amount: 2660, id: 10452, }; }, { DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. export class Employee { country: 'Spain', country: 'United States of America', 'devextreme/bundles/dx.all': 'npm:devextreme@22.1.6/bundles/dx.all.js', platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); ::ng-deep #pivotgrid { }, { id: 10783, city: 'Sydney', 'luxon': 'npm:luxon@1.28.0/build/global/luxon.min.js', }, { city: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: 10321, scrollingModeOptions = ['standard', 'virtual']; date: new Date('2013-05-14'), date: new Date('2014-10-21'), id: 10446, id: 10867, Angular 8 - Extend Data Grid of DevExpress library. date: new Date('2014-12-02'), }, { date: new Date('2013-05-07'), }, { }, { id: 10456, All trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. city: 'Denver', amount: 5650, margin: 0 auto; amount: 9510, city: 'Seoul', region: 'Asia', region: 'Asia', country: 'Paraguay', id: 10506, id: 10774, city: 'Los Angeles', id: 10532, city: 'Melbourne', region: 'North America', city: 'London', id: 10630, date: new Date('2013-06-03'), id: 10378, id: 10299, id: 10791, Scrolling Mode date: new Date('2015-02-23'), html: `${args.seriesName} | Total
`, amount: 1400, date: new Date('2014-09-01'), > country: 'Republic of Korea', export class AppModule { } date: new Date('2014-04-10'), city: 'New York', country: 'China', id: 10350, region: 'Africa', }, { id: 10824, id: 10296, amount: 1780, region: 'South America', city: 'Edmonton', }, { packageConfigPaths: [ }, { amount: 9210, }, { }, { country: 'Canada', country: 'United States of America', country: 'United States of America', region: 'Australia', 'devexpress-diagram': 'npm:devexpress-diagram@2.1.65', }, { region: 'Europe', }, amount: 4695, amount: 3450, id: 10354, id: 10785, }, { [showBorders]="true" emitDecoratorMetadata: true, city: 'Edmonton', }, { city: 'Melbourne', amount: 580, amount: 6300, city: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: 10821, city: 'Los Angeles', imports: [ city: 'London', id: 10599, amount: 4460, id: 10251, id: 10655, date: new Date('2014-05-18'), country: 'Canada', country: 'United States of America', region: 'South America', }, { }, { id: 10882, id: 10656, region: 'North America', amount: 2860, city: 'Pretoria', ], date: new Date('2014-07-01'), amount: 5120, region: 'Australia', id: 10325, }, { city: 'Moscow', region: 'Europe', [visible]="isAddButtonVisible" }, city: 'Cairo', country: 'United States of America', id: 10413, id: 10685, id: 10569, amount: 2220, date: new Date('2013-03-04'), id: 10720, DxPivotGridComponent, date: new Date('2014-06-25'), date: new Date('2013-12-14'), paths: { date: new Date('2013-07-16'), State: 'Arkansas', }, { id: 10547, import { NgModule, Component, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; id: 10712, }, import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; city: 'New York', date: new Date('2013-12-06'), city: 'Beijing', Maxim (DevExpress Support) 3 years ago Umesh, [onClick]="onAddButtonClick" display: flex; [enabled]="true" }, { Loading id: 10519, }, { }, { }, { date: new Date('2013-12-24'), id: 10435, }, { exportDataGrid({ }, region: 'Asia', region: 'Europe', '@angular/forms': 'npm:@angular/forms@12.2.16', city: 'London', date: new Date('2014-02-18'), }, { date: new Date('2013-11-03'), id: 10794, country: 'Spain', country: 'Russian Federation', 'devextreme': { Visually, grid lines can be considered extensions of major ticks. BirthDate: string; id: 10623, Settings for all minor grid lines in the Chart. city: 'Beijing', city: 'Los Angeles', id: 10310, country: 'Paraguay', region: 'Africa', BirthDate: '1978/01/09', }, { id: 10470, amount: 1400, city: 'Pretoria', city: 'Seoul', id: 10654, id: 10261, defaultExtension: 'js', country: 'Canada', }, { region: 'Europe', city: 'London', id: 10735, }, { country: 'Australia', amount: 1995, }, { import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; region: 'Asia', With localStorage, the state persists across browser sessions; with sessionStorage, it is reset after the current session. city: 'Los Angeles', id: 10766, }, { date: new Date('2013-01-24'), date: new Date('2014-11-15'), country: 'Germany', As a result, the saved record may appear outside the viewport. date: new Date('2014-05-05'), id: 10263, window.config = { }, { country: 'Russian Federation', commonAxisSettings.minorGrid date: new Date('2014-08-16'), }, { date: new Date('2015-02-26'), date: new Date('2014-10-04'), id: 10438, city: 'Berlin', NgModule, Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit, enableProdMode, region: 'North America',
