These standards are applied to both undervotes and overvotes. Based on the review of these ballots, their results indicated that Bush would have won if certain recounting methods had been used (including the one favored by Gore at the time of the Supreme Court decision), but that Gore might have won under other standards and scenarios. Our analysis indicates that the real parts of 0 and 1 diverge from each other in an 1/3 fashion. Undervotes from optical-scan counties, however, correlate with Democratic votes more than Republican votes, and in particular to counties that scanned ballots at a central location rather than at precinct locations. What is scenario analysis? [4], An analysis of the NORC data by University of Pennsylvania researcher Steven F. Freeman and journalist Joel Bleifuss concluded that, no matter what standard is used, after a recount of all uncounted votes, Gore would have been the victor. Figure 5. [2] Gore phoned Bush the night of the election to concede, then retracted his concession after learning how close the Florida count was.[3]. [74] These ballots contained undervotes (votes with no choice made for president) and overvotes (votes made with more than one choice marked). Figure 2. Dividend Scorecard (Seeking Alpha). Figure 9. Scenario analysis is sometimes confused with sensitivity analysis. For all the furor over Palm Beach, it was black precincts where voters had been turned away, denied a ballot because some had been mislabeled as felons, blocked from voting because of bureaucratic bungles, or because the huge increase in black turnout had overwhelmed local officials. Find all the information about sensitivity analysis from meaning, uses, to methods of measurement, parameters while carrying sensitivity analysis and much more. Scenario & Sensitivity Analyses. Decisions by some canvassing boards to count illegal overseas absentee ballots. It was anecdotal evidence at best, and local authorities argued persuasively that the police presence near a polling place was pure coincidence. Unlike the much-discussed Palm Beach County butterfly ballot, the Duval County ballot spread choices for president over two non-facing pages. Some media reports focused on undervotes (chad blocked hole, wrong ink or pencil used, partial oval mark not detected, humidity affected scanner, ballot feeder misalignment), while others also included overvotes (hole punched or oval filled plus a write-in name, other multi-marked ballots). Once the closeness of the election in Florida was clear, both the Bush and Gore campaigns organized themselves for the ensuing legal process. A computational method to identify cell types within a complex tissue, based on analysis of gene expression profiles, is described in this paper. This is important because some investors may only see the 5 and 10 year data assuming that the trend is going to continue but having an understanding of the economics and volatility of JPM dividend history shows a much more conservative growth rate for long term dividend investors. Scenario 1. [36], The project's goal was to determine the reliability and accuracy of the systems used in the voting process, including how different systems correlated with voter mistakes. Figure 1. JPM is known as a dividend contender meaning it has increased its dividend every year for the past 10 years. Figure 6. The dividend data in this analysis was pulled from the JPM dividend history on the firms website (Figure 3). The first step in the analysis is to determine the historical annual growth rate (Figure 4). The longstanding case law in Florida [ ] has held that the intent of the voters as shown by their ballots should be given effect. Scenario 1. Sensitivity analysis is the process of analyzing individual variables/decisions to see how they impact an aspect of your businessone at a time. 10. County custom standard: what each individual county canvassing board considered a vote, in regard to both undervotes and overvotes. Scenario Analysis vs. Scenario analysis makes assumptions about multiple variables and factors for possible future scenarios and looks at how each would affect the business. [76], The NORC was expecting 176,446 uncounted ballots to be available from Florida's counties, based on county precinct reports that produced the final, state-certified vote totals. It can be useful in a wide range of subjects apart from finance, such as engineering, geography, biology, etc. In times of exceptional uncertainty and risk (present economic conditions), it is beneficial to increase the return expectation as a way of factoring in a margin of safety. Further, if the user ignores the warning, an analysis can be conducted using the data validation feature in Excel that identifies incorrect inputs. Possible reasons include, but are not limited to, ambient humidity, feeder misalignment and scanner light sensitivity. Custom Scenario Buildout Part 1 9:54. JPM is currently trading at a "Buy" range for long-term focused dividend investors. With only two hours remaining until the December 12 deadline, the Supreme Court's order effectively ended the recount. Uncertainty in risk assessment can be present in the characterization of the exposure scenario, the parameter estimates, and model predictions. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (CVP analysis), also commonly referred to as Break-Even Analysis, is a way for companies to determine how changes in costs (both variable and fixed) and sales volume affect a companys profit.With this information, companies can better understand overall performance by looking at how many units must be Asked how many votes he would guess Buchanan legitimately received in Palm Beach County, he said, "I think 1,000 would be generous. [19] .