Coverage of the devastation set Picasso to work on the commission, and he completed the enormous painting (11.5 25.5 feet [3.49 7.77 metres]) in about three weeks.. [96] With the help of the British intelligence agents Cecil Bebb and Hugh Pollard, the rebels chartered a Dragon Rapide aircraft (paid for with help from Juan March, the wealthiest man in Spain at the time)[97] to transport Franco from the Canary Islands to Spanish Morocco. [15][16] The Nationalist group was supported by a number of conservative groups, including CEDA, monarchists, including both the opposing Alfonsists and the religious conservative Carlists, and the Falange Espaola de las JONS, a fascist political party. [77] On 18 July, Casares Quiroga refused an offer of help from the CNT and Unin General de Trabajadores (UGT), leading the groups to proclaim a general strikein effect, mobilising. [110], Control over Spanish Morocco was all but certain. I regard him as an extraordinary personality for his intelligence, his political sense and his humility. Franco was a key player because of his prestige as a former director of the military academy and as the man who suppressed the Asturian miners' strike of 1934. Read More. [note 7] For the Nationalists it was mostly the Italian and German credit;[note 8] in case of the Republicans it was sales of gold reserves, mostly to the USSR and in much smaller amount to France. In the painting, Picasso represented the horror of being trapped and helpless, much as the citizens of Guernica must have felt in the bombing and gunning runs. The French authorities had to improvise concentration camps, with such hard conditions that almost half of the exiled Spaniards returned. Ultimately, the reforms of the Republican-Socialist government alienated as many people as they pleased. He has appeared on The History Channel as a featured expert. Cuntas vctimas se cobr la Guerra Civil? Farther back, flames and possibly ruins consume a howling figure. The coup was supported by military units in Morocco, Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cdiz, Crdoba, and Seville. Richthofen was to join the new airforce and was rapidly promoted. Guernica s shocking portrayal of the atrocities of war made it become what art critics call one of the most influential anti-war paintings in history, which has brought necessary attention to the Spanish Civil War. Following internal conflict between Republican factions in Madrid in the same month, Franco entered the capital and declared victory on 1 April 1939. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. The policy of evacuating children to foreign countries was initially opposed to by elements in the government as well as private charities, who saw the policy as unnecessary and harmful to the well-being of the evacuated children. [13] According to Claude Bowers, U.S. ambassador to Spain during the war, it was the "dress rehearsal" for World War II. In 1932, the Jesuits who were in charge of the best schools throughout the country were banned and had all their property confiscated. Exact number of shipments is unknown, but it remained significant: by November 1937 34 Greek ships were declared non-compliant with the non-intervention agreement, and the Nationalist navy seized 21 vessels in 1938 alone. They wanted him to paint a piece that would win the government the support of people around the world. contact this location, Window Classics-Sarasota [110] They took Cdiz with help from the first troops from Africa. [357] According to historian Paul Preston, the minimum number of those executed by the rebels is 130,000,[358] and is likely to have been far higher, with other historians placing the figure at 200,000 dead. It officially endorsed the boycott and expelled a faction that demanded support for the Republican cause; but it finally voiced some support to Loyalists. Comprised of Luftwaffe personnel and aircraft, the Condor Legion had become a proving ground for German pilots and tactics. "one and a half million Spaniards have already been killed in the war". Pablo Picassos motivation for painting the scene in this great work was the news of the German aerial bombing of the Basque town whose name the piece bears, which the artist had seen in the dramatic photographs published in various periodicals, including the French newspaper L'Humanit. Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years, painting in a naturalistic manner through his childhood and adolescence. Picasso, who rarely mixed politics and art, accepted. [133], The armies kept growing. He saw it as a sign that Germany had a powerful air force and was the equal of the British, French, Russians and Americans. The Communist International immediately reinforced its activity sending to Spain its leader Georgi Dimitrov, and Palmiro Togliatti the chief of the Communist Party of Italy. Yale University Press, 2008, pp. An accurate depiction of a cruel, dramatic situation, Guernica was created to be part of the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exposition in Paris in 1937. The complex painting received mixed reviews when it was shown in the Spanish Republic Pavilion at the worlds fair in Paris, but it became an icon as it traveled the world in ensuing years, raising controversies on its meaning and its rightful home. [165] The clandestine actions of the various European powers were, at the time, considered to be risking another world war, alarming antiwar elements across the world. Movilizacin y violencia poltica tras las elecciones de 1936", "The role of the Catholic hierarchy in the rise to power of General Franco", Morocco tackles painful role in Spain's past, "Spanish Civil War: German Condor Legion's Tactical Air Power", "Katia Landau: Stalinism in Spain (Part 2) RH", "Spain: Repression under Franco after the Civil War", "Spain torn on tribute to victims of Franco", Cit nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, "The Evacuation of Spanish Children to the Soviet Union", "History of the arrival of the Basque Children to England in 1937", "Wales and the refugee children of the Basque country", "Spanish judge opens case into Franco's atrocities", "Discovery of a mass grave from the Spanish Civil War using Ground Penetrating Radar and forensic archaeology", "Paul Preston lecture: The Crimes of Franco", "Shots of War: Photojournalism During the Spanish Civil War", Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, In Many Ways, Author Says, Spanish Civil War Was 'The First Battle Of WWII, La Guerra Civil fue una "cruzada" y una "guerra de liberacin", The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 19361939, The Spanish Cockpit: An Eye-Witness Account of the Political and Social Conflicts of the Spanish Civil War, "Rescuing Memory: the Humanist Interview with Noam Chomsky", "From Rebel to Caudillo: Franco's path to power", Condecoraciones otorgadas por Francisco Franco a Benito Mussolini y a Adolf Hitler, Imperial War Museum Collection of Spanish Civil War Posters, Illinois English Department at the University of Illinois, Collection: "Exiles from the Spanish Civil War", "Trabajadores: The Spanish Civil War through the eyes of organised labour", Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick, "Magazines and journals published during the war", University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, "La Cucaracha, The Spanish Civil War Diary", "Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection", "The Spanish Civil War causes and legacy", Interview with Agustn Guillamn, historian of the Spanish Revolution, Full text in translation of the Collective Letter of the Spanish Bishops, 1937. Hitler was personally delighted with what had happened at Guernica. 5859, Simpson, James, and Juan Carmona. This tended to benefit younger officers starting their careers as they could, while older officers had familial commitments that made it harder for them to be deployed in North Africa. Catholic support became particularly pronounced as a consequence of the burning of churches and killing of priests in most leftists zones during the first six months of the war. The work's size (11ft by 25.6ft) grabbed much attention and cast the horrors of the mounting Spanish civil unrest into a global spotlight. [297], After the end of the war, there were harsh reprisals against Franco's former enemies. Home rule was granted to Catalonia, with a local parliament and a president of its own. The main plane used by the Condor Legion was the Junkers JU 52 and this dropped many of the bombs that were used to devastating effect at Guernica. He was captured by the Americans in a hospital and he died in captivity soon after the end of the war in 1945. In Spain, the Italian pilots were under the direct command of the Spanish Nationalists and they cooperated with the Condor Legion. [93][94], On 12 June, Prime Minister Casares Quiroga met General Juan Yage, who falsely convinced Casares of his loyalty to the republic. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 93, no. contact this location, Window Classics-Pembroke Park The prime minister was hesitant. when referring reported calculations of Hugh Thomas and divided into 320,000 KIA, 100,000 executed and 220,000 of malnutrition etc., Crow, John Armstrong (1985). International Studies Quarterly 54, no. [76] Manuel Azaa Daz was called to form a government before the electoral process had ended. With the rebellion of 1934, the Spanish left lost even the shadow of moral authority to condemn the rebellion of 1936. [188], Just a few days before the end of the Spanish Civil War, on 17 March 1939, Portugal and Spain signed the Iberian Pact, a non-aggression treaty that marked the beginning of a new phase in Iberian relations. If this was the case then it was a failure, as the Basques did not renounce their allegiance to the Republican government. [135] Just prior to the Battle of Ebro, Republicans achieved their all-time high, slightly above 800,000; yet Nationalists numbered 880,000. