(John E. Steinmueller, A Companion to Scripture Studies, vol.1, p.80), Hrabanus (9th century A.D.) said the Old Testament was formed by Ezra into twenty-two books that there might be as many books in the Law as there are letters. (Whitaker, Disputation), Peter of Cluny (Better know as Peter the Venerable and also know as Blessed Peter of Montboissier) (1150 A.D.): Twenty-two books. Not a single one. There is only one Church established by Christ and one Sacred Tradition. (identical to the Protestant Old Testament.). (Edward Reuss, Canon of the Holy Scriptures, p.257), Hugh of St. Victor (12th Century): As there are twenty-two alphabetic letters, by means of which we write in Hebrew, and speak what we have to say, so twenty-two books are reckoned, by means of which the yet tender infancy of our man is instructed, while it yet hath need of milk. (Didascalicae Eruditionis, 4.80). I borrowed the following list from Here. That is the one that is utilized in the masses presided over by the Pope. It would defy all logic and reason to think they wouldve made their own translation instead of using the one at hand: the Septuagint. No. But please tell me how it is not absurd that Jesus says he would create one Church. Should we accept all those non-canon books those as scripture too? Then 39 +27 = 66, the number of books in the Bible! But then for one of the most important issues in all of Christianity the early Church gets 73 book canon wrong and so the real truth on this issue is not there until 1520. Therefore the scribes of the Septuagint not only likely didnt think they were breaking a commandment of the Lord but in reality were not because they were in an entirely new kingdom ruled by a king of Macedonian decent. Notice the books below in red? In The Bible Is a Catholic Book, Jimmy shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. Luther really didnt care much for Jews, and wrote an encyclical advocating the burning of their synagogues, which seems like a dichotomy. Based on the evidence, I dont consider them to be inspired by God. The first level was called Bet Sefer. A: The Protestant translation of the Old Testament is missing seven books that are included in the Catholic Bible: Baruch, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Tobit, and Wisdom. Again, I would read the Got Questions article for the details. We cant be certain, but its quite likely. Their names are as follows: The five books of MosesGenesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Its worth noting that according to verse 6, its an angel talking. As previously stated, the Catholic Bible consists of 73 books, as opposed to the Protestant Bible, which consists of 66 titles. I cannot for the life of me believe that the church which is described as the pillar and bulwark of truth was not even on the earth from 382 To 1520. Wisdom 2:12-20: "Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our training. Which Church you might ask? The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. The Roman Catholic Bible contains seven books that do not appear in most Protestant Bibles. There are many lies in this article, some of them in their fuller context actually prove that the deuterocanonical books are scripture. There are some Protestants who use Bibles that have a section known as the Apocrypha that contains 14 more books.These writings are not considered to be part of the canon of Scripture, but they do increase the overall number of books in the Bible up to 80.This is typically contrasted with the 73 books of the Catholic Bible, which is considered to be part of the Old Testament and contains seven deuterocanonical books. Wish you could summarize and say that the Catholics or csi bible addition were added later. The Sadducees only believed in the first 5 books of the Bible written by Moses (the Pentateuch), while the Pharisees believed in 34 other books of the Old Testament as well. As weve just seen, Jesus and the Apostles quoted non-canon books all the time. 19 The Lord has said to you, O remnant of Judah, Do not go to Egypt. Know for a certainty that I have warned you this day, (Emphasis mine, also note that Mary and Joseph fled with Jesus to Egypt on Gods command. Its important to note that the Catholic and Protestant New Testaments are identical. Was he guided by the Holy Spirit, guided by God, in going along with the very Jews who were NOT CONVERTS to Christ, who did not want to spread the gospel of Jesus? (It has a Nihil Obstat by a Doctor of Sacred Theology, and an Imprimatur by an Archbishop from 1907). There are many more citations I could list, but someone else already did the work for me. The Church used the 73 Book canon from 382 AD until 1520. This article (link opens in a new tab) is an excellent and very quick read that will give you a great understanding of just how highly the Jews regarded scripture. Total price: $36.54. The Jews at Jamnia were Jews who DID NOT accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Many of these books were part of the Septuagint (LXX), the Greek translation of the Bible that the Churches of Cyprus and Greece still use. Store . And so twenty-two books make up the old law; that is, five of Moses, eight of prophets, nine of hagiographa. And the 7 books are indeed in that Bible. (this list includes Baruch, but none of the other deuterocanonical books). The Egypt of ramses and moses was now under control of the Helenistic empire as seen here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/6c/dc/4b6cdc492f87e0042d16c4b89b9084ac.jpg. The Catholic Bible also contains additional passages in the books of Esther and Daniel. Ill edit this comment and add a link to the article after I publish it. Christianity spread into Egypt during that time and then 300 years later Alexandria was formed by a new empire and it wasnt until after all of this that scribes wrote the Septuagint. They wanted to spread the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God Himself could rescind/change his command, but nowhere in the scripture does he rescind this command for Israel.). By comparison, the books of the Catholic Bible include all 66 in the previous list plus seven extra books. Indeed it is easy to take a section of Scripture out of context, which you have unfortunately done. However, the problem with the Alexandrian Canon (Septuagint) is that it was created in Alexandria, which is in Egypt. Some claim that their was no Jewish Council of Jamnia. In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the LORD at its border. Glad to realize a radical truth it helps me to gain more confindence which I believethGod blesses whoever put effort for this vast details. 9 For almsgiving delivers from death, and it will purge away every sin. But this certainly cannot be reduced to something as simple as the canon of the Jews.. If the Church errored in the 73 book canon did God wait from 382 AD until 1520 before He restored the real truth? The difference between Catholic Bible and Christian Bible is that the Catholic Bible comprises all 73 books of the old testament and new testament recognized by the Catholic Church, whereas the Christian Bible, also known as the holy bible, is a sacred book for Christian. This Council, among other things, simply affirmed the ancient accepted books in the face of Protestant tinkering. Your email address will not be published. God specifically commanded Israel to stay out of Egypt, but Alexandria is IN Egypt. They wouldnt put that much work into copying the scriptures then not use them. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is God-Breathed. 1 Maccabees 9:27 Thus there was great distress in Israel, such as had not been since the time that prophets ceased to appear among them. In both places, the physical land of Egypt is clearly the subject. However, if youre going to listen to Jewish tradition, maybe start with which books of the Bible are canon . ATTENTION TO RIGHT HOLDERS! The Apocrypha is one of seven books in the Roman Catholic Bible. Anyone who believes in a sacred text should have good reason to trust it. Gregaroys allusion is to 1 Maccabees 6:46. https://www.gotquestions.org/errors-Quran.html. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (313 386 AD) stressed (in Catechetical Lecture 4.35) that ONLY the 22 books of the Old Testament should be read, and that Christians should have nothing to do with the apocryphal writings. 18 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: As my anger and my wrath were poured out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so my wrath will be poured out on you when you go to Egypt. Discussion : The most noticeable differences occur in the number of books included and the order in which they have been arranged. But like most of the comments here, I would look towards why those books were excluded by the Protestants with the proper evidences, hundreds of years later instead of why theyre still around as they it were originally. Protestants say NO the Bible revealed itself. With regard to the birth of a daughter being a loss, its not my impression that he is speaking about the birth of a daughter in a general sense, but rather an undisciplined daughter in the same sense as the son in the first part of the verse. Catholics say the Church put the Bible together. On the other hand, the number 6 represents imperfection (as in 666). In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and elucidation of its mysteries, Scripture is inseparable from Catholicism. The High Priest then chooses 72 men (six from each tribe) to do the translating work. The superiority of the Septuagint over the Masoretic texts had not only been proven through the study linked below, but also by other scholars such as the Associates For Biblical Research (Project Gen 5 & 11). This version of the bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. Since the