Two subjects outlined in the undergraduate social work curriculum could help to increase confidence and the ability to advocate on behalf of clients and ones' own capabilities: the strengths perspective and self-reflection. How Would You Describe Yourself Sample Answers Now let's take a glance at some of the sample answers that you can directly use to answer - "How Would You Describe Yourself?" The top three answers can be: Sample 1: I'm very creative, communicative, and flexible. The quality of family relationships, including social support (e.g., providing love, advice, and care) and strain (e.g., arguments, being critical, making too many demands), can influence well-being through psychosocial, behavioral, and physiological pathways. My ability to work alongside other assertive individuals allows me to find balance by offering innovative, on-the-spot ideas that can help my colleagues better achieve their goals. Intelligent. Talk openly about your flaws and how youve dealt with them in the past. You might well argue that this line of questioning is fine if someone already knows you, but what about the impression you make when you meet someone for the first time. For example, most people (who share my cultural background) would know not to bring a bottle of champagne along to a funeral. When researchers refer to the concept of social connection, they mean the feeling that you belong to a group and generally feel close to other people. Then, tell them about it in an interesting way that intrigues them and sounds valuable to the company at the same time. Therapists ask their clients to do homework in which they analyze the situations that cause them to be most fearful. This question is almost often asked by interviewers in an effort to learn more about you and your self-perception. The above section has illustrated the manner through which maternal employment influences the child in terms of money investments and quality time. 1. We use social comparison to determine the accuracy and appropriateness of our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Youll take the back stairs instead of striding through the center of the room to get from one end of a building to the other. It is generally not necessary to list all of your contributions in one response. Frequency. Even though I can take charge of independent projects, I prefer to collaborate with my team members. It provides many individuals with a false sense of self and an inflated . 135 Great Philosophical Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves, How To Always Be Authentic And Stay True To Yourself, 165 Words Of Encouragement: Quotes To Give You A Boost. Don't summarise your entire CV. The public person we show in social situations. Rather than put yourself out there in the bright light of the public eye, you go out of your way to avoid attention. same-sex marriages occurred, more women commenced to work and fewer families with both parents exist). I am not afraid to pick up the phone to speak with a customer or to call for a quick meeting with the team to discus issues. If someone offended you, and then apologized, wouldnt you be willing to consider accepting the apology. Human beings, by their very nature, are prone to focus on the self and to engage in behavior to protect it. Copyright 2000-2022. Familiarize yourself with each of the hard skills, soft skills, and responsibilities in the listing. And those two parts is the personal identity, which is pretty self-explanatory, so this is the things that are unique . Your profile acts as an introduction; your elevator pitch, if you will, which is why it needs to grab the recruiter's attention. With the high cost of living, it is far-reaching for many mothers to seek employment because whenever they fail to work, they cannot bring their households out of poverty. On the contrary - before even inviting you at the job interview, it's your . Scientific evidence strongly suggests that this is a core psychological need, essential to feeling satisfied with your life. One of the most critical steps in treating social phobia is overcome the individuals social isolation. Most offices are set up in teams or with product-specific sections. The ability to do greater social comparisons and gain more self-awareness. Are you actually being judged as harshly as you think you are? If you have prepared eight words, you can use the top three or five to answer questions #1 and #2 if the interviewer asks. It would be beneficial if you also have faith in your expertise and the amount of effort you put into previous endeavours and successes. Sadly, their lack of self-awareness and social skills are massive detriments to their careers. Remember to showcase your distinctive qualities in your interview so potential employers will understand the worth of employing you. Ive been looking forward to this opportunity for some time now, and Im thrilled that youve shortlisted me for the interview. If you have questions about your account, please contact customer service or call us at 1-617-450-2300. But the usefulness of these word lists goes beyond the job interview. Stressors and social support are core components of stress process theory ( Pearlin . A question is asked, and you are expected to answer. He might not speak properly in an interview, but if he does these things, he will surely ace the interview. Giving yourself adequate space will allow you to articulate your results without coming off as a salesperson. I have chosen to explore the effects of daycare on the parent-child relationship. The strengths perspective allows social workers to assess and identify talents, strengths, and skills within their clients. Too many extroverts