city: 'Los Angeles', }, { id: 10752, }, { id: 10706, } country: 'Argentina', 'tslib': 'npm:tslib@2.3.1/tslib.js', id: 10258, }, { Nikolai (DevExpress Support) There is no option to show/hide rows in dxDataGrid in the same manner as you can do this with dxList. region: 'North America', country: 'Canada', id: 10329, amount: 1020, Alex Bykov (DevExpress) 3 August 2022 DevExtreme Vue Angular React jQuery Roadmap v22.2 2022 region: 'Europe', amount: 5400, date: new Date('2013-01-12'), date: new Date('2013-11-12'), Row Selection - DevExtreme Data Grid: Angular Components by DevExpress Buy Technical Demos Angular Data Grid Row Selection Row Selection In this demo, the DataGrid allows users to select only one row at a time. region: 'Africa', id: 10740, region: 'Asia', country: 'Republic of Korea', amount: 2820, date: new Date('2014-05-06'), id: 10797, country: 'Argentina', id: 10605, region: 'Africa', date: new Date('2014-04-16'), region: 'South America', date: new Date('2013-07-04'), country: 'United States of America', groupInterval: 'month', defaultExtension: 'js', city: 'Beijing', 'npm:devexpress-gantt@4.1.33/package.json', }, { city: 'Sydney', amount: 2520, }, { country: 'United Kingdom', id: 10866, region: 'South America', amount: 2310, }. }, { date: new Date('2014-08-18'), id: 10320, id: 10253, date: new Date('2014-04-07'), region: 'South America', region: 'Asia', amount: 1930, amount: 960, region: 'Australia', date: new Date('2014-09-05'), packages: { city: 'Seoul', region: 'Asia', amount: 3140, country: 'South Africa', 'inferno-compat': 'npm:inferno-compat@7.4.11/dist/inferno-compat.min.js', region: 'South America', city: 'Edmonton', id: 10563, country: 'Argentina', amount: 4260, amount: 1110, country: 'Russian Federation', id: 10465, date: new Date('2013-11-15'), date: new Date('2013-08-12'), city: 'Melbourne', Angular Data Grid Overview Overview To enable export in the DataGrid, reference or import the ExcelJS and FileSaver libraries. date: new Date('2014-12-12'), region: 'Australia', region: 'Europe', amount: 4830, city: 'Los Angeles', amount: 5240, city: 'New York', city: 'Vancouver', ', 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/operators/package.json', id: 10812, }, { "viewportBottom" \r\n\r\nOlivia was homecoming queen in high school. id: 10371, amount: 5025, region: 'Australia', amount: 4830, country: 'Canada', region: 'North America', region: 'Australia', country: 'United Kingdom', date: new Date('2014-01-25'), }, { date: new Date('2014-02-01'), background-color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.15); amount: 1540, amount: 1040, date: new Date('2013-11-15'), id: 10442, id: 10697, region: 'North America', id: 10394, city: 'Buenos Aires', region: 'Asia', amount: 6180, amount: 5820, Whether using WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible. amount: 4275, region: 'Asia', region: 'Europe', country: 'Canada', id: 10718, country: 'Canada', city: 'Rio de Janeiro', region: 'Europe', country: 'United States of America', }, { LastName: 'Riley', city: 'Moscow', }, { '@angular/platform-browser': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser@12.2.16', amount: 370, country: 'Australia', city: 'London', country: 'Australia', amount: 3525, }, { '@angular/forms': 'npm:@angular/forms@12.2.16', region: 'North America', date: new Date('2013-10-08'), }, { country: 'Australia', import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; }, { With it, you can export data to numerous formats and render its contents to paper just like a traditional WYSIWYG report. amount: 630, date: new Date('2014-05-19'), region: 'North America', country: 'Republic of Korea', region: 'South America', country: 'Australia', amount: 700, region: 'Asia', Address: '1120 Old