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. He was to serve on the western and the eastern front and was in command of the Luftwaffe at the Battle of Kursk. Herreros, Francisco, and Henar Criado. $17. The villagers [18] Those associated with the losing Republicans who stayed were persecuted by the victorious Nationalists. The 'red Terror' and the Spanish Civil War. [75], In 1935, the government led by the Radical Republican Party went through a series of crises. [152], The Battle of Teruel was an important confrontation. some press estimates from the era, see e.g. Throughout the course of the Spanish Civil War, people all over the world were exposed to the goings-on and effects of it on its people not only through standard art, but also through propaganda. Spanish Civil War, (193639), military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country. [372] However, during the war, executions declined as the Francoist state began to establish itself. Other efforts included decrees limiting the use of machinery, efforts to create a monopoly on hiring, strikes and efforts by unions to limit women's employment to preserve a labour monopoly for their members. Bolorinos Allard, Elisabeth. [228], Polish arms sales to Republican Spain took place between September 1936 and February 1939. Moroccans and elements of the Spanish Legion came to the rescue. Nadeau, Jean-Benoit, Barlow, Julie (2013). 20% off all products! Ruiz, Julius. [192][193] Portugal was instrumental in providing the Nationalists with organizational skills and reassurance from the Iberian neighbour to Franco and his allies that no interference would hinder the supply traffic directed to the Nationalist cause. Casualties among the population were reported between 300 and 1,654 killed depending on the source. So impressed was the Fuhrer that he immediately drew up plans that would allow the Luftwaffe to repeat the success at Guernica again. Though those on the ground valiantly attempted to fight the fires caused by the bombing, their efforts were hampered by damage to water pipes and hydrants. [25][26] After the restoration of the Bourbons in December 1874,[27] Carlists and anarchists emerged in opposition to the monarchy. [96] He wrote a cryptic letter to Casares on 23 June, suggesting that the military was disloyal, but could be restrained if he were put in charge. [67] The rebellion was crushed in two weeks by the Spanish Navy and the Spanish Republican Army, the latter using mainly Moorish colonial troops from Spanish Morocco. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. The war provided combat experience with the latest technology for the German military. Perhaps because Picasso learned about the Guernica bombing by reading an article in newspaper, the suggestion of torn newsprint appears in the painting. However, the 500,000 death toll does not include deaths by malnutrition, hunger or diseases brought about by the war. [69], In sparking an uprising, the non-anarchist socialists, like the anarchists, manifested their conviction that the existing political order was illegitimate. [101] Luis Cuenca, a member of the arresting group and a Socialist who was known as the bodyguard of PSOE leader Indalecio Prieto, summarily executed Calvo Sotelo by shooting him in the back of the neck. [142], This faction was called variously leales "Loyalists" by supporters, "Republicans", the "Popular Front", or "the government" by all parties; and/or los rojos "the Reds" by their opponents. "[430]:383 p. On the later, Dal commented "These Iberian beings mutually devouring each other correspond to the pathos of civil war considered as a pure phenomenon of natural history as opposed to Picasso who considered it a political phenomenon. Officers in front line combat corps (primarily infantry and cavalry) benefited over those in technical corps (those in artillery, engineering etc.) (Los Reyes had been shot by anarchists during 14 April military parade commemorating the five years of the Republic. [295], On 26 March, the Nationalists started a general offensive, on 28 March the Nationalists occupied Madrid and, by 31 March, they controlled all Spanish territory. [84], Shortly after the Popular Front's victory in the 1936 election, various groups of officers, both active and retired, got together to begin discussing the prospect of a coup. see e.g. Having flown a mission earlier in the day, the Ju 52s of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Squadrons of the Condor Legion were the last to arrive over Guernica. [131], During the first few months, both armies were joined in high numbers by volunteers, Nationalists by some 100,000 men and Republicans by some 120,000. highest considered estimate, Du Souich, Felipe (2011). [155][156], Prior to the war, during the Asturian miners' strike of 1934, religious buildings were burnt and at least 100 clergy, religious civilians, and pro-Catholic police were killed by revolutionaries. [405] He, alongside other members of Parliament and a great number of other local officials, attempted to prevent Nationalist supporters from being lynched. Apart from bias/ill will, incompetence or changing access to sources, the differences result chiefly