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. To understand scenario analysis vs sensitivity analysis, one should first understand that investment decisions are based on a set of assumptions and inputs. rejected by the Florida Supreme Court in its ruling of December 8, 2000, the lightly populated counties of Gadsden, Hamilton, Lafayette and Union. Furthermore, the Florida Administrative Code: 1S-2.0031, "Write-in Procedures Governing Electronic Voting Systems", (7) at the time specified, "An overvote shall occur when an elector casts a vote on the ballot card and also casts a write-in vote for a qualified write-in candidate for that same office. Cost-Benefit Analysis: A cost-benefit analysis is a process by which business decisions are analyzed. As of this writing, JPM is trading around the $106 price range and prices within 2% are highlighted in green. What this means for investors is that using the inputs from the historical data and 5,000 randomized iterations, JPM has an expected growth rate median of 3.16% and 52.28% of the time will be a positive integer. JPM price return vs S&P 500 YTD (Seeking Alpha). The first step in the analysis is to determine the historical annual growth rate (Figure 4). Moving forward into analyzing this statistical data creates two potential scenarios using Monte Carlo simulations relevant to dividend focused investors. We invest by attempting to understand a range of potential outcomes through analysis. Taylor County determined voter intent on some overvotes; however, it did not include them in its certified results. Between 1973 and 1980, the dividend remained very constant while the early 1980s were a fairly volatile time for the dividend which experienced large percentage changes. [77] Florida State University professor of public policy Lance deHaven-Smith observed that, even considering only undervotes, "under any of the five most reasonable interpretations of the Florida Supreme Court ruling, Gore does, in fact, more than make up the deficit". Monitoring through the remainder of the year as a bearish market continues to pressure equities down may present opportunities to invest into JPM around the $85 range which would change the rating to a "Strong Buy". It won Outstanding Television Movie at the Primetime Emmy Awards, with Roach winning Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special, and Dern a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress Series, Miniseries or Television Film. The Monte Carlo simulation for Scenario 1 inputs the median and standard deviation from the historical data of Scenario 1 (Figure 5). The lack of certainty in the premises and inputs brings about investment risk. The fast-growth scenario somewhat overestimates current emissions, but when combined with a slightly lower climate sensitivity it provides an estimate of early-2000s warming close to observed values. Gore said he disagreed with the Court's decision, but conceded the election. Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis is the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a model (numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in the model input (Saltelli, 2002). Scenario : Consider a human population that may or may not have cancer (Cancer is True or False) and a medical test that returns positive or negative for detecting cancer (Test is Positive or Negative), e.g. Further, counties and precincts with large black populations disproportionately had technologies where ballots would predictably go uncounted. The Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) formula can also be utilized over different time periods to show potential trends (Figure 9). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's certification of the election results was thus upheld, allowing Florida's electoral votes to be cast for Bush, making him president-elect. Stepwise regression and Best subsets regression: These automated Spy Kids [37] Such a statewide review including all uncounted votes was a tangible possibility, as Leon County Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis, whom the Florida Supreme Court had assigned to oversee the statewide recount, had scheduled a hearing for December 13 (mooted by the U.S. Supreme Court's final ruling on the 12th) to consider the question of including overvotes. The Gore campaign requested that disputed ballots in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia Counties be counted by hand. In comparison, counties that used paper ballots scanned by computers at voting places (in order to give voters a chance to correct their ballot if it had an error) had just 1 in 200 uncountable ballots. Under the FAC, a ballot with any other name written in (including Bush and Gore, who were not qualified as write-in candidates) was not an overvote, but rather a valid vote for the candidate whose name was marked by the voter. More than 20% of ballots in black precincts of Duval County were rejected because of votes for president on each page. JPM has underperformed the S&P 500 with a total decrease of almost 35% YTD (Figure 1). 