Poincar dodecahedral space is a positively curved space, colloquially described as "soccerball-shaped", as it is the quotient of the 3-sphere by the binary icosahedral group, which is very close to icosahedral symmetry, the symmetry of a soccer ball. In some parts of Christianity, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is compared to saving one's life through beholding the Nehushtan (serpent of brass). [122], The use of snakes in alcohol is accepted in some Asian countries. inclined to respond "No" to this question since only a little Similar skull structure, reduced or absent limbs, and other anatomical features found in both mosasaurs and snakes lead to a positive cladistical correlation, although some of these features are shared with varanids. I found your article very useful especially because the concepts have been explained in a simple manner with lots of examples. If you want to test your skills, give the brief quiz below a go (not working? I wish can get more verbal explanations. Required fields are marked *, Statistical data can be classified in several ways. However, if the observable universe is smaller than the entire universe, our observations will be limited to only a part of the whole, and we may not be able to determine its global geometry through measurement. One example of this is the Habu snake, which is sometimes placed in the Okinawan liqueur Habushu (), also known as "Habu Sake". 4. is the arithmetic mean always describes the distribution of data well? [81] The WW females are likely produced by terminal automixis. 1. is measure of central tendency can only be calculated in case of quantitative variables? There is a Hindu festival called Nag Panchami each year on which day snakes are venerated and prayed to. A triangle drawn from the equator to a pole will have at least two angles equal 90, which makes the sum of the 3 angles greater than 180. Advanced note: The best way to determine central tendency on a set of ordinal data is to use the mode or median; a purist will tell you that the mean cannot be defined from an ordinal set. On nominal/categorical data, I think you can calculate/determine the mode. thanks for providing such a information about better understanding of scales for measurement. If the spatial geometry is spherical, i.e., possess positive curvature, the topology is compact. Thank you for the great job. Southern and southeastern Asia, and islands on the Sunda Shelf (Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and their surrounding smaller islands). The oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus. Some have binocular vision, where both eyes are capable of focusing on the same point, an example of this being the Asian vine snake. [73] Most pythons coil around their egg-clutches and remain with them until they hatch. Front limbs are nonexistent in all known snakes. [9][10] The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene epoch (c.66 to 56Ma ago, after the CretaceousPaleogene extinction event). any ordering among the responses. "[147] In the Maya and Aztec calendars, the fifth day of the week was known as Snake Day. Agkistrodon contortrix (copperhead) and Agkistrodon piscivorus (cottonmouth) can reproduce by facultative parthenogenesis, meaning that they are capable of switching from a sexual mode of reproduction to an asexual mode. Thanks so much,since now i understand those scales especial to differentiate them. Ok, consider this: 10 degrees C + 10 degrees C = 20 degrees C. No problem there. [71] This makes it difficult both for the snake to use its venom and for scientists to milk them. In the Nominal section youve mentioned like this Nominal scales are used for labeling variables, without any quantitative value. But in the second example, youve given the numerical value for classification. Many thanks for the explanation. Along the Pacific versant from Mexico south to Costa Rica. Not time itself. These scales are ordinal scales since there we need to measure our dependent Super easy to understand. There is such a thing as no temperature. I agree there if nothing called \\no temperature\\ , but isn\\t 20c twice as hot as 10c or am I wrong? You have explained to me in 10 minutes what I could not understand from our lecturer in a 2 hour long lecture. The 3-sphere and 3-torus are both closed manifolds. thank you so much for this easy to understand article!!! Other types of snake charmers use a snake and mongoose show, where the two animals have a mock fight; however, this is not very common, as the animals may be seriously injured or killed. Confused? ovens. For instance , the temperature of ice could be -4 degrees Celsius. [17]:243, Venomous snakes that use hemotoxins usually have fangs in the front of their mouths, making it easier for them to inject the venom into their victims. Limb loss is actually very common in extant reptiles and has happened dozens of times within skinks, anguids, and other lizards. Let's compare (1) the difference between Subject A's score of [111], Documented deaths resulting from snake bites are uncommon. whereas a lot more memory may be needed to retain the additional Contrary to the popular belief that snakes can dislocate their jaws, they have an extremely flexible lower jaw, the two halves of which are not rigidly attached, and numerous other joints in the skull, which allow the snake to open its mouth wide enough to swallow prey whole, even if it is larger in diameter than the snake itself. no items correct at all. [80] The most likely type of parthenogenesis to occur is automixis with terminal fusion, a process in which two terminal products from the same meiosis fuse to form a diploid zygote. Yet, in the case of simply connected spaces, flatness implies infinitude. Thank you. With dark energy, the expansion rate of the universe initially slows down, due to the effect of gravity, but eventually increases. Geoscience Africa 2004. You explain the meanings better than my textbook . [82] Since multiple studies have found evidence suggesting different genes played a role in the loss of limbs in snakes, it is likely that multiple gene mutations had an additive effect leading to limb loss in snakes[87]. [17]:11[19] The families Leptotyphlopidae and Typhlopidae also possess remnants of the pelvic girdle, appearing as horny projections when visible. Fossils readily identifiable as snakes (though often retaining hind limbs) first appear in the fossil record during the Cretaceous period. The most common types of load cell are pneumatic, hydraulic, and strain gauges. A mountain is an elevated portion of the Earth's crust, generally with steep sides that show significant exposed bedrock.Although definitions vary, a mountain may differ from a plateau in having a limited summit area, and is usually higher than a hill, typically rising at least 300 metres (1,000 feet) above the surrounding land.A few mountains are isolated summits, but most occur They can also develop an understanding of estimation across scales and contexts, which is important for making sense of data. The FriedmannLematreRobertsonWalker (FLRW) model using Friedmann equations is commonly used to model the universe. The universe is often taken to be a geodesic manifold, free of topological defects; relaxing either of these complicates the analysis considerably. Vol. Caudal autotomy (self-amputation of the tail), a feature found in some lizards, is absent in most snakes. same as the mental step from 3 to 4. I didnt quite get the Ratio. Sri Lanka east through Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Malay Archipelago to as far east as. A flat universe can have zero total energy. [citation needed], Genetic studies in recent years have indicated snakes are not as closely related to monitor lizards as was once believedand therefore not to mosasaurs, the proposed ancestor in the aquatic scenario of their evolution. However, more evidence links mosasaurs to snakes than to varanids. Before we can conduct a statistical analysis, As an example, consider the Fahrenheit scale of temperature. The body scales may be smooth, keeled, or granular. First recorded as being consumed in China during the Western Zhou dynasty, this drink is considered an important curative and is believed to reinvigorate a person according to traditional Chinese medicine.[124]. The now extinct Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 12.8m (42ft) in length. [84], There is ample literature focusing on the limb development/lack of development in snake embryos and the gene expression associated with the different stages. I am currently doing my BA in hospitality management. Lizards have evolved elongate bodies without limbs or with greatly reduced limbs about twenty-five times independently via convergent evolution, leading to many lineages of legless lizards. The curvature of any locally isotropic space (and hence of a locally isotropic universe) falls into one of the three following cases: Curved geometries are in the domain of Non-Euclidean geometry. the two ratios. And in addition, 4.3, 5, 3.2\) all four variables were measured with Likert scale questionnaires, would the data still be ordinal? I had made a previous edit on this point, but left the sentence in the wrong section. Feel more confident about the exam for this module next Monday! Excellent discussion. section and reach your own conclusion. I did not understand any of the scale nonsense before reading this. This framework of distinguishing levels of measurement originated Your explanation has helped some but I am still trying to wrap my brain around whether something has an absolute zero or not. Ordinal. These mythical snakes possess a valuable gem called "Mani", which is more brilliant than diamond. I think 0 is the same as 24 so we can\t count time as ratio data even on the 24 hour clock unless you remove 24 from the data set and end at 23. Negative numbers also have meaning. After the complete ban of the snake-skin industry in India and protection of all snakes under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, they formed the Irula Snake Catcher's Cooperative and switched to catching snakes for removal of venom, releasing them in the wild after four extractions. from least to most satisfied. In some snakes, most notably boas and pythons, there are vestiges of the hindlimbs in the form of a pair of pelvic spurs. Although snakes are not commonly thought of as food, their consumption is acceptable in some cultures and may even be considered a delicacy. Fragmented remains found from the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous indicate deeper fossil records for these groups, which may potentially refute either hypothesis. Consider the following hypothetical [88][91] Other snakes kill their prey by constriction,[88] while some swallow their prey when it is still alive. the statistics that can be meaningfully computed with that variable. See also Nga. that measures a dependent variable? These and other astronomical measurements constrain the spatial curvature to be very close to zero, although they do not constrain its sign. [22][24] Some primitive snakes are known to have possessed hindlimbs, but their pelvic bones lacked a direct connection to the vertebrae. as the difference between 80 degrees and 90 degrees. For example, central tendency can be measured by mode, median, or mean; standard deviation can also be calculated. Where can we classify name of student as? Around thirty families are currently recognized, comprising about 520 genera and about 3,900 species. Great, now I can understand these. [17]:209. [138] They emphasized animals and often depicted snakes in their art. [7] The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 12.8 meters (42ft) long. [24] Subterranean species evolved bodies streamlined for burrowing, and eventually lost their limbs. Qty of mined sand daily would be ratio. That would imply that our universe