Mill Rd. }, { city: 'London', region: 'Africa', region: 'North America', region: 'Africa', autoFilterEnabled: true, region: 'South America', date: new Date('2014-12-01'), date: new Date('2014-11-25'), Picture: '', id: 10322, city: 'Tokyo', amount: 850, }, { id: 10746, amount: 5840, id: 10431, }, { amount: 7920, } import Guid from 'devextreme/core/guid'; amount: 2070, id: 10500, city: 'Los Angeles', region: 'Australia', amount: 2670, id: 10814, }, { date: new Date('2013-05-08'), country: 'Japan', '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic@12.2.16', LastName: 'Wade', date: new Date('2015-04-07'), }, { region: 'Europe', } city: 'Cairo', amount: 6675, country: 'United Kingdom', date: new Date('2013-07-01'), region: 'North America', city: 'Los Angeles', country: 'Australia', }, { city: 'Melbourne', region: 'North America', id: 10799, }, { country: 'Russian Federation', }, { id: 10272, region: 'South America', region: 'North America', @Component({ city: 'New York', [(value)]="newRowPosition" date: new Date('2014-09-04'), id: 10316, city: 'Buenos Aires', Loading amount: 1640, onBeforeSend: (method, ajaxOptions) => { country: 'China', id: 10682, State: 'California', }, { id: 10408, country: 'United Kingdom', id: 10472, amount: 3740, city: 'Denver', amount: 2260, country: 'South Africa', region: 'Australia', region: 'Europe', country: 'Germany', city: 'Cairo', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-02-20'), id: 10562, city: 'Seoul', country: 'Brazil', country: 'United States of America', loadUrl: `${url}/Orders`, region: 'North America', amount: 4380, date: new Date('2013-08-02'), FirstName: 'Robert', date: new Date('2013-09-12'), id: 10549, date: new Date('2013-12-12'), import PivotGridDataSource from 'devextreme/ui/pivot_grid/data_source'; amount: 2895, Please check the Validation demo where we demonstrated how the Phone mask looks like. amount: 1720, date: new Date('2014-04-21'), amount: 930, amount: 3140, id: 10254, region: 'South America', region: 'North America', amount: 8610, }, { country: 'Russian Federation', date: new Date('2013-12-19'), 'esModule': true, region: 'Australia', id: 10255, In this blog post, I'll summarize the major features we expect to ship with DevExtreme v22.2. region: 'North America', amount: 1200, }, { city: 'Rio de Janeiro', country: 'United States of America', }, { country: 'Spain', region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2015-02-07'), amount: 6650, country: 'United States of America', region: 'Africa', amount: 3980, This project allows you to use DevExtreme widgets in Angular applications. date: new Date('2014-09-21'), date: new Date('2014-07-01'), city: 'New York', id: 10843, country: 'United States of America', date: new Date('2013-03-25'), } date: new Date('2015-05-21'), city: 'Sydney', date: new Date('2014-07-21'), }, { country: 'Canada', region: 'South America', amount: 4440, }, { id: 10512, }, { id: 10266, id: 10731, country: 'Russian Federation', 'npm:@devextreme/runtime@3.0.11/inferno/package.json', 3. once you modified dataType="date", then devexpress components are smart enough to catch format from your custom angular pipe if you passed as a format format="myFormatPipe . country: 'Republic of Korea', id: 10604, amount: 2835, FirstName: 'Kevin', [newRowPosition]="newRowPosition" // You can see how to create your own application with Angular and DevExtreme here: region: 'South America', amount: 1000, Grid A grid is a set of mutually-crossing vertical and horizontal lines that stretch throughout the entire chart. country: 'Paraguay', amount: 6690, ID: 1, city: 'Buenos Aires', Support & Feedback. }, { country: 'South Africa', amount: 860, To get started with the DevExtreme PivotGrid component, refer to the following tutorial for step-by-step instructions: Getting Started with PivotGrid. }, { date: new Date('2015-03-25'), country: 'Russian Federation', }, { amount: 1200, city: 'Tokyo', region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2014-07-08'), date: new Date('2014-09-18'), date: new Date('2014-05-16'), date: new Date('2014-11-13'), date: new Date('2015-04-24'), city: 'Pretoria', region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2013-04-10'), region: 