septuagint was created by members of the tweve tribes (which doesnt include Levites), it did not have the blessings of God, Himself. The first bible ever printed was the Gutenberg Bible, in the century BEFORE Luther started his Reformation. I may be in error on any of the above! And by whose authority? They will worship with sacrifices and grain offerings; they will make vows to the LORD and keep them. (So there is precedent for Protestants called them the Apocrypha.). He said to answer the assumptions rather than the statement itself. Those three councils did not infallibly define the canon of scripture for the whole Church. In addition, the canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church contains 81 volumes. Bible means "book," and it is a collection of books from different lands, authors, languages and historical periods, a text by which to pass on our faith. Those who were chosen were referred to as Talmidim. Thus, we are told to never return to Egypt, in that we are never to return to Idolatry and to the things of the passions. Are we really going to believe that for 1200 years the true Christian Church was not there? If youd like to arrange a debate on the issue Abe, Id be happy to refute these arguments, as well as show positive proof for the deuterocanonicals necessarily being scripture. If you backup and read the entire chapter, youll see that the Jews werent prophesied as moving back to Egypt; they were prophesied to come to it in judgement. And why trust the Catholic Church which he called the whore of Babylon to come up with an accurate New Testament list? SORT ORDER: Canonical | Alphabetical Books of the Bible in Canonical Order Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samue. St Jerome compiled the document (with Pope St Damasus I) that set the Deuterocanon up. Which Deuterocanonical books? Lets have a respectful interest in our differences, but a common love for Jesus Christ. Catholics do not pray to Mary in the same way that they would pray to God. (See also 1 Maccabees 4:46, and 1 Maccabees 14:41). We are less sure how Jews in Alexandria were schooled, but we do know how Jews in Israel during Jesus day were schooled. The majority of Protestant Bibles have 66 books, 39 of which are located in the Old Testament, and 27 of which are located in the New Testament. Besides, the Deuterocanon were considered good books and worthy of reading just not scripture. God prophesied the failure of the exact succession of the prophets in Amos. 4) He said that He was going to send the Spirit of Truth to guide the Church in all truth. After these prophets died, God stopped speaking as Amos predicted. You could not say the true church was there if they could not even get the correct books in the canon. He based his reasonings to NOT accept those books on the reasonings of the Jews at the Jewish Council of Jamnia. That changed with the New covenant, allowing more to be added. I hope they make sense. Then 39 +27 = 66, the number of books in the Bible! They typically mention the three or four early Catholic councils that officially adopted the Deuterocanon. Its my thorn in the flesh. Okay, a little context first. So, there you go. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years. The New Testament You need only remember the number 3. In my opinion, this fact alone disqualifies at least 1 Maccabees from being inspired. I didnt mention Sola Scriptura in the article. Love reading your articles, brother. Would Jesus have used a document that was created by men who were in the middle of disobeying the explicit commands of The Father? Here is the evidence from the other side. No disagreement.. no saddening God. Brushing up on scripture 3 times daily prevents truth decay, and is mental floss for your brain. The books had to conform to the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible- Genesis,Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,andDeuteronomy); 2. It seems that the article writer made the embarrassing mistake of saying R. Akiva said that the deuteros defiled the hands, where he actually said they didnt. Also, you make an interesting point. The Council of Trent, in 1546, in response to the Reformation removing 7 books from the canon (canon is a Greek word meaning standard), reaffirmed the original St. Athanasius list of 73 books. Okay, well look at your one church idea first. Books of the Bible. However, The three earliest Greek manuscripts don't contain those exact 7. 