While the Second Amendment to the Constitution is often considered the origin of this ideal, it actually was instituted by elites as one of many special "white rights" to ensure cooperation against rebellions. Du Bois argued that Washington perpetuated what by not opposing white supremacy? Sometimes speakers invoke examples of individualssay, Madame C. J. Walker, Oprah Winfrey, or Barack Obamato suggest that if these individuals were able to triumph over ra-cial barriers, the path is clear for everyone. 25. Kwan, an exchange student, was very happy with his nice, comfortable room so he smiled and made a circle with his index finger and thumb, with his other fingers sticking out. C) Considered the basis for the necessary and proper clause. The differences in menu items in McDonald's restaurants around the world is a counterexample to what potential consequence of globalization? Rachael lives with her mother and her mother's parents. When his parents see that he's wearing jeans and a T-shirt, they tell him that he needs to wear a suit instead. 41. Why is the study of religious beliefs challenging for anthropologists? (page 48), The potential power of individuals and groups to contest cultural norms, values, mental maps of reality, symbols, institutions, and structures of power. Ideas or rules about how people should behave in particular situations or toward certain other people are considered. 27. Knowing this, we might understand the observable differences in body ratiosheight versus widththat anthropologists have documented as a matter of ________. Conflict theorists argue that access to quality education is closely related to social class. Which of the following generations is made up of young adults who are more open to gay rights than are previous generations? Within 48 hours of the Sleepy Lagoon murder, __________ Mexican-Americans were picked up in a police dragnet. Her parents, who recently retired after years of work as domestic servants, like to tell their friends that the family is wealthy now that their daughter has graduated from medical school. 23. In the context of the functionalist perspective on the family as a social institution, sexual regulation is one of the key functions that families serve in advanced industrial societies. What is one way that progressive intellectual movements, such as feminism, are dominated by a white framework? - Color blindness is seen as a solution to racism in the United States. ___________ is a form of democracy whereby citizens elect representatives to serve as bridges between themselves and the government. 34. What does Benjamin Whorf's research with the Hopi, a Native American group in the southwestern United States, suggest about language? Identify the term that reflects the belief that one's own culture or way of life is normal, natural, or even superior to that of others. This important feature is. 25. For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" (1989), Lists and describes various ways whites receive preferential treatment throughout all aspects of life, institutional patterns and policies as well as individuals thoughts and actions that create or reproduce unequal access to power, privilege, resources, and opportunities based on race, Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was killed at a playground, Eric Garner was choked to death during his arrest, nine people were killed in African Methodist Episcopal Church. However, he believes in principles such as truth, justice, and tolerance for others and seeks to fulfill his true potential by attaining an elevated state of consciousness. Police Chief __________ was the lead investigator on the Sleepy Lagoon murder case. If we look at other sports, such as the high jump, one can see that "white" athletes from U.S. and Western Europe dominate; it is clearly cultural and social supports that create excellence in groups of people, not genetics. 1. What rule assigns the children of racially mixed unions to the subordinate group? President Barack Obama's mother was a white woman from Kansas and his father was a black man from Kenya. Anthropology developed during an intense period of globalization in the nineteenth century. For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol acronym that refers to the collective economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, Provide an example from Ken Guest's textbook, Essentials, of a hegemonic norm in the United States. Identify the tasks most closely associated with the work of primatologists, and those most closely associated with paleoanthropologists. 2. Which institution is most likely to rely on affirmative action admission policies? (page 17), The reconstruction of human behavior in the distant past (before written records) through the examination of artifacts. 20. _________ is the power that people accept as legitimate rather than coercive. Imagine that you are one of these rural Chinese migrant workers. Anthropologists conducting fieldwork may experience a particular kind of disorientation from the "strangeness" they discover. __________ are high-status, knowledge-based occupations. In the United States, what do we call this discrepancy between the experiences of the dominant and the minority groups? (page 18), The study of people's communities, behaviors, beliefs, and institutions, including how people make meaning as they live, work, and play together. (page 47), The ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use or threat of force. Identify the correct definition of economy. 45. Identify the actions taken by cultural anthropologists during and after ethnographic fieldwork. 39. Mead contrasted this aspect of Samoan culture with which aspect of culture among American people? All human beings of every race share ________ percent of their DNA. List and describe those structures. The pluralist model is rooted in a __________ which assumes that people share a consensus on central concerns and that the government serves important purposes no other institution can fulfill. Which of the following is true about adoption? The 1969 occupation of Alcatraz Island, in which protestors demanded the island be released for the explicit development of Indian education, lasted how long? A person's genetic makeup cannot be determined simply by phenotype (physical traits). The __________ make(s) up the top level of C. Wright Mills's pyramidal model of the power elite. After the Civil War, many states passed laws mandating the segregation of American citizens of European and African descent. Economists Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes contributed key yet opposing viewpoints on the ideal situation for capitalism to flourish. 34. Historically, racial oppression has been justified through explanations grounded in scientific language. The current _______________ in the United States delineates five major groups. She also cooks dinner for the family and takes care of her mother. Which of the following groups of workers might company executives refer to as "strike insurance"? In the context of the sociological perspectives on religion, __________ emphasizes the ways in which religious beliefs and rituals can bind people together in a society. It is essential that ethnographers map communities because mapping. According to Talcott Parsons, the husband/father of a family fulfills the __________ by meeting the family's economic needs, making important decisions, and providing leadership. Which type of property exchange demonstrates a higher value placed on women and their ability to work and produce children? This view is based on the __________ on the family as a social institution. 