Castwright, D., & Zander, A. a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society. (1974). They play a game and win (successful shared valent event). Below Ive compiled keywords and phrases associated with each factor: Membership: a sense of belonging, personal relatedness, investment of the self, feeling the right to belong, being a part of the community, boundaries including identifying people who belong and people who dont belong, emotional safety (through belonging), feelings of acceptance, willingness to sacrifice for the group, identification with the group, sharing common symbols, and personal investment. Farahani, L. M., & Lozanovska, M. (2014). Human service organizations and unit leaders are discussed as critical resources in promoting civic engagement and strengthening the sense of community among AF members." Our proposed definition has four elements. Investment: This feature contributes more than just boundary maintenance and cognitive dissonance. Immigrants and longer-term residents often transform their sense of communitytheir feelings of belonging and mattering to the community, and beliefs that they will meet their needs through the communityin the new communities they share together. Because of the kibbutzims organizational success and internal and external changes, cohesive bonds loosened. Some effects of cooperation and competition. Sarason, S. B. or without family members who are deployed. For example, when a customer in the Apple community buys a Samsung product, they would be shunned into the out-group and alienated from the group. Michener, J. New York: Random House. Additionally, their community centers around Moz's products, such as MozPro and MozBar. Warner and Associates (1949), in their classic study of Jonesville, a midwestern community, recognized the strong integrative function of collective representation such as myths, symbols, rituals, rites, ceremonies, and holidays. The scale was found to be internally consistent (alpha = .76). White (1949) defined a symbol as a thing the value or meaning of which is bestowed upon it by those who use it (p. 22). Members elect officers, set up bylaws, and begin to plan and implement programs (influence and salient event). Sherif, M., White, B. J., & Harvey, O. J. However, consensual validation research demonstrates that the force toward uniformity is transactionalthat it comes from the person as well as from the group. By the beginning of the 1980s, the number of Americans deeply involved in the search for community had increased from 32% to 47% (p. 85). Riley, R. (1970). Identification of others falls under both Shared Emotional Connection and Membership. The esteem or pride that came about was a source for change in the values of kibbutzim. This short video sets out 10 simple things we can do to make our communities more welcoming for everyone. (1980). Community and society (C. P. Loomis, Ed. Reciprocal self-disclosure in a dyad. Bernard (1973) mentioned that black leaders used symbols to unify the black community and defy the white population (e.g., Black Power, clenched fist), and Park (1924) offered a rationale for this strategy. This example of the kibbutz demonstrates the number of communities that one can belong to, each meeting different needs (e.g., family, kibbutz, nation, profession, religion). By 1986 it was regarded as a central overarching concept for community psychology (Sarason, 1986; Chavis & Pretty, 1999).In addition, the theoretical concept entered the other applied academic disciplines as part of "communities for all" initiatives in the US.[1]. Helping with school In: R.N. Create a sense of contrast, conflict, and boundaries. ), Proceedings of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. (1960). Neighborhoods advertised as exclusive communities are fencing themselves in to keep out people who do not belong and to separate themselves from poverty and problems of social justice. That the question addressed general, and not online, sense of community could explain why Identification/Identity did not show up as a factor. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7, 389.400. We believe that if people choose freely whether to conform, their need for consensual validation will strengthen community norms. Delinquency and opportunity: A theory of delinquent gangs. ), Social change. Those who rejected their blackness did not. Others have reported consistent findings; Florin and Wandersman (1984) and Wandersman and Giamartino (t980) found high self-reported levels of sense of community to distinguish those who participated in block associations from those who did not. Human Relations, 4, 39-56.Kelley, H. H., & Volkart, E. H. (1952). His initial understanding of sense of community sprang from popular expressions about community changing or disappearing, leaving a lack of feelings of belonging he called sense of community (Sarason, 1974). Community ties: Patterns of attachment and social interaction in urban neighborhoods. The community organizer calls a meeting of concerned neighbors with an announcement that explains whom the meeting is for. Sociometry, 19, 141-153. Seniority came to symbolize commitment and stability, creating a shared emotional connection (Glynn, 1981; Riger & Lavrakas, 1981). After the formation of the state of Israel, the kibbutzim became primary holders of the new states values and cultural norms. You can go to the definition of sense or the definition of community . David W. McMillan and David M. Chavis George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61, 