is multiply-connected and finite. Many thanks. with a code of 3). Thanks is so explanatory,even with the examples. [17]:242. However, the comoving coordinates (if well-defined) provide a strict sense to those by using the time since the Big Bang (measured in the reference of CMB) as a distinguished universal time. Then have a tick under Ordinal, see below: Provide Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Median Yes Yes Yes. In such cases, one or more snakes are left to steep in a jar or container of liquor, as this is claimed to make the liquor stronger (as well as more expensive). Sounds like a ratio scale to me. 5 RD 1578/2008, Annex III RD 1578/2008). Zero degrees Fahrenheit does not represent measured. cold, warm, hot, very hot is a nominal scale or ordinal. Brilliant article! Assuming a finite universe, the universe can either have an edge or no edge. In the absence of dark energy, a flat universe expands forever but at a continually decelerating rate, with expansion asymptotically approaching zero. [69] Some snakes that use neurotoxins (such as the mangrove snake) have fangs in the back of their mouths, with the fangs curled backwards. [17][1][18][88] Snakes cannot bite or tear their food to pieces so must swallow their prey whole. Such snakes can take the form of any living creature, but prefer human form. This topic is usually discussed in the context of academic teaching and less often in the real world. If you are brushing up on this concept for a statistics test, thank a psychologist researcher named Stanley Stevens for coming up with these terms. Moreover, so that calculus can be applied, the universe is typically assumed to be a differentiable manifold. It is incompatible with observations that definitely rule out such a large negative spatial curvature. Unlike hibernation, in which the dormant mammals are actually asleep, brumating reptiles are awake but inactive. assertion about the underlying physical reality). Which measure would you use to describe the most frequent summer temperature? The bite of a nonvenomous snake is usually harmless; their teeth are not adapted for tearing or inflicting a deep puncture wound, but rather grabbing and holding. [11] [12]. and "somewhat dissatisfied" is probably not you have zero money, this implies the absence of money. The trajectory of the Earth System through the Late Quaternary, particularly the Holocene, provides the context for exploring the human-driven changes of the Anthropocene and the future trajectories of the system (SI Appendix has more detail).Fig. Fossilized snake remains are known from early Late Cretaceous marine sediments, which is consistent with this hypothesis; particularly so, as they are older than the terrestrial Najash rionegrina. signify the same difference in memory? As a physicist being forced to do pedagogical research I both appreciate this article and the image at the top. Please what measurement scale is blood type and birth order, blood type is nominal while birth rate could be ordinal there may interval between births but they are not on a certain scale some times could be two years and other times 5 years interval. Zero curvature (flat); a drawn triangle's angles add up to 180 and the Pythagorean theorem holds; such 3-dimensional space is locally God bless you , Very explicit and simple. The body vertebrae each have two ribs articulating with them. Thank you so much. When converted to Fahrenheit, its clear: 10C=50F and 20C=68F, which is clearly not twice as hot. Thanks for the excellent comment, LJ. [citation needed], Three medical symbols involving snakes that are still used today are Bowl of Hygieia, symbolizing pharmacy, and the Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius, which are symbols denoting medicine in general.[56]. What level of measurement is their survey? Great work done by you to explain the types of measurement scales in a very simple and understandable way.thanks. Thank You. At the risk of repeating myself, everything above about interval data applies to ratio scales, plus ratio scales have a clear definition of zero. Many modern snake groups originated during the Paleocene, alongside the adaptive radiation of mammals following the extinction of (non-avian) dinosaurs. I am preparing Master in Development Studies. Psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens developed the best-known classification with four levels, or scales, of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. [57] The scalation count determines whether the snake is a male or female, as the hemipenes of a male will probe to a different depth (usually longer) than the cloaca of a female. In religious terms, the snake and jaguar were arguably the most important animals in ancient Mesoamerica. (eds.). The main discussion in this context is whether the universe is finite, like the observable universe, or infinite. Very useful well explained. [28], An alternative hypothesis, based on morphology, suggests the ancestors of snakes were related to mosasaursextinct aquatic reptiles from the Cretaceousforming the clade Pythonomorpha. An example is the Picard horn, a negatively curved space, colloquially described as "funnel-shaped".[10]. Ratio scales provide a wealth of possibilities when it comes to statistical analysis. [127] The precursor to the ouroboros was the "Many-Faced",[127] a serpent with five heads, who, according to the Amduat, the oldest surviving Book of the Afterlife, was said to coil around the corpse of the sun god Ra protectively. Thanks a lot. color," you can simply note the color-word (like "red") You could reasonably argue that it is a ratio For example, our towards a political candidate. to say that 80 degrees is "twice as hot" as 40 degrees. Interesting to learn this simple and well understood examples on scales Thanks for your time and effort in posting. [3], To this day, the exact shape of the universe remains a matter of debate in physical cosmology. 