1. What is the term for sets of ideas like these? In the context of the conflict perspective on education, __________ is defined as a process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualifications. How does assimilation differ from multiculturalism? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Race relations play out differently depending on a variety of historical, cultural, and social factors. Steel workers who process metal ore and auto workers who then convert the ore into automobiles, trucks, and buses are engaged in __________. Unlike absolute monarchs, limited monarchs: Weber applied the term __________ to power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. _________ is the concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women. 28. How did Gramsci describe the other aspect of power? Today white families are, on average, ________ times more wealthy than black and Hispanic families. Psychologists describe this as "internalized oppression," while sociologist Pierre Bourdieu labels it: 15. In this context, which of the following statements is true? 13. Albert Cohen's study of teenage gangs describes the formation of delinquent subcultures made up of young, lower-class males suffering from what? According to historians such as George Sanchez and __________, Mexican-American teenagers in the 1940's were distancing themselves from their traditional, conservative culture and embracing all things jazz oriented. Identify the statement that best describes anthropology. the anthropologists written observations and reflections on a community, the analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures. Identify the reasons opponents of neoliberal policies give for their rejection of this philosophy. Which parts of language do emojis try to replace when communicating digitally? 32. Material de tima qualidade! This exemplifies how education serves the latent function of __________. A lifetime of other people's questions and assumptions about his racial and ethnic background, The anthropological term for a trait that is inherited independently, and not bundled together with other traits, is, The process by which an inaccurate concept or idea is so heavily promoted and circulated by people that it becomes an unquestioned "truth" is called, The greatest genetic diversity is between, "blacks" and other "blacks" on the same continent, The institution of slavery in the U.S. helped define race through a rule which stated that any trace of known non-European ("non-white") ancestry was used to automatically exclude a person from being classified as "white" (and therefore be born into slave status). 36. A realtor that shows an upper-class black family homes in only black neighborhoods is guilty of what practice? The right to own a gun is today considered fundamental to many people in the United States. 20. __________ is an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. The majority of whites are registered members of which political party? 1. a. Identify whether the following statements apply to Brazil or the United States. 23. In environments where the sun's rays are much less intense, what problem does the human body face, especially in terms of natural selection? During a routine checkup, a 36-year-old unmarried client reveals to the nurse that she is anxious to start a family and have a baby. What was the name of the policy that prohibited voter discrimination, outlawed literacy tests, and gave the federal government power to oversee voter registration? When they first immigrated to the United States in the nineteenth century, Irish, Italian, and eastern European immigrants were seen as inferior and not "white". What is the social force driving the transformation of the racial makeup of many majority-white small towns? In fact, family life may be negatively affected by the decreasing distinction between what is work time and what is family time. __________ is the concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women. When it does occur, it is typically found in societies where men greatly outnumber women because of high rates of female infanticide. Following World War II, suburban America exploded due in large part to homebuilding fund-ed by which legislation? Identify the effects of globalization. Identify which of the following strategies are used in the flexible accumulation model and which are used in the Fordism model. What was the unemployment rate for blacks? external locus of control. Religions confer supernatural legitimacy on the norms and laws of society. - lack of attention to culture and to the human effects of financial decisions. Which term is used to describe this experience? __________ is very rare. A primary difference between the early census process and the census of 2010 was the: Maria Kromidas's work in New York City schools reveals that children are creating a "new" racial category based on the post-September 11 media stories they receive. India's British Colonial government gifted the cremated remains from the Piprahwa stupa to ____________________ of Siam. - Genes that influence traits like intelligence and artistic abilities do not respond quickly to environmental pressures. A person may inherit a genetic pattern for above-average height yet may only reach average height due to poor nutrition. - the refusal of U.S. political institutions to recognize the healthcare needs of the Marshallese. 21. Marcus is studying developments in Chinese dialects over time, and how those dialects have evolved as migration has increased over the last two centuries. ___________ is an agreement in which a corporation contracts with other (usually smaller) firms to provide specialized components, products, or services to the larger corporation. As of 2010, which racial/ethnic group had the biggest percentage of its members living in the suburbs? A useful way to consider the inherent problem of racially dividing people is described in Jonathan Marks's example of: Gregor Mendel, a monk in the mid-nineteenth century, discovered that crossing white- and purple-flowered pea plants yielded purple flowers and not a blend of the two colors. In this context, schools with many lower-class students differ from schools with middle-class students in that the former have curricula that emphasize __________. _____________ is a situation in which two people live together, and think of themselves as a couple, without being legally married. 