'Australia', }, { Address: '424 N Main St.', id: 10390, region: 'South America', argumentAxis.minorGrid amount: 1880, amount: 3550, region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2013-10-24'), country: 'United States of America', date: new Date('2013-04-13'), region: 'North America', 'typescript': 'npm:typescript@4.2.4/lib/typescript.js', Address: '12100 Mora Dr', region: 'Australia', }, { city: 'Tokyo', id: 10531, city: 'London', date: new Date('2013-09-12'), As you can see below, we added new Sign In, Sign Up, Reset and Change Password forms to our Angular Application Template. or you can simply do this you can do this: <dxi-column dataField="receiptDate" dataType="date" format="dd/MM/yyyy" ></dxi-column>. country: 'Japan', city: 'Denver', city: 'Berlin', amount: 3760, country: 'Canada', amount: 2920, date: new Date('2014-11-12'), main: 'index', city: 'Vancouver', amount: 550, amount: 1750, } date: new Date('2014-08-03'), id: 10648, id: 10402, amount: 2820, Review the onExporting handler to see the data export code. }, { 'rxjs': { }, id: 10679, id: 10618, country: 'United Kingdom', amount: 7290, city: 'Rio de Janeiro', city: 'Cairo', First of all I will extend the DxDataGridComponent: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Stack Overflow. city: 'Moscow', city: 'Buenos Aires', getDataSource() { region: 'Europe', }, city: 'Madrid', region: 'North America', date: new Date('2015-01-14'), selector: 'demo-app', city: 'London', country: 'Paraguay', Its key features are: multiple summary calculation modes, customizable layout, exporting to Excel, integration with the DevExtreme Chart component. Overview DevExtreme Angular Data Grid is a responsive grid control with a vast assortment of capabilities, including data editing and validation, searching and filtering, layout customization. amount: 645, city: 'Madrid', Position: 'Sales Assistant', dataField: 'city', }, { country: 'Germany', declarations: [AppComponent], }, { }, { country: 'Russian Federation', 'devexpress-gantt': 'npm:devexpress-gantt@4.1.33', city: 'Cairo', id: 10287, date: new Date('2014-01-21'), 'inferno-clone-vnode': 'npm:inferno-clone-vnode@7.4.11/dist/inferno-clone-vnode.min.js', "pageBottom" id: 10283, country: 'China',
city: 'London', country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-08-20'), }, { city: 'New York',
city: 'Tokyo', id: 10282, country: 'Canada', }, region: 'North America', country: 'Australia', }, { region: 'Asia', city: 'Pretoria', 'exports': 'ts', date: new Date('2013-06-08'), }, { ', date: new Date('2014-04-11'), region: 'Africa', region: 'North America', id: 10767, date: new Date('2013-07-03'), date: new Date('2014-05-08'), }, { amount: 3120, region: 'North America', date: new Date('2014-03-08'), region: 'North America', id: 10765, region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2014-07-07'), date: new Date('2014-10-01'), }, { Go Greta. Data Grid. country: 'Australia', city: 'Sydney', }, { }, { amount: 1965, 'inferno-compat': 'npm:inferno-compat@7.4.11/dist/inferno-compat.min.js', '@devextreme/runtime': 'npm:@devextreme/runtime@3.0.11', Address: string; }, { country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2015-01-20'), }, { FirstName: 'Sandra', [allowSortingBySummary]="true" amount: 7600, amount: 4900, region: 'Africa', Prefix: 'Mr. city: 'Tokyo', region: 'North America', city: 'Edmonton', country: 'United Kingdom', Please help. city: 'Tokyo', }, { [(value)]="scrollingMode" }, { date: new Date('2014-09-01'), main: './index.js', id: 10803, city: 'Beijing', date: new Date('2013-06-19'), Modified 2 years, 8 months ago. city: 'Rio de Janeiro', country: 'United States of America', country: 'United States of America', id: 10642, }, { date: new Date('2013-01-07'), amount: 3000, city: 'Beijing', region: 'Australia', amount: 8700, enableProdMode(); DataGrid is exported as is to a single worksheet. }, { id: 10837, id: 10511, amount: 1470, 'inferno-hydrate': 'npm:inferno-hydrate@7.4.11/dist/inferno-hydrate.min.js', region: 'Asia', country: 'Canada', id: 10686, }, { date: new Date('2013-06-22'), id: 10293, country: 'Spain', amount: 3340, align-items: center; country: 'Japan', date: new Date('2013-02-21'), id: 10713, date: new Date('2013-08-21'), }, { }, { country: 'Germany', date: new Date('2014-07-09'), component: e.component, id: 10820, region: 'Europe', country: 'United States of America', city: 'Edmonton', city: 'Asuncion', } ::ng-deep .currency { id: 10633, city: 'Cairo', date: new Date('2013-06-12'), city: 'Denver', region: 'Asia', country: 'United States of America', country: 'China', country: 'Republic of Korea', date: new Date('2014-04-01'), }, { date: new Date('2014-12-15'), country: 'Egypt', country: 'United Kingdom', region: 'North America', amount: 3075, }, { 'devextreme-quill': 'npm:devextreme-quill@1.5.18/dist/dx-quill.min.js', amount: 3240, amount: 2860, New Row Position amount: 3540, city: 'Melbourne', date: new Date('2014-10-06'), amount: 2265, amount: 500, }, { date: new Date('2014-09-09'), amount: 2340, city: 'Melbourne', id: 10312, id: 10880, country: 'Brazil', region: 'Australia', $999 99 Our set of native Blazor Components includes a feature-rich and very fast Data Grid component. region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2014-05-14'), 'devextreme/localization.js': { date: new Date('2013-08-08'), amount: 3200, }, { groupName: 'date', city: 'Buenos Aires', country: 'United States of America', providers: [Service], city: 'Los Angeles', }, { country: 'Spain', 'npm:@angular/*/package.json', date: new Date('2014-09-16'), region: 'Asia', country: 'Argentina', id: 10763, region: 'Africa', Set export. if (!/localhost/.test( { }, { country: 'Spain', id: 10865, In addition, Pivot Grid supports TypeScript and AOT compilation and can be configured declaratively. amount: 3510, date: new Date('2013-05-18'), region: 'North America', Prefix: 'Mrs. date: new Date('2014-04-23'), city: 'Melbourne', }, { date: new Date('2014-08-20'), }, { city: 'Asuncion', }, { date: new Date('2013-08-20'), ID: 6, country: 'Russian Federation', date: new Date('2014-05-20'), [remoteOperations]="true" amount: 2820, id: 10289, amount: 1240, date: new Date('2013-03-17'), \r\n\r\nShe was recently awarded employee of the month. region: 'North America', amount: 2280, region: 'North America', country: 'Spain', region: 'Europe', country: 'Brazil', country: 'Republic of Korea', date: new Date('2014-12-02'), id: 10847, country: 'Egypt', 'devextreme': 'npm:devextreme@22.1.6/cjs', region: 'South America', module: 'system',
city: 'Cairo', This answer was helpful amount: 2840, To apply this feature, set the insertBeforeKey or insertAfterKey property in the pending changes array. date: new Date('2014-09-02'), city: 'Tokyo', id: 10544, region: 'Africa', city: 'Tokyo', country: 'China', date: new Date('2015-02-16'), amount: 1390, }, { country: 'South Africa', id: 10881, region: 'South America', country: 'Canada', ID: 5, date: new Date('2014-04-02'), country: 'Egypt', Position: 'Network Admin', }, { amount: 5520, region: 'North America', id: 10426, amount: 5000, dataSource.expandHeaderItem('column', [2013]); country: 'United States of America', country: 'United States of America', amount: 2060, id: 10271, }, { amount: 500, amount: 5340, city: 'London', region: 'Australia', 'npm:@devextreme/*/package.json', region: 'Africa', city: 'Cairo', region: 'Australia', amount: 735,
region: 'Asia', city: 'Moscow', id: 10281, id: 10768, date: new Date('2015-03-20'), amount: 3700, id: 10674, region: 'South America', id: 10270, date: new Date('2013-01-10'), 'inferno-create-class': 'npm:inferno-create-class@7.4.11/dist/inferno-create-class.min.js', amount: 4680, region: 'Asia', He once bowled a perfect game of 300. country: 'United States of America', // region: 'North America', }, { } country: 'Brazil', region: 'North America', } region: 'Asia', }, { main: 'index', date: new Date('2014-10-20'), date: new Date('2014-07-02'), }, { country: 'Canada', }, { region: 'South America', amount: 2780, region: 'North America', date: new Date('2013-11-15'), 'prettier/parser-html': 'npm:prettier@2.7.1/parser-html.js', date: new Date('2014-12-04'), amount: 760, country: 'Canada', amount: 3960, country: 'Australia', }, { date: new Date('2013-03-20'), country: 'Argentina', city: 'Edmonton', date: new Date('2013-11-08'), }, { city: 'Beijing', }, { id: 10887, region: 'Europe', region: 'Europe', amount: 2010, country: 'Egypt', scrollingMode = 'standard'; region: 'Australia', id: 10468, country: 'Canada', country: 'Republic of Korea', }, { }, { country: 'South Africa', city: 'Berlin', city: 'Vancouver', // In real applications, you should not transpile code in the browser. country: 'Germany', country: 'Argentina', }, country: 'United States of America', }, { date: new Date('2014-11-23'), city: 'Denver', date: new Date('2013-01-06'), id: 10849, country: 'Canada', city: 'Seoul', region: 'North America', region: 'Africa', country: 'Canada', amount: 4500, }, { this.onAddButtonClick = this.onAddButtonClick.bind(this); id: 10284, country: 'Australia', }, { city: 'New York', country: 'Egypt', }, { country: 'Republic of Korea', date: new Date('2015-03-17'), id: 10513, Address: '1700 S Grandview Dr.', amount: 7380, date: new Date('2015-05-22'), region: 'Australia', date: new Date('2013-09-07'), region: 'Europe', country: 'Paraguay', city: 'Vancouver', GitHub - DevExpress -Examples/asp-net-web-forms- gridview -calculate- values -dynamically-batch-mode: Create an unbound column that changes its values based on other column values dynamically in batch edit mode. city: 'Sydney', date: new Date('2014-01-14'), amount: 5400, country: 'Germany', country: 'Paraguay', }, { id: 10489, id: 10388, }, { }, { id: 10831, city: 'Pretoria', isAddButtonVisible({ row }) { window.config = { amount: 2725, country: 'United States of America', region: 'South America', amount: 1940, amount: 4340, country: 'Spain', amount: 1910, id: 10568, }, { id: 10846, id: 10869, city: 'London', id: 10305, date: new Date('2013-09-08'), region: 'Africa', declarations: [AppComponent], amount: 4350, id: 10727, setTimeout(() => { country: 'Egypt', amount: 3090, onExporting(e) { id: 10360, }, { In this case, set the type property to custom. amount: 1290, }, { region: 'Asia', id: 10640, id: 10620, date: new Date('2013-12-03'), region: 'Europe', }, { id: 10358, amount: 4500, }, { region: 'Australia', amount: 2990, Notes: 'John has been in the Audio/Video industry since 1990. amount: 2250, city: 'Beijing', id: 10790, country: 'United States of America', date: new Date('2015-01-22'), region: 'Africa', date: new Date('2013-12-04'), country: 'China', city: 'Moscow', }, { // Prettier city: 'Moscow', id: 10745, amount: 2070, amount: 4475, }, { city: 'London', }, { Notes: string; He has led DevAv as its CEO since 2003.\r\n\r\nWhen not working hard as the CEO, John loves to golf and bowl. "last" enableProdMode(); date: new Date('2014-02-15'), region: 'North America', id: 10619, }, { return sales; city: 'Melbourne', }, { city: 'Berlin', city: 'Los Angeles', }); amount: 5575, 'exports': 'ts', date: new Date('2014-04-19'), date: new Date('2013-08-19'), date: new Date('2013-01-14'), defaultExtension: 'js', amount: 3570, region: 'Europe', country: 'South Africa', amount: 1230, date: new Date('2014-09-19'), }, { region: 'Australia', }, { window.config = { city: 'Beijing', 'npm:devextreme-angular@22.1.6/ui/*/package.json', }, { region: 'North America', country: 'Russian Federation', }, { id: 10327, }, { country: 'Germany', id: 10576, if (!/localhost/.test( { date: new Date('2013-12-22'), id: 10410, amount: 1460, region: 'Europe', city: 'Tokyo', Position: 'HR Assistant', city: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: 10736, id: 10368, country: 'Canada', id: 10635, id: 10792, region: 'North America', date: new Date('2014-10-11'), amount: 3240, id: 10649, date: new Date('2013-07-04'), date: new Date('2013-06-15'), country: 'Australia', amount: 3285, country: 'Australia', country: 'Paraguay', amount: 4925, id: 10639, date: new Date('2014-02-26'), '@devextreme/runtime': 'npm:@devextreme/runtime@3.0.11', date: new Date('2014-12-20'), amount: 1560, The DevExpress Pivot Grid is not just for on-screen data analysis. country: 'Japan', id: 10733, region: 'Africa', country: 'Australia', city: 'Denver', country: 'United States of America', city: 'Pretoria', }, { amount: 2505, map: { id: 10273, amount: 2625, country: 'United States of America', insertUrl: `${url}/InsertOrder`,