Plants are dependent on animals and birds for their pollination and seed dispersal. For instance, elephants are being used to promote tourism in South-East Asia, but not in their natural habitats. Geologists typically use a radiometric dating method, based on the natural radioactive decay of certain elements such as carbon and potassium, as reliable means to date ancient events. Importance of Wildlife. Wildlife Is Important In Food Chain The food chain of an ecosystem is a sequence of links in which each organism in the chain eats another. Answer : (a) Habitat destructions agricultural expansion has resulted in destruction of habitat. Healthier wild animals have better coats and horns, etc. 1. Yet, we cannot simply read the facts and discard them because it is too difficult to affect change. Here are some significant reasons why wild animals are so important to the world at large. It is one among the twelve wildlife sanctuaries in the protected areas of the state. Healthy animals can become sick, and sick animals can die, and both can pass on diseases. Wildlife includes those animals, insects and other living beings that cannot be domesticated. Release suffering Animal conservation can be important to relieve suffering for animals because they are kept captive. Wildlife conservation parks and reserves are geared up to attract visitors from all over the world. Most of the wild animals are in danger now due global warming, urbanization, trees cutting, and influence of human. It disrupts the food chain, sending shockwaves through the environment. Wildlife helps in maintaining the balance of nature. Why is it important to conserve wildlife give three reasons? Wild animals provide a range of services to the human existence. Due to the resultant lack of food in the forest, they come out from the forest to agricultural land and destroy farmers crops, facing death at the hands of angry and fearful humans. b. Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala: This Sanctuary is located 18 kilometres north of Marayoor, in the Devikulam taluk of the Idukki district of Kerala. Answer: Animals and plants on the verge of extinction: Four animals: Cheetah, pink-headed duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet. See also what is the definition of boundary. Wildlife plays a significant role in balancing the environment. Various other body parts are also used, this time for traditional medicinal purposes. The wildlife provides shelter to the wild animals. Naturally occurring plants, animals and their species that are not cultivated / domesticated / trained are collectively referred to as wildlife. These wildlife is responsible to produce hybrid varieties of plants. The word "wildlife conservation" means to keep plants and animals safe. The wildlife sanctuaries are established to protect the endangered species. Name four animals and two species of flora which are on the verge of extinction. More variety of plants and animals means better resistance. You can help reduce this threat by planting native trees, restoring wetlands or cleaning up beaches in your area. What are the 10 importance of wildlife? Killing of carnivores leads to an increase in the number of herbivores which in turn affect the forest vegetation, thus due to lack of food in the forest they come out from the forest to agriculture land and destroy our crops. Wildlife is a large part of habitation on earth that is now being threatened by human encroachment in their territory. Answer:Wild life can be findany where like in forest, water, desert, grasslands, sanctuary etc. It is the only rehabilitation centre in India for the Indian Star Tortoise. This increase promises more toxic air pollution and more plastic flowing into our oceans. Two plants: Elephants are killed for their tusks because, although it is possible to remove the tusks without killing the elephant, the pachyderms are too dangerous to attempt any removal of tusks when they are still alive. Conservation can be termed as preservation of wild life. Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Forest and Wildlife Resources Important Questions. This health improvement is a huge benefit to the millions of people involved in tourism, the garment industry, and many smaller industries that use carefully culled animals. Killing of carnivores leads to an increase in the number of herbivores which in turn affect the forest vegetation, thus due to lack of food in the forest they come out from the forest to agriculture land and destroy our crops. The term Endangered means the animals who are at the verge of extinction or very low in number. Without plants andwild animals, our liveswould be less than. They can invoke sympathy, mutual respect, and compassion, resulting in people being conscious of the damaging effects of their lifestyles and altering them. Certain animals are even associated with particular gods and goddesses, and are often symbolic of a deity's power. When was the Indian Wildlife Protection Act implemented? They maintain the food chain and food web of ecosystem. More often, wildlife is harmed or forced out of their natural habitat. For instance, cow is revered as mother in Hindus and therefore, holds a . Ecological importance. As thetreesmature,the animalscan enjoy wholesome fruits, leaves, and insects living within the tree. We are, unfortunately, surrounded by polymers (plastic in various forms). Plastics pollution has an immediate and deadly effect on wildlife. In order to have a right balance in our ecosystem, their survival is important. Teams of poachers are known to swarm over trapped or shot White Rhinoceros adults and hack their horns from their still-living bodies with axes. Many different birds, insects they also play significant role in pollination and due to which number of particular plants are increased. Wildlife is found in almost all grasslands, plains, rainforests, ecosystems, deserts, etc. Ecological importance Wildlife helps in maintaining the eco-logical balance of nature. More commonly known as wildlife, these wild