In Java, the ternary operator is a type of Java conditional operator. The standard library includes the set of functions manipulating strings, files, etc. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. 49) What will be the output of the following program? In other words, we can say that it returns a character from a specified ASCII value. It involves a variety of data gathering techniques and approaches of qualitative nature viz., Qualitative researchers are concerned primarily withthe. Description: We can declare and call user-defined functions easily. The qualitative researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis. Option 2 : Establishing a research problem, Hypothesis framing, Hypothesis testing, Generalization and conclusions and Implications of result, Option 4 : Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A, Copyright 2014-2022 Testbook Edu Solutions Pvt. generation of new theories emerging from the specific data. If you remember all this, you can easily ace the quiz and get a Defining a problem, Survey of related studies, Sampling, Data collection and Data analysis, Quantitative research paradigms are based on the philosophy that every phenomenon in the world can only be explained by. It helps to collect detailed information about the unit of study and gives clues to new ideas and further research. Otherwise, we will get a ValueError. Using the instance method, we can access or modify the calling objects attributes. 41) Which PHP function is capable to read specific number of characters from a file? The class object is where the methods for the class are stored; each instance holds only its own data (i.e., instance variables). Thanks to the whole PYnative team. That is why we need to declare variable's type and name. may contain instance variables, (B) may contain constructors, (C) may extend another class, (D) all of the above, (E) , Leave your comments or Download question paper. A research design is a framework for the methods and approaches. Therefore, the correct answer isStatement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect. Creating a variable and assigning a value. C++ MCQ C++ MCQ Part 2. If we want to reflect the change made over to the instance variable, this can be achieved with the help of this reference. 5) Program Counter Register Description: The gettype() function is an inbuilt function in PHP, and as its name implies, it returns the type of a variable. The standard library includes the set of functions manipulating strings, files, etc. The object for the number will be created when we assign a value to the variable. Description: In the given program, the variable $a is uninitialized. Answer: (a) The isset() function is used to check whether a variable is set or not. Fibonacci series in java with examples of fibonacci series, armstrong number, prime number, palindrome number, factorial number, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, swapping numbers etc. D - None of the above. The gettype() function in PHP is used to check the type of existing variable. Instead, each element is pointing to the next. 55) What will be the output of the following program? There are 8 types of primitive data types: boolean data type; byte data type; char data type; short data type; int data type; long data type; float data type The configuration management process seeks to identify and track individual configuration items (CIs), documenting functional capabilities and interdependencies. If you try to access it after removing it, youll get an Attribute Error. Rule 6:To declare constant should use capital letters. It is a parameter used in sociology, psychology, and other psychometric or behavioral sciences. Note: Constant concept is not available in Python. In which of the following research methods, manipulation and control of variables, and randomization of sample are two of the basic requirements? The ternary operator (? Basically, this function joins all elements of an array in one string. Hence, it is clear from the given points that qualitative research avoids positivist assumptions and data analysis. In which of the following, there is greater flexibility in both the methods and process of research? If the keyword static is prefixed before the function name, the function is called a October 25, 2022 at 10:57 pm. When the thread gets a chance to execute, its target run() method will run. The self refers to the current object. Python is a case-sensitive language. Each research study has its own specific purpose. All rights reserved. Variable is a name of memory location. Ethnographers study specific cultural themes. The correct way to print "Hello World" in PHP is: 36) Which of the following function is used to compress a string in PHP? Here, the datatype is the type of element that will be stored in the array, square bracket[] is for the size of the array, and arrayName is the name of the array. The second advantage is that unlike constructors they are not required to create a new object each time they are invoked. (C) Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past. Fitted line plots: If you have one independent variable and the dependent variable, use a fitted line plot to display the data along with the fitted regression line and essential regression output.These graphs make understanding the model more intuitive. exploring new phenomena which will lead to the generation of new theories. Java is an object-oriented programming, platform-independent, and secure programming language that makes it popular. controlled environmentwhere a variable is manipulated. Instantiation in Java. In Object-oriented programming, when we design a class, we use the following three methods. It is used to find the length of string or returns the length of a string including all the whitespaces and special character. In this section, we will discuss what is instantiation in Java, how to instantiate a class, and what are the ways to create instances or objects of the class? The goal of most qualitative studies is not to generalize but rather to provide a rich, contextualized understandingof some aspect of human experience through the intensive study of particular cases. Use the following syntax to delete the instance method. Experimental research helps in establishing causal relationships among different variables in asituation under controlled conditions. 