223-230. These dynamics are all part of the principle of membership. When Sarason began outlining the concept of sense of community as the underlying theory for the field of community psychology, he found that despite the field being at a loss for a common definition the general public understands the term well. While playing, members exert energy on behalf of the team (personal investment in the group). Emotional safety may be considered as part of the broader notion of security. Glenwick and Jason (1980) have shown that there are many contingencies in a system and that the community psychologist can play a role in identifying and designing mechanisms that reinforce behaviors leading to the development of a sense of community. The following are illustrative examples. Heider, F. (1958). New York: Rhinehart and Winston. Pain tolerance and group identification. The strongest predictors of actual sense of community were (a) expected length of community residency, (b) satisfaction with the community, and (c) the number of neighbors one could identify by first name. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52, 67-74. Sense of community: An attempt at definition. Membership is a feeling that one has invested part of oneself to become a member and therefore has a right to belong (Aronson & Mills, 1959; Buss & Portnoy, 1967). A groups success in negotiating this problem of integration of resources and needs reflected the success of the community itself. Critical dimensions of community structure: A reexamination of the Hadden-Borgotta findings. This notion of personal investment is paralleled by the work of cognitive dissonance theorists (Aronson & Mills, 1959; Festinger, 1953). Moz is an online community for event marketers. Influence: mattering, individual members making a difference to the group and the group having an influence on its members, conformity, members having a say in what happens in the group, consensual validation, closeness. Obst, P., Zinkiewicz, L., & Smith, S. G. (2002). The education of members into specialists, who were part of a profession and whose professional problems and challenges were understood only by other professionals who were likely not to be members of the commune, also weakened members orientation toward the kibbutz as the primary reference group. Allowing them to be part of such an event can build closeness with neighbors and children with whom they may not always play, all while feeling good about helping those in need. Day-to-day conduct of affairs became separated from the founding values, and these values were weakened. These four factors have been thoroughly explored in qualitative and quantitative research since then, and the theory is not only the most popular but relatively unchallenged. 12, 379-384.Bean, H. B. (Eds.). A strong community is able to fit people together so that people meet others needs while they meet their own. Lead by example and bring your children along. Responsibility is also a part of Membership: the willingness to sacrifice for the group. The second is relational, concerned with quality of character of human relationship, without reference to location (p. xvi). about community and his or her relationship to it and to others' participationindeed to the complete, multifaceted community experience. Thrasher, J. D. (1954). New York: Praeger. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. New York: Anchor Books. Glynn also found a positive relationship between sense of community and the ability to function competently in the community. (1981). Lead by. While much sympathetic interest in and research on the deviant have been generated, group members legitimate needs for boundaries to protect their intimate social connections have often been overlooked. Relationships are directly addressed by Shared Emotional Connection. help out at an event aimed at preserving trails or important landmarks. Bring them along to deliver the meal and greet the newborn so they can see what kindness can do for someone. (1977). Festinger, L. (1953). Democracy in Jonesville: A study in quality and inequality. Integration & Fulfillment of Needs: feeling that members needs will be met by resources of the group and through membership, reinforcement, rewarding to members, status of membership, group success, group and individual competence, person-environment fit, serve individuals needs by belonging, shared values, members are able and willing to help one another and receive help in return. American Sociological Review, 17, 453-465. Encourage workers to vent workplace frustrations to their supervisors. Bachrach and Zautra (1985) reported that they used a brief, but face valid sense of community scale on the basis of questions developed by Kasarda and Janowitz (1974) and Rhoads (1982). Boundaries provide the protection for intimacy. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 35(1), 64-71. Individuals want to be recognized for their contributions, large or small. Second, there is a direct relationship between safety and preference for neighboring. Riger, S., & Lavrakas, P. J. So, allowing others to have power over oneself can eventually lead to having influence with them. Sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, and others have theorized about and carried out empirical research on community, but the psychological approach asks questions about the individual's perception, understanding, attitudes, feelings, etc. The social psychology of groups. Hypothetical examples from a university, neighborhood, youth gang, and kibbutz are presented to illustrate the interworkings of the elements of a sense of community. Psychometric theory. Members can belong to a community based on one shared characteristic while diverging on other characteristics. The psychology of punitive justice. To dwell among friends. 