(OCPBUGSM-39859), The SiteConfig disk partition definition fails when applied to multiple nodes in a cluster. With this update, an ownership reference is added to the secret that maps to the template instance. (BZ#2089933), Because of a bug, the kubelet could incorrectly reject pods that have OutOfCpu errors, if the pods were rapidly scheduled after other pods were reported as complete in the API. You might need to adjust your firewall rules to allow communication with TCP ports 6385 and 5050 on virtual IP for the API server. Get the authentication token by running the following command: Using the authentication token, create the Redfish events subscription: You should receive a 201 Created response and a header with Location: https:///redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/35 that indicates that the Redfish events subscription is successfully created. The response message is sent back to the original caller via a user-defined with. If you upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the Node Tuning Operator removes the Performance Addon Operator and all related artifacts on startup. Delete the gateways secret and create a new one to change the ingress The default configuration of the Image Registry Operator now spreads image registry pods across topology zones to prevent delayed recovery times in case of a complete zone failure where all pods are impacted. With this enhancement, the contents of a catalog can be mirrored to a file system, placed onto removable media, and then mirrored back from the file system to a registry for usage by an airgapped cluster. Prerequisites. For more information, see Pods with Generic Ephemeral Volumes fail with SCC errors. You can now use the Prometheus /federate endpoint to scrape user-defined metrics from a network location outside the cluster. The current release fixes this issue. We want to make sure you're aware (BZ#1959648), Previously, CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) objects applied as part of an Operator installation could sometimes satisfy the installation requirements of a newer version of the same Operator. imperative API, where you instruct a server what to do. Because the image registry depends on v1 Storage Accounts, a cluster install would fail in such environments. (BZ#1930015), Previously, if you used the web consoles new virtual machine wizard on a cluster with no defined storage classes, the web console got stuck in an infinite loop and crashed. This fix increases the default time limit, resulting in the kuryr-controller running for a longer period. For installer-provisioned bare metal clusters upgrading from previous versions of OpenShift Container Platform, you must convert your cluster to support dual-stack networking. For Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) based workloads, it is important to reduce the NIC queues to only the number of reserved or housekeeping CPUs to ensure the desired low latency is achieved. The new nodes could turn into Ready, but Ingress pods cannot turn into Running on these nodes, and scale-up does not succeed. Dashboard panels are now organized into groups, which you can expand and collapse. This update removes the condition which allowed the vsphere-hostname service to run only when a node is installed. Now, OpenShift Container Platform builds are more resilient when they encounter intermittent communication issues with image registries. (BZ#2046435), Before this update, if the ConsoleLink CR (openshift-blog) was not available in the cluster, the blog link was undefined. Uses the az network public-ip delete command to destroy the Azure Public IP called AksName_HelmReleaseNamespace_ServiceName used to expose the redmine Kubernetes service. If a node appears to be stuck in the Provisioning state after scaling up a machine set, you can investigate the status of the virtual machine in the vSphere instance itself. Featured Products. As a result, the data on the VMDK was unrecoverable. Services consist of multiple network endpoints implemented by workload instances running on pods, containers, VMs etc.. Service versions (a.k.a. There are two workarounds for this issue: When the vMedia attachment request fails with an error indicating that the TransferProtocolType attribute is missing, retry the request and explicitly specify this attribute. This is where the problem occurs. This update reintroduces any resources that were removed from the /manifest directory and adds the release.openshift.io/delete: true annotation so that the CVO cleans up the resources. Red Hat does not provide direct guidance on determining the range because it requires careful consideration of the number of pods created. With this update, the bare metal hosts and machine resources are handled more gracefully, and the UI shows all available details. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.1, anonymous users could access discovery endpoints. (BZ#1839101). (BZ#1890828), Previously, a lack of route status inclusion during the Image Registry Operator status assessment meant that the Image Registry Operator was not degraded, even with routes in the degraded state. Previously, Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store (RADOS) Block Devices (RBDs) were visible in unprivileged container pods running lsblk. It fetches from the mirror registry instead. (BZ#1939968), Previously, empty IP address values in the load balancers Ingress broke the data path. The Network Resources Injector that is deployed with the Operator is enhanced to expose information about huge pages requests and limits with the Downward API. The ThanosQueryHttpRequestQueryRangeErrorRateHigh alert severity is updated from critical to warning. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.11.12, which includes security updates, is now available. (BZ#2052398), Previously, for ovn-kubernetes, setting up br-ex on boot with a bond or team interface caused a mismatch on media access control (MAC) addresses between the br-ex and the bond interface. On the User Preferences page, select your preferred theme to view the web console in. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:0484 advisory. You can now run pipelines and tasks from your GitHub repository on the cluster when relevant Git events, such as push or pull requests are triggered. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.11.4 is now available. No large scale testing for performance against OVN-Kubernetes testing was executed for this release. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 adds support for sending the metadata about network flows on the pod network to a network flows collector. With this release, IBM Power Systems are now compatible with OpenShift Container Platform 4.8. As a result, when the workload partitioning feature is enabled on SNO, the pod resources do not get mutated and pinned to the reserved CPU set. Work fast with our official CLI. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. A validation check now identifies these inaccuracies to enable correction. Google Container File System (gcfs) has to be enabled for image streaming to be active. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHSA-2021:2984 advisory. For clusters on installer-provisioned bare metal infrastructure, the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address families. (OCPBUGSM-46245), Several clusters fail to update during scale testing. Return to the initial working directory by running the following command: Generate the ISO file from the iso-grub-cfg directory: Push the updated ISO image to the server that is accessible by the hub cluster. With this update, the default credentials request for Amazon Web Services (AWS) is modified to allow mounting of encrypted volumes using customer managed keys from Key Managment Service (KMS). This ensures that creation of the container will succeed. (BZ#2074612), Previously, in an error message that occurred when users ran opm index prune against a file-based catalog image, imprecise language made it unclear that this command does not support that catalog format. With this update, the Ingress Operator no longer removes finalizers. implementations for your custom resources by writing and deploying your own API server. Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification fails. This resulted in multiple impacts to network performance. Consequently, users with an active namespace could not create a cluster RoleBinding without changing the active namespace to All namespaces. (BZ#1901648), Previously, the fix for BZ#1932401 overrode the default Go HTTP client transport. Additionally, the volume cannot be mounted to multiple nodes until the new kubelet fully starts and cofnrims that the volume is unmounted, which ensures that Fibre Channel volumes are uncorrupted. (BZ#2025396), Previously, the SystemMemoryExceedsReservation alert using Prometheus QL was using hugepages memory consumption. If using mutual (BZ#2014161), Before this update, when creating a RoleBinding using the Create RoleBinding form, the subject name was mandatory. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides developers and IT organizations with a hybrid cloud application platform for deploying both new and existing applications on secure, scalable resources with minimal configuration and management overhead. The client says "do this", and then gets an operation ID back, and has to check a separate Operation object to determine completion of the request. If part of your workload requires a backing service for This is to help prevent issues after upgrading to OpenShift Container Platform 4.9, where APIs that have been removed are still in use by the cluster. Installing a cluster on OpenStack that supports SR-IOV-connected compute machines With this update, multipath is now enabled earlier in the boot process. With this update, an additional OVS rule is inserted to notice when port conflicts occur and to do an extra SNAT to avoid said conflicts. As a result, there are no longer port conflicts when connecting to a service. With this fix, during cluster bootstrap, the Image Registry Operator now attempts to create and use V2 Storage Accounts. Example service mesh: Istio. For more information, see About the External DNS Operator. To clean up resources manually, you must find and delete the affected resources. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:0278 advisory. If your cluster has the credentials mode explicitly set to mint mode ("Mint"), you must change the value to "" or "Passthrough". Consequently, the UI failed when trying to show details of the worker node. (BZ#2098392), Previously, using a forward slash (/) in the ImageLabel name of a BuildConfig instance resulted in an error. Now if must-gather is called with invalid options, it provides useful error output. For more information, see Using PTP with dual NIC hardware. Now, upon loading the YAML, the metadata.managedFields section collapses immediately. When booting ZT Systems machines from a live ISO with static IPv6 address configuration, NetworkManager exits successfully before the interface link becomes ready. As a result, the package server strained topologies with limited resources, such as single-node environments. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHSA-2022:6535 advisory. You can now add up to 25 user tags during installation. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2021:4019 advisory. The list of bug fixes that are included in the update is documented in the RHBA-2022:6376 advisory. (BZ#1954597), Previously, due to a strict check of the virtual machines (VM) ProvisioningState value, the VM would sometimes fail during an existence check. PVs are now enqueued correctly so that they delete properly. (BZ#1944268), Previously, on-premise platforms lacked the capability to create internal load balancers. The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver is automatically deployed and managed on GCP environments, allowing you to dynamically provision these volumes without having to install the driver manually. (BZ#1942536), Previously, runc took on the permissions of the entity that ran it. This update filters out accidental duplicate server lines when writing out the HAProxy config file, so that deleting the selector from a service no longer causes the router to fail. This sample shows how to create a private AKS cluster using Terraform and Azure DevOps. This fix explicitly mentions in the openshift-apiserver pods that the root file system should be writable. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2022:0277 advisory. With this update, the started-by annotation value is updated to the correct username and the triggered by section shows the username of the correct user that started the pipeline. See Route-specific annotations for more information. Consequently, the restrictive validation for the API prevented users from specifying custom host names that should have been permitted and prevented users from being able to install clusters with domains that should have been permitted. For more information, see Overview of hosted control planes (Technology Preview). Documentation for Application Gateway Ingress Controller, Annotations for Application Gateway Ingress Controller, Certificate issuance with LetsEncrypt.org, Tutorial: Enable the Ingress Controller add-on (preview) for a new AKS cluster with a new Application Gateway instance, Tutorial: Enable Application Gateway Ingress Controller add-on for an existing AKS cluster with an existing Application Gateway through Azure CLI (Preview), Difference between Helm deployment and AKS Add-On, Enabling ModSecurity in the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller, Create an HTTPS ingress controller on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Create an NGINX ingress controller that uses an internal, private network and IP address, Create an NGINX ingress controller that uses your own TLS certificates, Create an ingress controller that uses Let's Encrypt to automatically generate TLS certificates with a static public IP address. with the meshConfig.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode option set to ALLOW_ANY. If you have explicitly configured REGISTRY_ONLY mode, you can change it key_name is the name of a CloudKMS key. The new resource supports clients that want to use Protocol Buffers, Is there an OpenAPI (swagger) schema for the types that can be dynamically fetched from the server? If you want to deploy a private AKS cluster using a public DNS zone to simplify the DNS resolution of the API Server to the private IP address of the private endpoint, you can use this project under my GitHub account or on Azure Quickstart Templates. A resource is an endpoint in the Kubernetes API that stores a collection of for an example of how to register a new custom resource, work with instances of your new resource type, Change the gateways definition to set the TLS mode to MUTUAL. This enables you to have the latest fixes, features, and enhancements, as well as the latest hardware support and driver updates. Providing a hugepages property into the MachineSet resource is now possible. See BZ#1949859 for more information. This release uses Kubernetes 1.24 with CRI-O runtime. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.8.22, which includes security updates, is now available. This results in irregular truncated packets being delivered by the NIC. This update fixes how the Cluster Samples Operator uses information in the controller cache. (BZ#1919406), Previously, the ResourceListDropdown component in the Resources menu was not internationalized for some languages. When running OpenShift Container Platform on bare-metal IBM Power, there is a known issue that the Petitboot bootloader is unable to populate boot configurations for some RHCOS live images. (BZ#2066615), Because multiple Authentication Operator controllers were synchronizing at the same time, the Authentication Operator was taking too long to react to changes to its configuration. (BZ#2070020), Previously, the Pipeline metrics page displayed all API calls for the metrics query and failed with a 404 error. Unless there is a specific need for unauthenticated access, you should revoke it. The editor content is now editable