from categorisation and methodology issues. In the official histories and in the newspapers there was no mention of the bombing of Guernica and this continued right until the death of the Spanish dictator in 1975. Indeed when evidence came to light that of the destruction of the city, the Spanish Nationalists tried to blame the Republicans. Total worth of Greek sales is unknown. [311], Foreign resources amounted to 37% in case of the Nationalists ($0,76bn) and 41% in case of the Republicans ($0,77bn). [359] The violence was carried out in the rebel zone by the military, the Civil Guard and the Falange in the name of the regime. [385] The Italian air force conducted a particularly heavy bombing raid on Barcelona in early 1938. The second component of domestic resource was fiscal revenue. However, his ability as an ace was overshadowed by his cousin who was the infamous Red Baron, perhaps the most famous air ace of all time. [406][407] Air raids committed against Republican cities were another driving factor. Instead, he invited the Radical Republican Party's Alejandro Lerroux to do so. A contributory factor in the successful Republican defense was the effectiveness of the Fifth Regiment[264] and later the arrival of the International Brigades, though only an approximate 3,000 foreign volunteers participated in the battle. [336] Many authors opt for a broader view and calculate "death toll" by adding also (4) above-the-norm deaths caused by malnutrition,[337] hygiene shortcomings, cold, illness, etc. His only defect is probably his modesty. The Second Battle of the Corunna Road, a Nationalist offensive to the northwest, pushed Republican forces back, but failed to isolate Madrid. [219][220][221][206] The Spanish commander of every military unit on the Republican side was attended by a "Comissar Politico" of equal rank, who represented Moscow.[222]. Certain liberal elements would remain, such as separation of church and state as well as freedom of religion. Strikes, workplace theft, arson, robbery and assaults on shops, strikebreakers, employers and machines became increasingly common. [404] Others died in acts of revenge after Republicans heard of massacres carried out in the Nationalist zone. 63 Questions from Britannicas Most Popular Visual Arts Quizzes. As many strikes occurred between April and July as had occurred in the entirety of 1931. The Church opposed many of the Republicans' reforms, which were fortified by the Spanish Constitution of 1931. In 1958 Picasso extended the loan of the painting to MoMA for an indefinite period, until such time that democracy had been restored in Spain. Picasso vehemently refused to allow the painting to reside in Spain while Franco ruled, declaring that the painting will be turned over to the government of the Spanish Republic the day the Republic is restored in Spain! Thus began the paintings long exile. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, [17] After the deaths of Sanjurjo, Emilio Mola and Manuel Goded Llopis, Franco emerged as the remaining leader of the Nationalist side. [234] Right-wing politicians opposed any aid and attacked the Blum government. The attack was made infamous by artist Pablo Picasso after the war in his seminal painting Guernica. Little resistance was encountered. By mid-1937, the Catholic Church gave its official blessing to the Franco regime; religious fervor was a major source of emotional support for the Nationalists during the civil war. The Bombing of Guernica was the most controversial. Guernica quickly became a world-famous symbol of civilians caused by war. [418] Andrs Nin, leader of the POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification), and many other prominent POUM members, were murdered by the Communists, with the help of the USSR's NKVD. The Legion spearheaded many Nationalist victories, particularly in aerial combat,[175] while Spain further provided a proving ground for German tank tactics. It is known that sales continued from August 1936 at least until November 1938. The Spanish Republican government commissioned work from Picasson, then the greatest living artist. Cambridge University Press, 2014. The next day, after getting the approval of the minister of interior to illegally arrest specified members of parliament, he led his squad to arrest Jos Mara Gil-Robles y Quiones, founder of CEDA, as a reprisal for Castillo's murder. The German airforce was able to inflict tens of thousands of casualties, (mostly civilians) during their attacks on Warsaw. The operation opened the way to Class struggle intensified as landowners turned to counterrevolutionary organisations and local oligarchs. [17], The war became notable for the passion and political division it inspired and for the many atrocities that occurred. (2020, August 26). Thomas argues that if the government had taken steps to arm the workers, they could probably have crushed the coup very quickly. Historic UK The Bombing Of Guernica: Could Ww2 Have Been Stopped That Day? [175] German operations slowly expanded to include strike targets, most notablyand controversiallythe bombing of Guernica which, on 26 April 1937, killed 200 to 300 civilians. [61] Open violence occurred in the streets of Spanish cities, and militancy continued to increase,[62] reflecting a movement towards radical upheaval, rather than peaceful democratic means as solutions. Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union signed on officially, but ignored the embargo. A ghostly figure emerges from an opening to the right, holding a gaslight, while a woman closer to the foreground hangs her arms in despair. Elements of the German airforce were sent by Hitler to help Franco and his fascist forces in order to help him to defeat the left-wing and democratically elected government. [257] Two days after relieving the siege, Franco proclaimed himself Caudillo ("chieftain", the Spanish equivalent of the Italian Duce and the German Fhrermeaning: 'director') while forcibly unifying the various and diverse Falangist, Royalist and other elements within the Nationalist cause. ; Jackson, Gabriel (1965). A similar dramatic success for the Nationalists occurred on 17 October, when troops coming from Galicia relieved the besieged town of Oviedo, in Northern Spain. [422], As the war progressed, the government and the communists were able to exploit their access to Soviet arms to restore government control over the war effort, through diplomacy and force. Along with other "undesirable" people, the Spaniards were sent to the Drancy internment camp before being deported to Nazi Germany. The Spanish Nationalists were privately very happy with the outcome of the raids. 30 pieces of 155mm guns), machine guns (at least 400), cartridges (at least 11m), bombs (at least 1,500) and explosives (at least 38 tons of TNT). Picasso died in 1973, two years before Franco and never witnessed the paintings return to Spain. [405] Even families who simply attended Catholic Mass were hunted down; including children. [273], April and May saw the May Days, infighting among Republican groups in Catalonia. They never suffered from serious partisan activity behind their lines and the fact that banditry did not develop into a serious problem in Spain, despite how easy it would have been in such mountainous terrain, demands explanation. Juan Tusquets), Jos Snchez, Mary Vincent. Financing the war posed enormous challenge for both the Nationalists and the Republicans. He shortly replaced Zamora as president, taking advantage of a constitutional loophole. [334] These categories combined point to totals from 235,000[335] to 715,000. when assessing financial cost of waging the war, some scholars limit their analysis to foreign resources only and set expenditures of both sides at some $0,7bn each, compare e.g. [129], The war was cast by Republican sympathisers as a struggle between tyranny and freedom, and by Nationalist supporters as communist and anarchist red hordes versus Christian civilisation. Retrieved from On 5 March 1939 the Republican army, led by the Colonel Segismundo Casado and the politician Julin Besteiro, rose against the prime minister Juan Negrn and formed the National Defence Council (Consejo Nacional de Defensa or CND) to negotiate a peace deal. [183], Salazar supported Francisco Franco and the Nationalists in their war against the Second Republic forces, as well as the anarchists and the communists. In the Nationalist zone it grew steadily and in the 2nd half of 1938 it was 214% of the figure from the 2nd half of 1936. Picasso was himself sympathetic to the left-wing government in Spain and he had publically condemned Franco. [31], Spain was neutral in World War I. Youll need to know your Monet from your Manetand a whole lot moreto make it through these questions from some of Britannicas most popular quizzes. [425] The leadership of the Falange suffered 60 percent casualties in the early days of the civil war, and the party was transformed by new members and rising new leaders, called camisas nuevas ("new shirts"), who were less interested in the revolutionary aspects of National Syndicalism. Hezbollah: History, Organization, and Ideology, World War II: Marshal Arthur "Bomber" Harris, Biography of Manfred von Richthofen, 'The Red Baron', World War II: Schweinfurt-Regensburg Raid, American Civil War: Major General Benjamin Grierson, Operation Gomorrah: Firebombing of Hamburg. George Orwell would record this in his Homage to Catalonia as well as write Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm to criticize Stalinism. [102], Massive reprisals followed. Some extreme Basque nationalists demanded outright independence. However fearing the increasing popular opposition, the Radical and Socialist majority postponed the regular elections, prolonging their time in power for two more years. The figure is based on totals reported as "violent deaths" in the official statistics for 19361942 and calculated by Ramn Tamames, lowest considered estimate, 145,000 in combat and 110,000 executed, Moa (2015), p. 44, lowest considered estimate, Bowen (2006), p. 113. Since not all localities had enough labour