60) Which of the following function in PHP returns the time of sunrise of a particular day and location? It is a parameter used in sociology, psychology, and other psychometric or behavioral sciences. Description: PHP implode() is a string function, which joins the array elements in a string. An ex-post-facto the researcher attempts to trace an effect that has already occurred to its probable causes. An object instantiation in Java provides the blueprint for the class. Inside it, we created a local variable price. Rules and naming convention for variables and constants. Hypothesis framing, Hypothesis testing, Conclusions and Reporting. Description: The fopen() function accepts two arguments: $filename and $mode. research methods, the process of hypothesis testing optimally safeguards the role of extraneous variables. A variable name must start with a letter or underscore (_) character. 5) Which of the following is not a variable scope in PHP? Java provides the new keyword to instantiate a class. Similarly, for d, and enew objects will not be created because the object20already available. In order to store values in the array, it Thus the goal of qualitative research is notto disprove a hypothesis, but were looking to understand the nature of a problem in detail. Qualitative research places the main emphasis on the researcher who narrates and interprets phenomena in terms of meanings derived from people's experiences, events, etc. Researchis a systematic way of investigation, a process of discovering new knowledge. Suppose we created a=10, b=10, and c=10, the value of the three variables is the same. Thus, validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it claims to measure. Hence, the human and subjective approach is highlighted. Once the cookie is set, you can access it by the $_COOKIE superglobal variable. There are two types of research on the basis of a process i.e Quantitative research and Qualitative research. In Python, there are some conventions and rules to define variables and constants that should follow. But, instance attributes are not specific only to the __init__() method; they can be defined elsewhere in the class. These data are gathered from a variety of Qualitative Research sources. Variable is the name of memory location. At the beginning(when we start The Python program), all books are available. In Python, when we assign a value to a variable, we create an object and reference it. Features. Data collection under controlled conditions, C. Concern with process rather than simply with outcomes, D. Establishing relationships and explaining the causes of changes, E. Concerned with what are called participant perspectives. In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. The main purpose of using the static keyword is to manage the memory so that we can use the memory efficiently. The instance method performs a set of actions on the data/value provided by the instance variables. Ethnographers spend extensive time in the setting being studied and use observations, interviews, and other analyses to understand the nature of the culture. The value of end parameter printed at the last of given object. A variable may be assigned to a value ofone type, and then later, we can also re-assigned a value of a different type. It can access or modify the object state by changing the value of a instance variables; When we create a class in Python, instance methods are used regularly. 21) Which of the following function displays the information about PHP and its configuration? Therefore, in the Experimentalmethodresearch 'cause and effect relationship' is focused. Initialization: Assigning a value to a variable is called initialization. Variables in C: A variable is the name of a memory location that stores data. Use the del keyword to delete the variable. Answer: (a) PHP extension and application repository. Participants in the study experience various conditions or treatments. Inductive reasoning is employe where things are observed, a pattern is developed and then the theory is formed. The programs in php are saved with the .php extension. When a new student comes to the library (a new object created), the librarian gives him a book. It isdesigned for establishing cause and effect relationships between two or more variables. In the listinsertion order of elementsis preserved. The word empirical describes any information gained by experience, observation, or experiment. The extent to which a score on a scale forecasts scores on some criterion measure. The echo is a statement, which is used to display the output. In Object-oriented programming, when we design a class, we use instance variables and class variables.. Mechanical Engineering. Grounded theory is a well-known methodology employed in many research studies. The newly introduced Streams API is available in which package of java 8: Which class can be used Instead of System.getCurrentTimeMillis() to get a date and time in Java 8 -, Lambda expressions in java 8 are based on. In PHP, we can specify string through enclosing text within double quote also. From the following list identify the qualitative research characteristics and select your answer from the codes given below: i. Assigning a value to a constant in Python, Rules and naming convention for variables and constants, Assigning a single value to multiple variables, Assigning multiple values to multiple variables. A case study is a deep, detailed, and intensive study of a social unit; shows the way to deepen our perception and sharpen insights to understand biographies.
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