in a situation can lead to chaos. Recommendations Teens and pre-teens are among the highest consumers of social media. Accepting your personal qualities will help you focus more on enjoying social situations doing well in them, and giving yourself the confidence to do even better the next time you're in the spotlight. The societal constructs at times inhibit the child taking care of a parent, this posed as a struggle in my life because I have this achieved status of a CNA which was useful to my social network. Social media puts an interesting lens on the creation of the self, and how this construction affects our mental well-being. EXAMPLE ANSWER #3: DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE SENTENCE! Sample 5: Im the kind of person who knows how to get things done. Which sometimes cause the caregiver to step up and become this Shadow Mother figure for the child. Parents have to rearrange their schedules and routines, which strengthens the students relationship with his or her parents. Because that question tends to come up a lot in job interviews and even on dates. All rights reserved. Questions & High-Scoring Answers Today + Get the insider video tuition for EACH question for FREE! I spend most of my time at home with my family. Now lets take a glance at some of the sample answers that you can directly use to answer How Would You Describe Yourself? The top three answers can be: Sample 1: Im very creative, communicative, and flexible. James (1890) distinguished two understandings of the self, the self as "Me" and the self as "I". When we are able to compare ourselves favorably with others through downward social comparison, we feel good about ourselves. Parents always try to make their children able and they want to see them a successful person. Words not to use while answering"Describe yourself in 5 words". And you can be sure about acing your interview. So let them see it in the way you describe your skills and experience. As difficult as physical shyness can be, verbal shyness can be even more disabling. Isnt it possible that the other person actually is willing to forgive you? Culture represents the ways of living that are built up by groups and transmitted from one generation to another. 13 Reasons You Dig Older Guys, 59 Quotes About One-Sided Relationships You Will Definitely Relate To, Want To Learn The Art Of Being Witty? An aspect of this process is through socialization in which we internalize different perspectives about life as far as beliefs, values and norms are concerned. Test out your answer before the interview. Self-Esteem Is Our Positive or Negative Attitude Toward Ourselves Self-esteem refers to the positive (high self-esteem) or negative (low self-esteem) feelings that we have about ourselves. Session expired Although you may think of social phobia as fear of public speaking, the actual disorder encompasses a much wider range of circumstances. ]., If youve been to enough interviews, youre no doubt familiar with the question, Describe yourself in three words.. Corporate social responsibility is a type of business self-regulation with the aim of social accountability and making a positive impact on society. In this there was a role strain because even though I was a daughter at home I was also a caregiver for my family. Millenials values are significantly different from the other generations (e.g. Having burned your chances by speaking too quickly, you naturally enough adapt by taking your time before you answer, or perhaps by saying nothing at all. The first step to help you show off your social self is to identify the situations in which your shyness reaches this problematic level and has actually prevented you from reaching a desired goal in life. Carefully choose words that reflect what you believe this particular interviewer or future employer is looking for as long as you genuinely possess the qualities. Heres what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not. You may have heard someone, whether they be in your personal life or on social media, describe themselves as an "empath." But what exactly is an empath? In extreme forms, the socially phobic avoid eating or drinking in public places. A sociopath is someone who suffers from Anti-social Personality Disorder, which means that they do not . I'm obsessed with results. Therefore, they have right to expect something from their children in their old age. Follow me on Twitter @swhitbo for daily updates on psychology, health, and aging. SOCIAL SELF: "Our social self is the one we show to other people." "I am rational, accountable, and diplomatic.". (Note: not . I love collaboration and I believe that Im a good team player. What follows is an overview of social psychology as a science, including a definition, its origins, and topics related to the field. When someone asks you to list a few good words to describe yourself, which ones come to mind? You got to that interview for a reason: you look good on paper, you had impressive recommendations, and you are the kind of person that theyre looking for. Family provides us with food, shelter, love and comfort, but it also provides assumed identities and opinions. Here are some to consider. Preparation. Sample 2: I would consider myself to be a very up-to-date as well as an innovative person. If youre unsure where your strengths lie, then its best to avoid answering rather than trying to guess. Take a look at the following 3- word definitions from a leadership perspective: "I am experienced, hardworking, and accomplished.". The theory also considers the consequences of personal and social identities for individual perceptions and group behaviour. The chances are good that you felt unduly