this on server level. This way, if the contents of the folder change, then the version does as well. Specifically, when we build a particular library, we actually look at the folder containing the library and generate a unique hash based off of the contents of the directory. You can read more about how we handled this via a Jenkins bootstrapper job in the next article. To demonstrate why this was a bad idea, well walk through each of these import types: starting from the most global in nature (importing the main index file) and moving towards the most granular (importing a specific file). I could consume your code at any point regardless of if its a federated module. As shown in the diagram below, when App A is loaded in, it pulls down all the libraries shown. It looks up the used version in your package.json. Chunk loading should load everything needed in parallel (web: single round-trip to server). See the next article in the series to learn how we build and deploy our application. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Installation $ npm i @module-federation/typescript Usage Regain control of your microservices by consolidating them into one or more shared processes without loosing deployment or language independence. Extended protection for authentication is a feature that mitigates against man in the middle (MITM) attacks and is enabled by default with AD FS. Imagine that we continue to add more components: You may get to a certain point where you think it would be beneficial to not bundle these files together into one big file. As shown below, the application begins by importing the main index file which exposes everything in tenable-io/common. Instead, you want to import each individual component. It walks you through everything you need to do to start with Module Federation. Assuming you read the previous article, you now know why this is important. When using Nx, you can create multiple applications and libraries in the same workspace. Since version 12, the Angular CLI uses webpack 5. Ah, gotcha. The helper function share used in this generated configuration replaces the value 'auto' with the version found in your package.json. This means the code for all three of these components gets bundled together into one file shown above as libs_design-system_components_src_index. Currently, you could import these chunks but they would have to come from your same project. Module Federation Access/Security Hi, I haven't seen much discussion related to security and access considerations when using Module Federation, so I thought I'd start one here. We'll discuss some of the sub properties below. As an example scenario: say you have a long living host with remote components on it, and other hosts consume from it. Also plugin comes along with webpack library without need of installing another dependency as well. Now, you can have these chunks (Webpack builds) from a different origin, which means, a different project! By doing this, we can ensure micro-apps will only share custom libraries if the contents of the library match. tenable-io/common/component.js) and even specific files (tenable-io/component/component1.js). Start by creating a new project folder with the following package.json to allow us to run our two SPAs at the same time: With vendor libraries, we were able to rely on the versions defined in the package.json file. A Rollup plugin which enables consumption of Federated Modules. Typically, shared code lives in an actual file (some-file.js) that resides within a micro-apps bundle. This was a relic from our initial architecture and essentially housed . This is the system I want module federation to replace, but I do have a big question - is there a way to prevent 3rd party applications from loading modals they shouldn't? Beta This prevents several issues. If we investigate the network traffic again and look for libs_design-system_components (webpacks filename for the import from @microfrontend-demo/design-system/components), we can see that this particular library has now been split into its own individual file. WebAssembly 126 Apache-2.0 9 9 (3 issues need help) 11 Updated 7 hours ago If webpack is too low-level like I fear it might be, what is a common pattern people are doing to accomplish permission checking? Similar to the vendor libraries approach, we need to tell module federation that we would like to share these custom libraries. "Practical Module Federation" is the first, and only, book on Webpack 5's innovative new live code sharing mechanism. This was a relic from our initial architecture and essentially housed all the shared code that our various applications used. Right now, my company has an ecosystem set up where multiple Angular SPAs are deployed under a common domain. However, the mechanism of defining a version is different. Beta As you can imagine, this can have a dramatic impact on the performance of your application. As shown below, at times we imported from the main index file of tenable-io/common (tenable-io/common.js), but in other instances we imported from sub directories (ex. For our custom libraries, we dont have this concept (though you could technically introduce something like that if you wanted). The loadRemoteModule function takes all the key data, Module Federation needs for loading the remote. const doModuleAuth = async (modId) => true; module.exports.init = async (args) => {, // This will most likely totally blow up the consuming application. Hence, we also get Module Federation out of the box. This powerful orchestration micro-frontend architecture will make it easier for organizations to decouple their applications and share across teams. Similar to our main index file, these import statements contain everything within their directories. Give feedback. This way once we load in App B, its first going to check and see what App A has already loaded and leverage any libraries it can. Certificates are checked to ensure they're valid and can be used with the Microsoft Federation Gateway. Webpack today is not just a tool for building client-side applications, it can be targeted to multiple environments like Node.js or Electron. When it came to the code in our libs directory, we discovered two important things along the way that you should be aware of. Concept goals It should be possible to expose and use any module type that webpack supports. Were now going to update the shared property of the ModuleFederationPlugin to include these custom libraries. Going forward please raise any issues in the NextJs-mf repo. if (!await doModuleAuth(modId)) throw new Error("Not authorized"); You signed in with another tab or window. To demonstrate sharing libraries, were going to focus on Test Component 1 that is imported by the Host and Application 1: This particular component lives in the design-system/components workspace: We leverage the tsconfig.base.json file to build out our aliases dynamically based on the component paths defined in that file. Here is where Module Federation comes. With federated access, you have a secure, seamless sign-on experience to external applications, helping to eliminate the need for providing multiple user IDs and passwords. Promise Based Dynamic Remotes: docs. Case Studies A Blog Utilizing This Websites Modules module-federation/node module-federation/utilities module-federation/typescript Generate an application Run nx g @nrwl/next:app my-app to generate an application. Say goodbye to divergent styles and duplicate components throughout parallel teams. If we were to investigate the network traffic before sharing anything, we would see that the code for this component is embedded in two separate files specific to both Host and Application 1 (the code specific to Host is shown below as an example). The Module Federation has two main components: The Remote Federated Module / Microfrontend The host/portal/ container Federated Module The Host will consume and render the exposed. We will be using a yarn mono-repo structure here for simplicity, but the idea behind Module Federation is to allow teams to operate autonomously, so in the real world, your SPA's would most likely live in their own repositories. To verify the settings, you can do the following: The setting can be verified using the below PowerShell cmdlet. We now have bloat in our system that causes the customer to pull down more javascript than necessary. The problem is once again that App B is pulling down duplicate libraries that App A has already loaded in. In this instance, App A and B will use their own versions within each of their bundles. Now, we want to take those same principles and apply them to the custom library code we have living in the libs directory. As your application grows, so does the amount of code you share. Before You Proceed: If you wish to see the code associated with the following section, you can check it out in this branch. Webpack 5 Module Federation aims to solve the sharing of modules in a distributed system, by shipping those critical shared pieces as macro or as micro as you would like. This is the system I want module federation to replace, but I do have a big question - is there a way to prevent 3rd party applications from loading modals they shouldn't? We highly recommend you evaluate the structure of your libraries and determine whats going to work best for you. 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