18 Vitarastreet You can read the full text of the article here. Eve did sin first so the From a woman sin had its beginning phrase is correct. With the arrival of the Christ came sweeping changes to this. There are, then, of the Old Testament, twenty-two books in number; for, as I have heard, it is handed down that this is the number of the letters among the Hebrews; their respective order and names being as follows. Then 3 squared equals 9, so there are 39 books in the old Testament. In Judith, we see a biblical type of Mary crushing the head of the serpent; Judith cuts off the head of the evil General Holofernes, and saves Israel. They were held in high esteem, just not considered scripture. Further, they do not contain any part of the book of Esther, which everyone agrees is canon. Further, (as we will soon see) there was some disagreement among the early church fathers about which books belonged in the Old Testament. To the same class belong the Book of Tobit, and the Book of Judith, and the Books of the Maccabees. So to the question as to why we should trust anything the early Church did; this is what the Bible says: Jesus said 1) He was going to build a single Church. There is evidence on both sides of the debate, which we will examine later. While Im always willing to admit Ive made a mistake, I can assure you there are no lies in the sense of I know the Truth but am saying something false on purpose. I sent you an email where Id be happy to continue discussing it. The rest of the books include the seven letters, stories of the lives of apostles, and the revelations. And there are some, but it has to be remembered that not all stories in the Bible are historical. Josephus in Against Apion, Book 1, Paragraph 8. King Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt who reigned from 283 BC to 246 BC wanted a copy of the Hebrew Law (The first 5 books of our Old Testament) for the library at Alexandria. Old Testament: 592,439 words. Even though the Jews were holders of the OT this changed with their divorcement by Yehova and was put into the hands of the Ethnos, giving us a complete copy. How many books did the Catholics take out of the Bible? Another name for the Septuagint is the Alexandrian Canon. How the Jews view the Deuterocanonical books, Evidence the Deuterocanon should be in the Bible, Jesus and the Apostles quoted and/or alluded to the Deuterocanon, Jesus and the Apostles used the Septuagint and it includes the Deuterocanon, therefore they are scripture. The Jews historically divided the Old Testament differently than Christians/Catholics do. Luther thought otherwise. If there were two different Old Testament canons like the Catholic sources say, and one of them was created directly contrary to the commands of God, then theres only one canon left, Matthew 5:18 (KJV, because most other translations butcher this verse attempting to indicate what Jesus was saying), 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. https://www.timemaps.com/history/ancient-egypt-500bc/. Gosh, maybe it is best to follow the 10 Commandments and we will all make God happy . This goes double because of the high regard in which they held the scriptures. No, and Heres Proof, Yes, The Bible CLEARLY Says Sex Outside of Marriage is Wrong, A Complete, 100% English Introduction to Koine Greek (with Examples in English), Patronage and Reciprocity: The Context of Grace in the New Testament, Is the Catholic Church Infallible? Missionvale How come the King James Bible only has 66 books? At least one very prominent Jewish Rabbi named Akiva (50 135 AD) said that the Deuterocanon defiled the hands. The book might be great, you just wouldnt consider it scripture. Infallible means free from the possibility of being wrong. I wish you would correct the misuse of its in place of its. Since were talking about the details of words and their meanings here, it seems important to get the small details right, or they call the big details into question. One of the comments in this article is not totally true. To participate, he must be invited by a Rabbi and, if selected, he would begin a process of grooming that would lead to the potential of becoming a Rabbi at age 30. It accepts and venerates their books, whose titles are as follows. They even referenced Pagan books in the New Testament. These fathers refer to the Egypt Of The Passions. The second was the Alexandrian canon which was the Septuagint. I think the Deuterocanonical books could be counted among them, I just dont think they are scripture. How many books are in the Catholic Bible in order? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seleucid_Empire#Partition_of_Alexander's_empire, During the time of Ramses and Moses Alexandria had not even been thought of. So this method employed by first century Jews would automatically exclude all of the Gospels, and the Epistles of the New Testament, which were also written in the first century. This "original" Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden. It was likely written around 430 BC according to the Bible timeline on BibleHub.com. I have seen no proof of this yet, otherwise I would be Catholic. Christ founded a CHURCH, not a BOOK and he entrusted the apostles and those following in the line of succession to interpret and safeguard the Deposit of Faith: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
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