conscious of making a mistake of some kind or perhaps felt that you were being judged. Indeed, humans are a profoundly social species; our drive to connect . Our parents sacrifices a lot of things for us in their life so, children can show their love and gratitude for elderly parents by taken care of them. Weve all had the stressful moments when were sitting next to a virtual stranger at a meal or in a party and are expected to keep the conversational ball rolling. How you answer the question, Describe yourself in a few words, will probably depend on whos asking and why: We show different sides of ourselves to different people, hoping theyll see what we want them to see. Resist the urge to describe yourself in these ways, though. In basic terms, the Social Self is defined as how an individual interacts with the social world presented to him and how he approaches the formation of relationships. No three words can say all there is to say about you for those who want to know you better. We fear other people virtually as much as we fear spiders and snakes. The ideal self is the self we aspire to be. When those bouts of self-consciousness strike you, there can be many possible causes. This person would be amazing in this position! But how do you do that? Firstly, attitude primarily comes from the people that raised you as a child, and the surroundings you grew up in. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. 2022American Marketing Association. This entails speaking in a manner that can persuade potential employers and using confident language that reflects this image. Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. To integrate the authentic self into the skills required for your social work field placement, it may be helpful to view the use of self from five different perspectives: Use of Personality, Use of Belief System, Use of Relational Dynamics, Use of Anxiety, and Use of Self Disclosure (Dewane, 2006). You want to project a professional and assured image. Sample 4: My creativity has made me an effective team leader because I can anticipate problems and innovate solutions. If you've ever interviewed for a position in sales, you know the peculiarities and dynamics that exist in applying for these types of positions. What is a stan? Why it works: The answer shows the interviewer that this candidate can use their creativity when it is needed, and still understand when to be practical. To ace your HR interview, you must steer clear of using these words while answering the HR round question "Describe yourself in 5 words.". Of course, first impressions are important. Mental images of how I see myself play a big role also such as physical appearance, accomplishments, roles, and skills. It might even miscommunicate and create a misconception in the minds of others. Prior to your interview, consider the top eight words that are the most relevant to the job requirements and your experience. I use it myself. Other people will appreciate you for who you are, not how loudly or frequently you make your presence known. As a person, you may belong to many different types of groups: a religious group, an ethnic group, your workplace colleague group, your college class, a sports team, etc. Hence, make sure the interviewer perceives you as a capable team leader. If not, try looking up job descriptions online to find out what skills are required for success at that company. Studies of anxiety disorders show that social phobia afflicts 12 percent of the U.S. population, right behind fear of specific objects and situations. Always provide fair answers, tell them about your strong and weak points, but try to Describe some of your qualities. In slang terms, according to Urban Dictionary, a "stan" is "an overzealous [and/or] maniacal fan for a celebrity, [singer, performer] or athlete.". Book Description. The parent-child relationship is crucial for both parties. My body language makes me look approachable, not defensive. The new thoughts must be practiced in real-life settings for the treatment to work. You can learn more about our privacy policy here, The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2022, You can learn more about our privacy policy here. Lets assume that you have passed out of university and now you are on the quest for lucrative job opportunities. Really pay attention to what he or she is asking, not on how miserable youre feeling. For myself, my self-care has changed since starting nursing school and I now know have to look at it in terms of nursing. "When I began my role as marketing manager at Acme Rocket Company, my goals were to increase our exposure within the industry, expand our thought . As human beings, we inhabit certain roles in our lives which are always changing as we grow into ourselves. Now lets take those thoughts and challenge them. The aspects of the self that are important to social relations. Growth in self-knowledge and understanding will serve you well in all areas of your life. Describe yourself in your CV profile Sitting right at the top of your CV is your personal profile. Another example: There's nothing wrong with shyness, but you may feel that it holds you back from participating fully. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. This wont be difficult for them if you have any prior expertise in your profession. The first thing to describe yourself is as a self-motivated person. Even if the employees complete a task on time, they must also strive to complete it in quality. Instead, try to focus on a few accomplishments within each category (e.g., leadership, teamwork, initiative) that demonstrate you are who the employer is looking for. Some are cringe-worthy, . Apart from this, I also showed incredible passion while working at. Although my self-care has not changed substantially I now have to realize that being a nurse, I will have more responsibilitys and will be taking care of others and I cannot take care of others until I take care of myself. Independent. $432 Avg Bid. That doesn't mean, however, that you shouldn't care about the adjectives you choose to describe yourself on your resume. Using the most truthful positive words to describe yourself to an interviewer will give you a definite edge over those who rely on buzzwords or spur-of-the-moment guesses. Your social self will shine even in the toughest interview if you turn down that critical inner voice. The self-concept and self-esteem are determined in large part through social comparison. High standards and effective communication skills are essential for a great collaborator. 19 Tips To Improve Your Wit. Humor is a brilliant defense mechanism. 1 in 44 (2.3%) of children in the United States. Dont let that happen. If an older relative or teacher constantly harped at you about your posture, for example, you may feel awkward about the way you walk now. Social comparison theory has been spoken about it in detail. Dont listen to yourself, listen to the other person. Instead of concentrating on what the employer can do for you, you must consider what you can do for them. And when youre interviewing for a dream job, you want powerful words nothing overused or ambiguous. Social . The classic scenario of meeting your loved ones friends or relatives for the first time can put anyone on edge, even the best talker in the world. Honesty in Your Relationship Isn't Always the Best Policy, Kids Who Read Out Loud to a Dog See Improved Literacy, What to Do When Eating Disorders and Obesity Coexist, 4 Lessons Learned from Long-Term Grieving, The 5 Types of People Who Withdraw From Social Life, Parenting the Socially Shy Middle School Adolescent, Measurement Validity Explained in Simple Language. Youre perplexed as you dont know the appropriate answer to this question. I am the type of person to meet challenges head-on rather than sweep them under the rug and hope they go away. Pointing fingers solves nothing., I am someone who demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult., I am committed to building something larger and who puts aside personal gain for the well-being of the group., I am someone who is mature, candid and who has integrity. If we go with the most people are forgiving theory, its even possible to make up for that glitch in the situation within milliseconds of its occurrence. This keeps things professional and prevents them from becoming too personal or unpleasant. You can use the following steps to describe yourself competently in one word: Understand employer expectations. Machines fill the bottles and peer social circles. Treat each interview for a job as though it were your first. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. The parent who does the majority of the education has to balance homemaking with teaching, which can be a major stressor for some. Want to know how to best describe yourself on dates, interviews, and in conversation? In this section, we will consider in more detail these and other social aspects of the self by exploring the many ways that the social situation influences our self-concept and esteem. When we are young, we say we will raise our kids how we wanted to be raised, but when we are older, we joke we are becoming more like our parents day by day. Don't just say "I'm perfect". Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC, 12 Ways Noticing Your Feelings Can Improve Your Life, 4 Questions to Ask for Better Conversations, 10 Unspoken Rules of Dysfunctional Families. I am more of an independent type of person. Sociopathy is a mental illness misunderstood by most thanks to misinformation from the media. Those who lack emotional intelligence . Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their opinions. The autism spectrum is a range of neurodevelopmental conditions generally characterized by difficulties in social interactions and communication, repetitive behaviors, intense interests, and unusual responses to sensory stimuli. It also cant hurt to practice with a list of often-used questions, like the ones described in this post. It is how new members of society come to be, are socialized, and learn what is and is not acceptable. Share this blog with someone who is preparing for an interview and help the person excel in his or her interview. You want words that communicate your value with impact. Simple conditioning can also make you hyper-sensitive. Focused. It is, it defines it, it defines a theory in terms of two parts. I'm great at written communication. If youre not prepared, youll probably end up spitting out words youll regret afterward especially when better words come to mind. Whatever words you choose, I hope this helps you ace your next interview. You apply for a few jobs and, fortunately, land a job interview. Another prime reason why they ask this question is that they want to recruit the best candidate for the position. I encourage people. Sometimes it is difficult to reflect on our own culture and cultural norms because they are invisible to us. Although diagnosable conditions of social phobia involve complex disturbances in thoughts, emotions, and perhaps underlying physiology, ordinary shyness can range from occasional bouts of self-consciousness to a broader range of personality traits. Tell him about everything that could potentially come back to haunt you in the future and explain why it wont occur here (or at least give them an idea). Most familiar is the