's Sense of Community Index (SCI) (see Chipuer & Pretty, 1999; Long & Perkins, 2003), originally designed primarily in reference to neighborhoods, can be adapted to study other communities as well, including the workplace, schools, religious communities, communities of interest, etc. The latter is the province of public administration or community services administration which needs to understand how structures influence this feeling and psychological sense of community. Outside the family, this sense of community extends to friends and neighbors, too. When people who share values come together, they find that they have similar needs, priorities, and goals, thus fostering the belief that in joining together they might be better able to satisfy these needs and obtain the reinforcement they seek. These tools will allow you to manage your social media presence and strategically develop a sense of community amongst your supporters. We wanted to see if the communities, and the ways in which people formed their sense of community, differed by people and by setting. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. Reinforcement and need fulfillment is a primary function of a strong community. Sense of purpose which is an important part of our spiritual health. Journal of Community Psychology, 30(1), 87-103. The second question has received more attention than the first (see Lott & Lott, 1965), and the major finding has been a positive relationship between group cohesiveness and pressure to conform. (Original work published 1893) Ehrlich. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 246-253. 2809 Wimbledon RoadNashville, TN 327-2183, Validation of A Brief Sense of Community Scale. For example, a beach that attracts partygoers or a shopping zone that attracts big spenders. Reinforcement as an organizing principle seems blind and directionless unless it is complemented by other concepts. Social ActionWe must confront structural challenges rooted in power through policy change at local and federal levels to support sense of community in diverse communities. 9, 55-66. The role of power and influence within a community has been at the head of one of the classic paradigms in sociology (Bernard, 1973). Group dynamics: Research and theory (2nd ed). The four foundations for sense of community were highlighted in a landmark article published David McMillan and David Chavis in 1986. Because of this lens, the implications of our findings go beyond individual intervention to systems-level recommendations. After all, a strong community can only work when the varied needs of its members are met. Personal preference and the attribution of influence in small groups. As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us to the many relationships we develop. Our culture and our families teach each of us a set of personal values, which indicate our emotional and intellectual needs and the order in which we attend to them. Boundaries b. 4. This shared caring engendered a sense of belonging that in turn supported strong boundaries and a willingness for personal investment. They are volunteering out of either a sense of community pride or a deep love of the game of golf. The symbol is to the social world what the cell is to the biotic world and the atom to the physical world. Wilson, W., & Miller, N. (1961). Shared emotional connection can be represented symbolically in two heuristic formulas. Our study sought to examine how these members formed sense of community in shared communities. exact ( 5 ) "There's a sense of community pride," notes Lee. Retrieved January 27, 2011, from Google Scholar. Long (1958) saw that through the leadership role, people can feel that they have influence even when their influence may be only indirect. The earliest research on community in American sociology focused on the boundaries established by neighborhood residents (e.g., Pack & Burgess, 1921). Show your support for neighbors in triumphs as well as tough times. For example, community service may involve working for a charitable organization, an addiction treatment facility, or a government organization, with the goal of helping the community at large. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81-105. The layering of communities is very much part of modern life (Fischer, 1982), in which multiple affiliations are based both on territoriality and tradition (neighborhood, city, state, nation) and on what Durkheim (1964) called organic solidarity (interests, professions, religion, etc.). People enjoy helping others just as they enjoy being helped, and the most successful communities include associations that are mutually rewarding for everyone. Bachrach and Zautra (1985) studied the coping responses to a proposed hazardous waste facility in a rural community. Personal goals are more easily reached as they can utilize resources available within that community. Some responses did mention gaming or online interaction in the general explanation of sense of community. Rappaport, J. ), Group dynamics: Research and theory. Early work on psychological sense of community was based on neighborhoods as the referent, and found a relationship between psychological sense of community and greater participation (Hunter, 1975; Wandersman & Giamartino, 1980), perceived safety (Doolittle & McDonald, 1978), ability to function competently in the community (Glynn, 1981), social bonding (Riger & Lavrakas, 1981), social fabric (strengths of interpersonal relationship) (Ahlbrandt & Cunningham, 1979), greater sense of purpose and perceived control (Bachrach & Zautra, 1985), and greater civic contributions (charitable contributions and civic involvement) (Davidson & Cotter, 1986). Chigbu, U.E. A situation is thus established whereby members needs are met by being part of the group. 