by users with create access for the resource. For more information, see Link secrets from an Azure Key Vault. Are you sure you want to create this branch? With this update, the installation program embeds providers to a known directory and sets Terraform to use the known directory. Terraform state can include sensitive information. routing rules The scrape interval has been doubled for all Cluster Monitoring Operator (CMO) controlled ServiceMonitors on single-node OpenShift Container Platform deployments. IP failover uses keepalived to host a set of externally accessible VIP addresses on a set of hosts. Maximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Both the public IP and public IP configuration are dedicated to this workload. The following diagram shows the network topology of the sample: The message flow can be described as follows: The cd-redmine-via-helm pipeline performs the following steps: Likewise, the destroy-redmine-via-helm pipeline shows how you can undeploy a workload to a private AKS cluster using an Azure DevOps Pipelines that runs on a Self-hosted Agent. Previously, the spec.loglevel field did not set the log-level flag on the etcd operand, so users could not change the etcd log level. An OpenShift SDN cluster network provider migration to the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider is supported for user-provisioned clusters. allowPrivilegeEscalation must be unset or set to false in security contexts. Clusters that were installed using 4.8 or later have the annotation value true. (BZ#1848151), Previously, keyboard users of the YAML editor were unable to exit the editor. With this fix, the vSphere cloud provider checks for and detaches these disks from the node if the kubelet is not reachable. Because this double naming could cause confusion about the type of Operators being discussed, the term "platform Operator" is no longer used when referring to cluster Operators, which are represented by ClusterOperator API objects. Now these IP addresses are periodically collected and made available to be reallocated. With this update, the subnet is correctly detected and a user-provisioned installation succeeds. Create container images: A container image is the most basic building block in OpenShift Container Platform (and Kubernetes) applications. the bare metal pod definition. When those permissions differ, container creation errors occured and caused failure of the container startup. After updating the istio-sidecar-injector configmap and redeploying the sleep application, For more information, see The POODLE Attack and the End of SSL 3.0. With this fix, the pod ID is included in the key that the kubelet uses to manage registered pods. The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, the Insights Operator collects the following additional information: Non-identifiable cluster workload information to find known security and version issues. PTP tests can run in Discovery mode. For guidance, see (KCS*) and (Kubernetes External IPs) (BZ#2076662). OVN-Kubernetes is the default networking solution for single-node OpenShift deployments. After updating to 4.11, existing service account token secrets are not deleted and continue to function as expected. (BZ#2102011), When resourceGroupID is specified in install-config.yaml, an error is displayed when deleting bootstrap resources and OpenShift Container Platform installation fails. (BZ#1937145), Previously, the Fibre Channel volume was incorrectly unmounted from a node when a pod was deleted. This update contains changes from Kubernetes 1.21.6. The NGINX ingress controller is exposed via an internal load balancer with a private IP address in the spoke virtual network that hosts the AKS cluster. (OCPBUGS-1246). The resulting application is subject to image pull throttling, which can produce failures. (BZ#2088483), With this update, a --subresource flag was added to the oc adm policy who-can command to check who can perform a specified action on a subresource. Using this endpoint, you can get PTP os-clock-sync-state, ptp-clock-class-change, and lock-state details for the cluster node. To workaround this issue, add `efi=runtime`to the kernel arguments. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, support for virtual hardware version 13 is removed. As a result, Operator SDK now supports building Operator images that target arm64. The view shortcuts popover outside of the editor was unavailable inside the editor for access by the user. A missing subject name fails to load the Project Access tab. This release introduces a Technology Preview feature in which administrators can create alerting rules based on existing platform monitoring metrics. (BZ#2094854), Previously, the web console was not properly authenticating permissions when approving InstallPlans. This issue will be fixed in a future release of OpenShift Container Platform. The indentation was removed, and some random letters were seen in the selection. Avoid using a Custom Resource as data storage for application, end user, or monitoring data: (BZ#1725981), Previously, the oc image extract command did not extract files from the root directory of an image. Destroying the cluster using the installation program deletes the user-defined resource group. Configure the gateways traffic routes. ; In a Consequently, an expired Report CR would cause the Reporting Operator to continually loop, as the affected custom resources