psychological level, where we can talk about self-concepts that people apply to themselvesfor example, thinking of themselves as being extroverted or introverted,. In any interview, you must make the interviewer think, Wow! Usually one of two things happens she grows up trying to be her mother or trying to be the exact opposite of her mother. The . Why it works: This answer shows the employer that you are an active follower of the industry and the company. Such constructs are established in our social spheres as well as part of our society as a whole. Being with different people has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. This identity recognition occurs in several different aspects of a students life, which includes the students familial ties. The less confident you are about your abilities, the more likely it is we fear that the eyes on you will be critical. Theres more about this question below. In addition to my programming experience and my engineering expertise, I have worked on several projects of multiple sizes and complexity levels during my career. We will start by focusing on the self-concept or who we are and self-schemas. Conscientious. Through socialization we are able to fall into a certain status in the social world that ultimately has particular roles and responsibilities associated with that status. Daycare centers are believed to often interfere with this vital relationship. I find that many times its a combination of what you study both directly and indirectly related to work., I am modest, but hard working and I consistently sets firm goals for myself. The best way to describe yourself in an interview is to give a short but meaningful summary. Self-development is a continuous process throughout the lifespan; one ' s sense of self may change, at least somewhat, throughout one ' s life. Here are some to consider. Her latest book is The Search for Fulfillment. It takes a mix of personalities to make up a well-functioning social environment, whether its a two-person couple, a large family, a classroom, or a work setting. So the Social Identity theory has two parts. This message will appear once per week unless you renew or log out. Even if you cant remember an exact moment in time when your shyness first took hold, you can nevertheless examine the thoughts going through your head when youve recently felt particularly shy. Turn down your internal monologue about how badly you're doing and instead focus on what is actually happening in the room. a. Creative. It's awesome when your . The core of social phobia is fear of embarrassment. However, even if you mess up in your first moment of meeting someone by saying or doing something awkwardly, all is not lost. Be sincere and authentic when describing yourself in a job interview. Question 3: What word describes a quality you admire or find interesting about yourself? We will also discuss self-perception theory, possible selves, the self-reference effect, self . You must discuss the activities and learning experiences you had while in school or at your first job. We have something in common with others in the same group, we identify with the group, and the group can create a sense of . If you have a long employment history, you can use examples from your extensive job history that are pertinent to the position youre seeking. If you're laughing, you're not crying, even though they can look the same. An answer fit for a sales profile to the question 'Describe who you are'. "Someone who thinks positively and who can execute on difficult tasks. Now turn to the awkward pause in the conversation when you feel that the onus is on you to keep things going. It has been argued that the social media effect creates a false sense of self and self-esteem through the use of likes, fans, comments, posts, etc. When something goes wrong, they let you know. They want to comprehend which potential employee can bring maximum value to the table. Social skills and self-awareness are matters of emotional intelligence (EQ), and TalentSmart's research with over a million people has shown that emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of job performance. For me I feel that my role has changed as I have grown, currently I have fallen into a status of a student and daughter but also a caregiver. Using harsh descriptions affects the way we think about ourselves, feel about ourselves, and interact with the world. Use terms that the interviewer will recall so they can introduce you to others. Diligent. They dont want to be seen chewing, swallowing, or far worse, spilling food or liquids. Elaborating on your last position as an intern at XYZ company, where you helped launch their new website by creating content for it. Even if the worst case scenario were true, and you did in fact offend someone else or say something that made you look bad, are you certain that it bothered the other person as much as it does you? They must discuss and convey specific objectives with every team member and establish good synergy. Attitudes come from many things, and often primarily affect how you view others. A competent collaborator should also be able to switch multiple duties as necessary while still participating in them. On your resume, youll want to focus on using powerful adjectives to describe your skills and what youve done for previous employers or clients. Social Media and Self-Esteem. Definitive List Of 100 Virtues To Live By, Essential List of House Rules for Adults Living With Parents, 15 Tips for Being Confident in a Relationship, 119 Uplifting Affirmations For Women To Use Daily, 65 Of The Most Difficult Questions To Answer.
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