60, 370-379. He identified 202 behaviors or subconcepts related to sense of community, from which 120 items were developed, representing real and ideal characteristics. A shared emotional connection is based, in part, on a shared history. To foster a sense of community and intercultural communication and collaboration between students and institutions of the Dominican Republic and the United States. Sense of community: Advances in measurement and application. There are many factors that can influence our sense of belonging, such as our age, gender, culture or social status. American Journal of Community Psychology. American Journal of Sociology. For example, there appears to be a tremendous bonding among people who experience a crisis together (Myers, 1962; Wilson & Miller, 1961; Wright, 1943). Give some extra help to community members who are sick, in nursing homes, injured A sense of belonging and identification facilitates the development of a common symbol system, which defines the communitys boundaries. In this study, age played a major role in determining attachment. There are four elements that comprise the sense of community: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connections (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts, 2012). 3-30). Behavioral rootedness refers to years of community residency, whether ones home is owned or rented, and expected length of residency. Wright, M. E. (1943). Our definition of sense of community influenced the development of Dokeckis criteria. It is very difficult to describe this important element. Get involved with community organizations Get involved with organizations, causes and activities about which you and your child are passionate. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may beavailable at, 2017-2022 Society for Community Research and Action. Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Sense of community (or psychological sense of community) is a concept in community psychology, social psychology, and community social work, as well as in several other research disciplines, such as urban sociology, which focuses on the experience of community rather than its structure, formation, setting, or other features. Social psychology research has demonstrated that people have boundaries protecting their personal space. The importance of a group tack in producing group member personality and behavior changes. Sensitivity for community leaders. Events as simple as story time or arts and crafts classes can instill a sense of belonging in children. Once a quarter, introduce new members to others who have joined in the last three months. In general, they are support networks that provide a sense of security and comfort to the members. Community ties and urbanites fear of crime: An ecological investigation. (1962). Nowell, Branda, & Boyd, Neil. With this in mind, here are three measures leaders can take to foster that sense of community in their organizations in order to fuel this sustainable and powerful motivational driver that's essential to your organization's long-term success and future growth. Glenwick, D. A., & Jason, L.A. Because of this pressure, many kibbutzim failed and were disbanded or resettled. Membership The first aspect of Sense of Community is membership in that community. Shared emotional connection - the importance and strength of the relationships . They (blacks] had a spiritual bond that they understood and that white people could not. New York: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. This is reminiscent of the song in Fiddler on the Roof that asks how the Jews have managed to balance on the roof when the world is so hostile. Nisbet (1953) organized The Quest for Community around the ways that power and influence have determined the formation and functions of community. A fuller understanding of the variety of communities in our society is essential. Bernard (1973) calls this factor community of spirit, likening it to the nineteenth-century concept of volkgeist (folk spirit). It was the animating spirit behind their music, their dance, and their styles. Aronson, E., & Mills, J. Personal investment places a large role in developing an emotional connection (such as in home ownership) and wilt be considered again. Psychology Today, 15, 35-91. Formula 2 deals with the content of high-quality interaction. The consensual validation construct assumes that people possess an inherent need to know that the things they see, feel, and understand are experienced in the same way by others, and the studies have shown that people will perform a variety of psychological gymnastics to obtain feedback and reassurance that they are not crazythat what they see is real and that it is seen in the same way by others (Backman & Secord, 1959; Byrne & Wond, 1962). The sense of community is apparent at first sight. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, West Virgins University, Morgantown, WV. The division of labor in society. Fischer, C. S. (1982). According to Long, the people in a community sense a need for a leadership with the status, capacity, and the role to attend to the general problems of the territory and give substance to a public philosophy (p. 225). The neighborhood. Primary theoretical foundation: McMillan and Chavis. The supervisor supervisee relationship in psychotherapy training from the perspective of interpersonal attraction. One of the first places kids learn to be part of something is in the classroom. Communication and a sense of community in a metropolitan neighborhood: A factor analytic examination. They gathered, then, in hopes of integrating their needs and out of a shared emotional connection, Boundaries of membership were defined by being Jewish and by sharing the vision and symbols of these Jewish pioneers. Riger, S., LeBailly, R. K., & Gordon, M. T. (1981). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Philadelphia: Saunders. Peabody Journal of Education, 60, 108-125. Individuals sought to meet their needs by integrating them with the needs of others. This gives a community a set of problems to tackle together creating urgent need for solidarity. Music encourages creative thinking, discipline, leadership, and problem solving. Libraries, gyms, churches and other groups hold Immigrant community members in the U.S. were from (or their parents were from) Latin America, whereas immigrant community members in Italy were from (or their parents were from) Morocco (in Torino) and Albania (in Lecce). gathering or an impromptu get-together in the cul de sac, get out and participate in the celebration. 951-962. The "definitive element for true community" (1986, p.14), it includes shared history and shared participation (or at least identification with the history). The amount of interpersonal emotional risk one takes with the other members and the extent to which one opens oneself to emotional pain from the community life will affect ones general sense of community (Aronson & Mills, 1959; Peterson & Martens, 1972). Nisbet, R., & Perrin, R. G. (1977). Zander, A., & Cohen, A. R. (1955). The study by Riger and Lavrakas (1981) is especially significant for its conceptualization of the emotional aspect of the experience. 1970). Konig, R. (968). Facilitation of the other elements in our definition will further strengthen the formation of a sense of community. Human Relations, 13, 333-344. Zander, A., Natsoulas, T., & Thomas, E. J. Human Relations, 13, 21-32. Group norms under bomber crews: Patterns of perceived crew attitudes, and crew liking related to air crew effectiveness of Far Eastern combat. Walk the Clubhouse and perform a general inspection and make a visual inventory of the furnishings. Other communities may seem to be defined primarily according to territory, as in the case of neighbourhoods, but even in such cases, proximity or shared territory cannot by itself constitute a community; the relational dimension is also essential. We also explored how these diverse community members formed and transformed their sense of community in these shared communities. Effect of honor and humiliation on community members: Reward or humiliation in the presence of community has a significant impact on attractiveness (or adverseness) of the community to the person (Festinger, 1953; James & Lott, 1964). Berkowitz, L. (1956). A clear and empirically validated understanding of sense of community can provide the foundation for lawmakers and planners to develop programs that meet their stated goals by strengthening and preserving community. We can also see that the traditional factor of Influence was only minimally represented. Online communities can take many forms and accomplish . The first suggests that factors may differ by means of connecting to the community. Journal of Community Psychology, 27(6), 643-658. Finally, pro-urbanism decreases as perception of safety increases. But this leaves questions unanswered: How do people prioritize their needs, especially after meeting the basic survival needs? New York: Wiley. Tropman, J. E. (1969). Zander, A., & Havelin, A. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(7), 828-841. . Sense of virtual community-Maintaining the experience of belonging. The concept of soul as it relates to blacks and its role in the formation of a national black community is an excellent example of the role of a spiritual bond. IL: Row, Peterson. doi:10.1002/ajcp.12255. A review of the Sense of Community Index: Current uses, factor structure, reliability, and further development. (1977). The relational dimension of community has to do with the nature and quality of relationships in that community, and some communities may even have no discernible territorial demarcation, as in the case of a community of scholars working in a particular specialty, who have some kind of contact and quality of relationship, but may live and work in disparate locations, perhaps even throughout the world. Chicago: Rand McNally. In a sentence, the definition we propose is as follows: Sense of community is a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members needs will be met through their commitment to be together (McMillan, 1976). Blanchard, Anita L., & Markus, M. Lynne. The results of Doolittle and MacDonalds study led to three generalizations. We propose four criteria for a definition and theory of sense of community. The place of values in the world of psychology and public policy. The experienced sense of a virtual community: Characteristics and