are requeued indefinitely. You want to perform rolling updates via Deployment, etc., when the file is updated. or the global.proxy.excludeIPRanges configuration option and (BZ#2039377), Previously, the standard-csi storage class did not include a value for the reclaimPolicy field. you can configure the Envoy sidecars to prevent them from In this update, the custom HTTP client inherits settings from DefaultTransport, so now OpenShift Container Platform can be installed with self-signed certificates and proxies. As a result, the Compliance Operator continues to run when dealing with large machine configuration data sets. If you have applications that rely on unauthenticated access, they might receive HTTP 403 errors if you revoke unauthenticated access. The request is sent by the load balancer to one of the Kubernetes service pods running on one of the agent nodes of the AKS cluster. Now, the priority level of default presets are lower than user configured defaults, so the user configuration can properly override vendor configuration. For more information, see Node Tuning Operator. When you combine a custom resource with a custom controller, custom resources Consequently, Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) would return I/O errors in some multipath environments. The client says "do this", and then gets a synchronous response back when it is done. With this update, the error message states that devfiles older than v2.2 are not supported. Enable Shielded Nodes features on all nodes in this cluster, Vertical Pod Autoscaling automatically adjusts the resources of pods controlled by it, The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes, List of TCP ports for admission/webhook controllers. (BZ#1905159), Previously, hardware-assisted zlib decompression on s390x z15 systems caused the mounting of the RHEL rootfs image to fail, which resulted in boot failure for REHL s390x z15 nodes using the RHEL 8.3 kernel. This fix updates OLM to override deployment-specific resources only when the spec.config.resources section is set to a non-nil or non-empty value. For example, from Workloads Deployments click Add PodDisruptionBudget. RHEL nodes in the pool now proceed as expected when an unsupported operation is performed by the Machine Config Daemon. OpenShift Container Platform (RHSA-2022:5069) is now available. Flag to skip all local-exec provisioners. However, permissions on the workdir are set by the container user. To easily switch to the second approach for specific services, simply create service entries for those external services. Previously, only the KILL, MKNOD, SETUID, and SETGID capabilities were dropped. successful 200 responses: Congratulations! The documentation sets for OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and earlier have been updated to now solely use the term "cluster Operator". The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2022:1423 advisory. The default Red Hat-provided Operator catalogs for OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 releases in the file-based catalog format. See BZ#1908462 for more information. Aggregated APIs are subordinate API servers that sit behind the primary API server, which acts as a proxy. The current release fixes this issue. Help users prevent errors and allow you to evolve your API independently of your clients. This update includes the subnet prefix length in the DNSmasq configuration. Parsing and recompiling the regular expression on each call to firstMatch() is expensive, particularly for configurations that have many thousands of routes. In previous releases, this field had to be empty. See the module documentation for more information. (BZ#2040933), For clusters using the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider, previously if the NetworkManager service restarted on a node, that node lost network connectivity. (BZ#2014240), Previously, if the pruner failed, the image registry Operator is reported as degraded until the pruner successfully runs. For more information, see About MetalLB and the MetalLB Operator. You can link an existing Azure Key Vault to a variable group and select which secrets you want to expose as variables in the variable group. For single-node OpenShift, you can use the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) Operator to create a backup of a current deployment before an OpenShift Container Platform version update. With this update, Keepalive is disabled when connecting to the Ingress canary route. If you are a cluster administrator for a cluster that has been upgraded from OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 to 4.8, you can either revoke or continue to allow unauthenticated access. (BZ#1913112), When provisioning an image to nodes, qemu-image was restricted to 1G of RAM, which could cause the qemu-img to crash. (BZ#1932401), Previously, the Ingress Operator Canary Check Client sent canary requests over HTTP to load balancers that dropped HTTP traffic. (BZ#1932812), Previously, there was an eventual consistency issue in the AWS Terraform provider when updating new load balancers. (BZ#1919032), Previously, the oc apply command would fetch the OpenAPI specification on each invocation. As a result, scaling from zero for unknown instance types works if users manually provide the annotation. For more information, see Evicting pods using the descheduler.
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