2000 United States presidential election in Florida, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special, Best Supporting Actress Series, Miniseries or Television Film, 2016 United States presidential election recounts, United States House of Representatives elections in Florida, 2006#District 13. Figure 3. Scenario Analysis vs. It also remarks that there were variations between examiners and that election officials often did not provide the same number of undervotes as were counted on Election Day. Finance activities take place in financial systems at various scopes, thus the field can be roughly The goal of a long-term dividend investor is to invest in firms that have a high likelihood of maintaining growing dividend payments throughout the investors lifespan (perpetuity). Rowman & Littlefield. That part of the vote count was completed on November 18, increasing Bush's lead to 930 votes. "[4] According to Anthony Salvado, a political scientist at the University of California, Irvine, who acted as a consultant on the media recount, most of the errors were caused by ballot design, ballot wording, and efforts by voters to choose both a president and a vice president. The Athens, Ga., new wave pioneers are wrapping up their last-ever tour. This represents a much smaller right skew since the values are closer together. In a world of uncertainty, scenarios are intended to explore alternatives that may significantly alter the basis for business-as-usual assumptions. But theres a key difference. To accomplish this, we will analyze historical data and perform Monte Carlo simulations to determine dividend growth rate expectations for multiple scenarios. 5.1 Sensitivity. 5.1 Sensitivity. The 2000 United States presidential election recount in Florida was a period of vote recounting in Florida that occurred during the weeks after Election Day in the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.The Florida vote was ultimately settled in Bush's favor by a margin of 537 votes when the U.S. Supreme Court, in Bush v. Florida Attorney General Robert Butterworth in his advisory opinion to county canvassing boards wrote:[60]. This means that 95% of the historical data should fall between those values and the large standard deviation suggests a very large potential range of outcomes. Bush's name appeared at the top of the ballot, sparing most Bush voters from error. What this means for investors is that based off the inputs from the historical data and through 5,000 randomized iterations, JPM has an expected dividend growth rate median of 5.35% and 77.6% of the time will be a positive integer. Mass cytometry time-of-flight (CyTOF) is a powerful technique to profile immune cells and could be applied to tumour detection. Sensitivity Analysis, among other models, is put much more to use as a decision support model than merely a tool to reach one optimal solution. After that decision, the Bush campaign appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that the state court effectively rewrote state election statutes after the vote. There is currently large uncertainty and volatility in financial markets. On November 17, Judge Terry Lewis of Leon County Circuit Court permitted Harris to certify the election results without the manual recounts, but on the same day the Florida Supreme Court stayed that decision until it could consider an appeal by Gore. On November 13 the Gore campaign and Volusia and Palm Beach Counties sued to have the deadlines extended.[13]. USA Today, The Miami Herald, and Knight Ridder commissioned accounting firm BDO Seidman to count undervotes. The Scenario 1 and 2 median growth rates were calculated earlier using Monte Carlo simulations with values of 3.16% and 5.35% respectively. On the other hand, he said, Democrats talked like referees with a fear of pushing too hard, not wanting to be seen as sore losers. Four counties distributed sample ballots to voters that differed from the actual ballot used on election day, including Duval County, which used a caterpillar ballot, so called because the list of presidential candidates stretched over two pages. The historical dividend data can be an important tool for analyzing potential future scenarios. The Athens, Ga., new wave pioneers are wrapping up their last-ever tour. Sensitivity Analysis, among other models, is put much more to use as a decision support model than merely a tool to reach one optimal solution. Ballots received after deadline, lacking required postmarks, unsigned, undated, cast after election day, from unregistered voters or voters not requesting ballots, lacking witness signature or address, or double-counted. It utilizes a constant cash flow (dividend), an expected growth rate (shown in the dividend growth rate summary), and the investors expected return to derive a purchase price for a position (Figure 10). the same name, a blank space or a historical or fictional name (1): the same name, a blank space or an uncertified person's name, the same name, a blank space, a historical or fictional name or an uncertified person's name. With cash prizes and a chance to chat with the CEO, this competition - open to all contributors - is not one you want to miss. Dr. Gary King of Harvard University applied statistical modeling to determine that the best estimate for the impact of illegal votes would reduce the certified vote margin for Bush from 537 to 245. Salvado says that this alone cost Gore the election. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (CVP analysis), also commonly referred to as Break-Even Analysis, is a way for companies to determine how changes in costs (both variable and fixed) and sales volume affect a companys profit.With this information, companies can better understand overall performance by looking at how many units must be The first step in modeling the future dividend of JPM is to analyze their historical performance. Gordon Growth Model formula (Investopedia). According to the study, 3146 (3%) of the 111,261 examined overvotes "contained clear and therefore legally valid votes not counted in any of the manual recounts during the dispute. Conservatives claimed that the same ballot had been successfully used in the 1996 election;[18] in fact, it had never been used in a Palm Beach County election among rival candidates for office. Custom Scenario Buildout Part 1 9:54. [37] Because there was no clear indication of what the voters intended, those numbers were not included in the consortium's final tabulations. Aside from this case, also in dispute were the criteria that each county's canvassing board would use in examining the overvotes and/or undervotes. The county-level variance from the total number of ballots was 0.76%. Utilizing the quantitative methods demonstrated in this article support buying into the current negative movement as a contrarian investment. SC00-2431, Albert Gore, Jr., and Joseph I. Lieberman, Appellants, vs. Katherine Harris, as Secretary, etc., et al., Appellees", "2000 Presidential Election - Handcount (00genhc.xls)", "Counting the vote: the overview; Bush is declared winner in Florida, but Gore vows to contest results", "Disputed Palm Beach ballots held potential gains for Gore", "General, Nonpartisan and Special Elections Recount; Miami-Dade County, Florida", "Statistical Practice: Reliability of the Uncertified Ballots in the 2000 Presidential Election in Florida", "Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed", "Florida voter errors cost Gore the election", "Battlefield Florida: A Chat with Lance deHaven-Smith", How we got here: A timeline of the Florida recount, Video highlight of Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Wells opening, Video highlights of November 20, 2000 and December 7, 2000 oral arguments in. Figure 8. [21] Additionally, this Florida election produced many more "overvotes" than usual, especially in predominantly African-American precincts in Duval County (Jacksonville), where some 21,000 ballots had multiple markings, such as two or more choices for president. Miami-Dade County decided on November 17 to conduct a recount but suspended it on November 22. A good representation of the issues with this variance is the difference between the mean and median of the growth rates which are 13.82% and 4.82% respectively. The same day, a state judge upheld that deadline but ruled that further recounts could be considered later. [19]:215216 Also, before the election, the Secretary of State's office had expunged tens of thousands of citizens identified as felons from the Florida voting rolls, with African-Americans identified on some counties' lists at up to five times their share of the population. What is CVP Analysis? As adjusted, 176,343 ballots were expected, compared to 175,010 ballots actually provided to the NORC for review. [75] Among the nearly 85,000 Votomatic overvotes in the sample, there were only 721 reclaimable votes confirmed in the NORC study. Sensitivity Analysis vs. Figure 8 represents a summary of JPM dividend growth rates that investors can use to form their inputs into their investments. Scenario analysis makes assumptions about multiple variables and factors for possible future scenarios and looks at how each would affect the business. The act also divided the country into judicial districts, which were in turn organized into circuits. Volusia County started its recount on November 12. do not count any votes for the marked candidate (4): Counties that count votes for the marked candidate if the write-in is. Find all the information about sensitivity analysis from meaning, uses, to methods of measurement, parameters while carrying sensitivity analysis and much more. Meaning of Sensitivity Analysis. Scenarios 15:16. Our analysis indicates that the real parts of 0 and 1 diverge from each other in an 1/3 fashion. Following the machine recount, the Gore campaign requested a manual recount in four counties. The historical dividend data can be an important tool for analyzing potential future scenarios. They are a critical way to assess the impact, effect or influence of key assumptions or variationssuch as different methods of analysis, definitions of outcomes, protocol deviations, missing data, and At an NAACP-sponsored hearing in Miami four days after the election, prospective voters told of police cars blocking the way to the polls, of voters harassed by election workers. This sensitivity analysis allows for an investor to utilize their choice of the potential dividend growth outcomes and their expected return to determine their buying price and removes behavioral aspects encouraging better investment decisions. [19]:215221 According to a 2001 study in the American Political Science Review, the voting errors caused by the butterfly ballot cost Gore the election: "Had PBC used a ballot format in the presidential race that did not lead to systematic biased voting errors, our findings suggest that, other things equal, Al Gore would have won a majority of the officially certified votes in Florida. The organization analyzed 61,190 undervotes and 113,820 overvotes. Officials in a majority of punch-card counties said they would accept a single-corner detached chad as an indicator of voter intent, and officials in a majority of optical scan counties said they would accept all affirmative marks as described in NORC codes as indicators of voter intent. 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