29. Like the "N-word," the term "queer" changes in meaning, depending on how it is used and by whom. What strategy could be considered necessary in order to understand the diverse and complex relationships among the people you're studying? The Department of Justice investigation of Ferguson City Police Department found that: What comprises all of the inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism's physical form? 10. A _____________________ is a social and symbolic hierarchical system of classification and social division that organizes people into rigid groups. shared reality that is constructed by families. A large number of whites moving from New York City into the whites-only suburb of Levittown on Long Island following World War II is an example of: 22. Franz Boas (1858-1942) rejected unilineal cultural evolution, instead suggesting that different cultures arise as the result of very different causes, and will vary widely. 36. Therefore, it can be described as a. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. The Olfang tribespeople of the country of Bethania ensure that their men travel at least 60 miles to find a bride. 4. In the United States, most people practice __________; they marry people who come from the same social class, racial-ethnic group, religious affiliation, and other categories considered important within their own social group. Where have almost half of all new immigrants since the 1990s settled? Identify the ways those in the initial wave of Chinese immigrants experienced racial prejudices. It is possible to breed the two and get a puppy that might look like something else entirely but still be a dog. What is one thing that Bobby should know to reassess his assumption? This hybridization is called. The difference between the terms child-free and childless is based on __________. In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another? (page 12), The use of four interrelated disciplines to study humanity: biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Ser empresa lder no mercado, reconhecida pela excelncia em solues no seu segmento. What roadblock strategy was responsible for slowing the pace of desegregation? Recent Hispanic population growth has been mostly driven by immigration, not births. 35. ___________ is best described as the argument that social and economic differences between races are the result of immutable, inherited, and inborn distinctions. - ruled that state-sponsored segregation in public schools was legal, - ruled that state-sponsored segregation in public schools was illegal. Why should (or shouldn't) anthropologists experiment with different types of writing ethnography? Identify the concepts that Jeanne and Bill Lowe were challenging by trying to get married in 1948. A biological mother and biological father, A social contract between (most often) two individuals and potentially their families that specifies rights and obligations of their union and their offspring is how anthropologists think of, The title of the ethnography, Chopsticks Work Only In Pairs (1999), reflects the Lahu society's emphasis on, the importance of the male-female dyad, or partnership, in domestic life, work, and leadership, In the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, candidate Hillary Clinton was described as 'ambitious, goal-focused, strategic, "wanting" the presidency.' Italian political philosopher Antonio Gramsci described two aspects of power: material power and hegemony. _____________ is the practice of marrying within one's own group. Malaysia was one of the first export-processing zones in Southeast Asia. Conflict theorists criticize __________, which refers to the practice of assigning students to specific curriculum groups and courses on the basis of their test scores, previous grades, or other criteria. 24. Identify a true statement about domestic partnerships. 37. The iron triangle of power is a three-way arrangement in which __________, and a bureaucratic agency make the final decision on a political issue that is to be decided by that agency. Identify the human activities that have a direct impact on oceanic life. People high in ______ are responsive to others' social and interpersonal cues. However, voucher programs are considered controversial for various reasons. According to the textbook, in 2013 the poverty threshold for a single person under the age of 65 was $11,490; it was $23,550 for a family made up of a couple and their two children. Consider this image, which shows Jeanne Lowe next to a photograph of her and her husband. "Your friend does not believe that racial segregation in schools is a problem today. Would they be suspicious? A __________ is a unit of political organization that has recognizable national boundaries and whose citizens possess specific legal rights and obligations. How many citizens do sociologists estimate have been disenfranchised because they have felony convictions? a cultural adaptation that enables a group of humans to use land, resources, and labor to satisfy their needs. Stephen Jay Gould argues that ________________ reappears, even when disproven, during eras of political retrenchment or during times when elites are fearful of changes to their status. Which event effectively ended the 350-year-old Indian Wars? a. tokenistic fallacy b. 43. 40. ___________ is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. Imagine it is the year 2400 and this garbage mound has been buried underground. What do we call the system of human communication based on a set of symbols and signs with learned and shared meanings? Despite the initial racist attitudes directed toward Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants, these groups eventually "became white" through: What do we call the process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people? Though often forced to attend boarding schools run by Christian missionaries and later the federal government, American Indian students regularly resisted this "indoctrination into whiteness." a. The authors of the textbook invite you to understand race and ethnicity through a sociological lens. 28. Over the entire span of U.S. history, 1,895 people have been elected to the Senate. For the seventy years leading up to 1860, the U.S. Census counted enslaved peoples as three-fifths of a person. Identify which of the following effects of globalization would be presented as evidence by either critics or proponents of globalization. After graduation, Billy Bob began to call himself William and to use his schoolmates' elite way of speaking, instead of his own regional dialect. 24. __________ is the everyday, secular, or "worldly" aspects of life. The world has fourteen levels, or "platters," that were created from the lowest level to the top, where humans emerged, The means by which human society and culture is extended to include the nonhuman is an anthropological definition of, The concept of mana, an impersonal supernatural force containing power, is an example of, In Hinduism, the atman is the supernatural or spiritual element that coexists within a person's natural body. Sociologist __________ asserted that moral values are the foundation of a cohesive social order and that schools have the responsibility to teach a commitment to the common morality. _________ is the concurrent marriage of a person of one sex with two or more members of the opposite sex.
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