for the tasks required, the law had unintended negative consequences, such as sometimes shutting out peasants and renters from the labour market when they needed extra income as pickers. The German defeat at this battle saw him removed from active service and his health began to deteriorate and he was regularly hospitalized. Analysing the iconography in the painting, one Guernica scholar, Anthony Blunt, divides the protagonists of the pyramidal composition into two groups, the first of which is made up of three animals; the bull, the wounded horse and the winged bird that can just be made out in the background on the left. Basque nationalists, heralded by the conservative Basque Nationalist Party, were mildly supportive of the Republican government, although some in Navarre sided with the uprising for the same reasons influencing conservative Catalans. Foreigners contributed little to further growth; on the Nationalist side the Italians scaled down their engagement, while on the Republican side the influx of new interbrigadistas did not cover losses on the front. "[431]:223 p. Pablo Picasso painted Guernica in 1937, taking inspiration from the bombing of Guernica, and in Leonardo da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari. Modern research has concluded that the actual number of deaths and wounded at Guernica was much lower and between 200 and 300 people were killed in the bombing. The bombing of Guernica (26 April 1937) was an aerial bombing of the Basque town of Guernica (Gernika in Basque) during the Spanish Civil War.It was carried out at the behest of Francisco Franco's rebel Nationalist faction by its allies, the Nazi German Luftwaffe's Condor Legion and the Fascist Italian Aviazione Legionaria, under the code name "Operation Rgen". [238] However, the Blum government provided aircraft to the Republicans covertly with Potez 540 bomber aircraft (nicknamed the "Flying Coffin" by Spanish Republican pilots),[239] Dewoitine aircraft, and Loire 46 fighter aircraft being sent from 7 August 1936 to December of that year to Republican forces. It decided to raise an international brigade of 5,000 men and a fund of 1billion francs. [204] Attractive names were deliberately chosen, such as Garibaldi Battalion in Italy, the Canadian "Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion" or Abraham Lincoln Battalion in the United States. [231], Mexico's most important contributions to the Spanish Republic was its diplomatic help, as well as the sanctuary the nation arranged for Republican refugees, including Spanish intellectuals and orphaned children from Republican families. Jose Diaz, quoted after Xos Manoel Nez Seixas. Major theories are listed in the below table. [439] [276] In early July, despite the earlier loss at the Battle of Bilbao, the government launched a strong counter-offensive to the west of Madrid, focusing on Brunete. "[178][179] Hitler wanted to help Franco just enough to gain his gratitude and to prevent the side supported by the Soviet Union from winning, but not large enough to give the Caudillo a quick victory. However, rebelling units in almost all important citiessuch as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, and Mlagadid not gain control, and those cities remained under the control of the government. They also besieged Madrid and the area to its south and west for much of the war. British historian Antony Beevor wrote in his history of the Civil War that Franco's ensuing "white terror" resulted in the deaths of 200,000 people and that the "red terror" killed 38,000. $1,85bn. No effective punitive, judicial or even investigative action was taken; Payne points to a possible veto by socialists within the government who shielded the killers who had been drawn from their ranks. [198], Despite the Irish government's prohibition against participating in the war, about 600 Irishmen, followers of the Irish political activist and co-founder of the recently created political party of Fine Gael (unofficially called "The Blue Shirts"), Eoin O'Duffy, known as the "Irish Brigade", went to Spain to fight alongside Franco. Some civilians were executed as suspected Falangists. La Parra-Prez, Alvaro. (accessed November 4, 2022). Madrid. [436], Payment for the war on both sides was very high. Photography, Painting: Movement: Surrealism: Partner: Maar photographed the successive stages of the creation of Guernica, painted by Picasso in his studio in the rue des Grands-Augustins from May to June 1937; Picasso used these photographs in his creative process. [161], Catalan and Basque nationalists were divided. A braying horse occupies the paintings centre, stumbling over its fallen rider sprawled below and lit by the spiked rays of a light bulb above. Their destinations included the United Kingdom[307] and the USSR, and many other countries in Europe, along with Mexico. [233], Fearing it might spark a civil war inside France, the leftist "Popular Front" government in France did not send direct support to the Republicans.
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