animals are vital to so many facets of our existence. It revolves around the planning to save animals of any species from extinction. #2. I just want the world to be as wasteful as possible. The wildlife maintains the ecological balance on the Earth. We can live a good and happy life if . Protecting all the Earth's animals is important, but especially those that are particularly in danger, such as those on the critically endangered species list. The many forms of trees have mentioned their medicinal value in Ayurveda to cure various diseases. It is crucial for the public to understand the importance of wildlife corridors for functioning natural systems in which people are also dependent. Without wild animals, there would have been no fossils or skeletons to learn more about who and where we came from. Wild animals (and plants) have always influenced things like religious beliefs, ceremonies like weddings and funerals, and food. Our food, our medicines, chemicals, a variety of building materials, and much of our clothing derive from living things. Animals are very much important in our lives. Many countries and economies depend onwildlife for tourism, which makes up over 10% of the worlds GDP. The endangered and vulnerable species can be kept in captivity in places such as zoos and bred to increase their population. Appreciation of these aspects not only stresses the need for their protection but also the realization that their extinction will cause humans more harm than good. The current economic benefit is one of outdoor recreational activities. There is huge variety of every plant such as ginger, turmeric, Holy basil (tulsi), neem, henna, meri gold and the list is quite long. What are the 10 importance of . These are the stories untold - the reason why conservation is essential for our survival. They: Sadly, our planets wild animal population is in crisis numbers have plummeted by more than 50% since 1970, and species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.We need to reverse this loss of nature and create a future where wildlife and people thrive again or lose these animals to future generations. Some ethnic minorities use vulture heads, feet, and blood as treatments for a range of diseases, as spiritual protection, or to gain the ability to see into the future. 11 people found it helpful. Wildcanines and wolves were bred and interbred developed to become domestic dogs, hunting partners, bodyguards, and pals. The human population has doubled in the last 50 years from about 3.7 billion to approximately 7.8 billion. Endangered species Species, which are in danger of extinction because their population is declining. Ecological importance. Our remaining green spaces need to be protected and connected so that wildlife can safely seek food, water and shelter. Why is it important to conserve wildlife 8? Conserving wildlife corridors helps demonstrate that people can adapt and learn to coexist with wildlife so that one day a new generation of kids can observe the amazing local wildlife at dusk. Healthy ecosystems contain a lot ofdiversity. To preserve or save life of any animal or plant by giving optimum conditions can be natural or artificial. Promotes pollination and sustainability of native plant species. Your email address will not be published. Wild animals turn dust into soil, carbon into food and the weather into a fair climate for living. The importance of wildlife includes maintaining ecological balance, gene bank, plant propagation and other most importance of wildlife is to cleaning of environment etc. The wild animals include tiger, lion, leopard, fox, wolf, Rhino, deer, zebra, Giraffe are some examples of wild animals, those of wild birds are eagle, swan, duck, ostrich, pigeon, crow, humming bird etc. Due to such reasons these wild animals have no particular space to live, therefore due to lack of food and water their number is decreasing day by day. Plants also produce oxygen when they make food and oxygen is the gas we breathe. The preservation of wildlife and where they live is important for human health. The human race has always turned to nature for medicine. Wild animals can also help forests store carbon far more efficiently. Wildlife is a part of the entire food chain that keeps the . Indeed, larger mammals that graze on natural grasses (elephants, antelope of all kinds, zebra, rhinos, and others) do not produce as much methane gas, which is harmful to the climate compared to sheep and cattle and other domesticated farm animals. Environmental groups, animal rights groups, government agencies, and even the Duke of Cambridge are calling for an end to wildlife poaching. a. Forests play a key role in the ecological system as these are the primary producers on which all other living beings depend. These animal parts are sold for their medicinal properties. The immediate disruption occurs in the food chain. Various factors carry a chance to live. Sadly, also a daily occurrence in 2019 and 2020. Experts can see what animals were being depicted, what weapons were being used, and far more. To save endangered species of animals which are at the extinction, that means very less number of animals or plant present of a particular species. The mind boggles at what extent it will be now or in ten years. There are many wild trees which has tremendous economical uses such as provides wood, sandal, silk and increases the quality of soil, prevents soil erosion. The GPGP is a gyre (a gyre is an extensive system of circulating ocean currents) of plastic residues in the Pacific Ocean. They help keep the populations of different species in check, which helps keep the ecosystem healthy and in balance. Reason 1, Wildlife maintains balance in ecosystems: It's a universal fact that Every living creature is connected, including Plants, Animals, and humans. Highlight the value of forests in our life. The wildlife helps in balancing the environment by eating insects as their food so that no species of animals are in excess. Wildlife Week is celebrated every year with the motto of preserving the fauna and the animal life of India. Better resistance means healthier animals, which directly benefits the food and hospitality industry. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Recent counts show just 7500. An animal is only placed on this list if the International Union for Conservation of Nature believes the animal faces a very high risk for extinction. Therefore, wild life has medicinal importance in every aspect. Whether you believe in Noah and his ark, or the science of evolution, or perhaps a combination of both, wild animals are vital to your tale. 6. The wildlife helps to preserve the animal and plant species from becoming extinct. Why is wildlife important for the environment? Series of Events Highlights Smart from the Start Renewable Energy Development, Bear Coexistence is Possible Thanks to Defenders Electric Fencing Program in Alaska, Sea Otter Awareness Week 2022: A 20th Anniversary Review. 2. Answer: The wild life has tremendous importance in agricultural field. For example, herbivore animals, like deer and cattle, can overgraze the vegetation. Wildlife: A group of local or native animals is referred to as wildlife. The importance of wildlife cannot be overemphasized, from ecological balances to sociocultural, economic, and medicinal values. Defenders is working with our agency and organizational partners to identify and implement collaborative projects and to provide greater access to funding assistance from federal, state and local governments, as well as private sector programs. Wildlife is important because: It brings in ecological balance and maintains the food chain. Wildlife is a large part of habitation on earth that is now being threatened by human encroachment in their territory. Although he was successful in his trip to interact with female bears on private ranches, he couldnt cross I-4, a major interstate that cuts across Florida from Tampa to Daytona, and he had close encounters while traveling near other populated areas. The many forms of trees have mentioned their medicinal value in Ayurveda to cure various diseases. While Canada is less populated, we see an . Animals that grow or live in the wild without any human interference are known as wildlife. The Javan Rhinoceros: This rhino is one of the rarest animals on earth and is presently listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. Its by far the most significant accumulation of plastic in the world. Decaying trees let off heat and create crevices bats (and other wildlife) love. The wild life has huge importance through economical purpose, wild life includes both animals and plants. The problem we face of plastics in our waterways and oceans must be addressed at the cause. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense and the Department of Interior designated Northwest Florida as one of the nations ten Sentinel Landscapes earlier this year. All of this helped scientists map out a clear path backward from the present, and while the scientists get most of the praise, wild animals played a huge role. The complex web of life as we know it provides essentials like water, clean air, fertile soils, and a stable climate. They can invoke feelings of sympathy and compassion, causing people to be conscious of the damaging effects of their lifestyles. How large is it? Why is World Wildlife Day important? The goal of wildlife conservation is to protect the stability and survival of animal species. Protecting our wildlife could significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of destructive forest wildfires. They are categorized into food and raw material benefits, social services, monetary benefits, and . Plastic is in almost everything that we buy, including the single-use packaging we never re-use, the consumer goods on our shelves, and even in our clothing. According to Indian Forest Records (1965) "Wildlife are living things that are neither human nor domesticated and are applied specially to mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes which are hunted." Hence, in broad sense, wildlife includes whole flora and fauna found in its natural habitat (wilderness zone) which embraces all living organisms. Importance of wildlife in agriculture field are as follows : 1. The urbanization is one more reason. Consider this: When a tree burns down in a forest, it seldom burns alone and a massive conflagration traps canopy-dweller and trunk resident in situ, roasting them in their homes. Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats.As part of the world's ecosystems, wildlife provides balance and stability to nature's processes. Question 4. How much does a 2 month old Golden Retriever sleep. Poachers usually kill for profit. In order to avoid losing the world, we'd like to preserve life. It is now on the critically endangered list of the IUCN. Wildlife is a part of the entire food chain that keeps the natural balance of life. By conserving the wildlife and forest we are ensuring that all diverse species in an area survive, breed and flourish. Forest prevents soil erosion. Wildlife conservation plays a major role in reducing the suffering caused to animals because of being kept in captivity. 1)Wildlife serves as gene pool for pest-resistant strains:- Scientists look for resistant strains in wild plants because wild plants have evolved features resistant to disease. This Garbage Patch would cover 25% of the continental USA in size. So none of the species can be disturbed to keep the balance between the others, intact; Wildlife adds to the variety of life on the . Kent Wimmer, Senior Northwest Florida Representative, and Elizabeth Fleming, Senior Florida Representative, contributed to this blog. Along with plants some animals also provide vitamins from their meals. Certain tree species in tropical and savannah rainforests rely on animals like elephants and giraffes and many bird species to eat their large fruits thus helping the trees disperse their seeds over a wide area.
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