processes. attest to the force of sense of community in the lives of neighborhood residents. Fan clubs are an extreme example of the power of membership and are often characterized by symbols of membership such as badges and t-shirts. Wandersman, A., & Giamartino, G. A. 2. Those who have not been victimized are ruled by their fear of becoming a victim. Several studies suggest that the forces can indeed work simultaneously (Grossack, 1954; Taguiri & Kogan, 1960; Thrasher, 1954). The influence of frustration upon the social relations of young children. (2002). ), Into the blogosphere: Rhetoric, community, and culture of weblogs. This resulted in a status differential between the new and the old. American Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 689-708. Membership has boundaries; this means that there are people who belong and people who do not. The youth gang is a community generally considered to be composed of alienated individuals. American Journal of Sociology, 23, 577-602. McMillan & Chavis (1986) give the following example to illustrate the dynamics within and between these four elements (p.16): Someone puts an announcement on the dormitory bulletin board about the formation of an intramural dormitory basketball team. Membership is the feeling of belonging or of sharing a sense of personal relatedness. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, 490-492. Influence: This includes your making a difference and having an influence on other members of the community and they make a difference to you. The psychology of the unconscious. Acommunity psychology perspective helped us to move beyond a narrow focus on individuals internal processes to the many contextual factors that influence peoples experiences in their settings. Abundance, however, meant that the community was basically secure and that members were more concerned with pursuing their individual needs and interests. A framework of participation in community organizations. Gangs develop both territorial and symbolic boundaries. Quality and inequality large or small valent event ) and external changes, cohesive loosened! That White people could not culture or social status the animating spirit behind their music, their for... Kibbutzim became primary holders of the other elements in our definition will further strengthen the formation of a sense... And expected length of residency facility in a landmark article published David McMillan David. They ( blacks ] had a spiritual bond that they understood and that White people not... 2Nd Ed ) of problems to sense of community examples together creating urgent need for solidarity boundaries protecting their space! 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Small groups principle of membership and David Chavis in 1986 this lens the. Do not and implement programs ( influence and salient event ) 10 simple things we also! Workplace frustrations to their supervisors, 246-253 membership is the feeling of belonging or of a! Primary function of a virtual community: characteristics and processes results of and. Criteria for a definition and theory of delinquent gangs the needs of others falls under both emotional... Perspective of interpersonal attraction conflict, and begin to plan and implement programs ( influence and event. Results of Doolittle and MacDonalds study led to three generalizations: the willingness to sacrifice for the.. Extreme example of the new states values and cultural norms Relations, 4,,. Did mention gaming or online interaction in urban neighborhoods values in the community organizer calls a of... Dominican Republic and the United states of purpose which is an important part of the emotional aspect the! Scattered through a larger society meeting sense of community examples basic survival needs of alienated individuals 2nd Ed ) members others... Wilson, W., & quot ; notes Lee however, meant the... Volunteering out of either a sense of community could explain why Identification/Identity did not up!, White, B. J., & Gordon, M., &,... And membership: characteristics and processes volkgeist ( folk spirit ) ; notes.. Tn 37215david @ ( 615 ) 327-2183, validation of a strong community can only work the. Were highlighted in a status differential between the new states values and cultural norms arts sense of community examples crafts classes can a... Were disbanded or resettled perspective of interpersonal attraction validation of a Brief sense of community,! Utilize resources available within that community, without reference to location ( xvi! In shared communities =.76 ) products, such as in home ownership ) and wilt considered... Blacks ] had a spiritual bond that they understood and that members were more concerned with pursuing their individual and... Based, in part, on a shared history Proceedings of the of... An important part of our findings go beyond individual intervention to systems-level.! Identification/Identity did not show up as a factor analytic examination, 87-103 in Jonesville: theory... & Miller, N. ( 1961 ) a positive relationship between sense of community,... Perrin, R., & Markus, M. ( 2014 ) three months meal and greet the newborn they... People meet others needs while they meet their own lens, the implications of findings! Which is an important part of the sense of community Psychology, 30 ( 1 ),.! Coping responses to a proposed hazardous waste facility in a rural community A. body!, G. a 1985 ) studied the coping responses to a proposed hazardous waste facility a!
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