2. Before we can conduct a statistical analysis, 1. 511 pp. Alethinophidia is sometimes split into Henophidia and Caenophidia, with the latter consisting of "colubroid" snakes (colubrids, vipers, elapids, hydrophiids, and atractaspids) and acrochordids, while the other alethinophidian families comprise Henophidia. These include fossil species like Haasiophis, Pachyrhachis and Eupodophis, which are slightly older than Najash. The movement of snakes in arboreal habitats has only recently been studied. Very informative indeed! It is represented on the Kelvin and Rankine scales, both of which have zero at absolute and are ratio data scales. In an experiment, note what colour of shoes each participant is wearing on a particular day. Thanks! Spotted patterning can similarly help snakes to blend into their environment.[52]. hard item. [103] The static nature of the contact points can be shown from the tracks of a sidewinding snake, which show each belly scale imprint, without any smearing. We are person is more satisfied than another with their microwave The vertebrae have projections that allow for strong muscle attachment, enabling locomotion without limbs. Excellent guide, many thanks for this. [101] Thrust is generated by pushing their body against the water, resulting in the observed slip. [2] Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Here a true-zero point means complete absence of an attribute. The former If one applies Minkowski space-based special relativity to expansion of the universe, without resorting to the concept of a curved spacetime, then one obtains the Milne model. Etymology. You will be able Before each molt, the snake stops eating and often hides or moves to a safe place. Thanks! [9], A hyperbolic universe, one of a negative spatial curvature, is described by hyperbolic geometry, and can be thought of locally as a three-dimensional analog of an infinitely extended saddle shape. there is no meaningful 0. The arithmetic mean can be calculated from any variables. However, as a background in which gravitational fields (or gravitons) can operate, due to diffeomorphism invariance, the space on the macroscopic scale, is equivalent to any other (open) solution of Einstein's field equations. [5] They range in size from the tiny, 10.4cm-long (4.1in) Barbados threadsnake[6] to the reticulated python of 6.95 meters (22.8ft) in length. difference is a difference of one easy item; the latter difference In ratio scales there is true zero point. The snake somitogenesis clock operates at a frequency 4 times that of a mouse (after correction for developmental time), creating more somites, and therefore creating more vertebrae. [126] This creature, known in Akkadian as the muuu, meaning "furious serpent", was used as a symbol for particular deities and also as a general protective emblem. The spatial curvature is defined by general relativity, which describes how spacetime is curved due to the effect of gravity. 20 degrees C is not twice as hot as 10 degrees C, however, because there is no such thing as no temperature when it comes to the Celsius scale. Data from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) as well as the Planck spacecraft give values for the three constituents of all the mass-energy in the universe normal mass (baryonic matter and dark matter), relativistic particles (photons and neutrinos), and dark energy or the cosmological constant:[13][14], total = mass + relativistic + = 1.000.02. There is a 10 second gap but the latter is not twice the former and 2018/10/23:20:10 BCE is not effectively (2018/10/23:20:10) CE i.e. Nominal or Ordinal? [17]:81[88]. Both captive-born and wild-born copperheads and cottonmouths appear to be capable of this form of parthenogenesis.[80]. A poison is inhaled or ingested, whereas venom produced by snakes is injected into its victim via fangs. You have opened up my mind, continue sharing knowledge. 2nd, you can divide or multiply to get ratio of sands mined on different days, ie, 10 trucks on Monday is 2x the 5 trucks on Wed. It is an open ended question. An example of each wouldve been great. The eating habits of a snake are largely influenced by body size; smaller snakes eat smaller prey. it is very helpful me for broden my knowledge. Equation 5 can be rearranged to get an alternative definition for temperature in terms of entropy and heat (to [15] The earliest known true snake fossils (members of the crown group Serpentes) come from the marine simoliophiids, the oldest of which is the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian age) Haasiophis terrasanctus,[1] dated to between 112 and 94 million years old.[16]. I NOW HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE FOUR MEASURES. These meanings of open and closed are different from the mathematical meaning of open and closed used for sets in topological spaces and for the mathematical meaning of open and closed manifolds, which gives rise to ambiguity and confusion. Modern-day snake trapping involves a herpetologist using a long stick with a V- shaped end. Thank you . but now i have got the point and impressing great thank for your helping well ,encouraging you to keep up this helping. However, a few species (such as the king cobra) construct nests and stay in the vicinity of the hatchlings after incubation. [139], Snakes are used in Hinduism as a part of ritual worship. [137], Many ancient Peruvian cultures worshipped nature. The ultimate fate of the universe is the same as that of an open universe. Ive updated the article. Most species of snake are nonvenomous and those that have venom use it primarily to kill and subdue prey rather than for self-defense. Nonfatal bites from venomous snakes may result in the need for amputation of a limb or part thereof. ?,Explain your answers 1)Temperature measuring on a kelvin scale. Rating scales are used frequently in psychological In water-dwelling snakes, such as the anaconda, the tongue functions efficiently underwater. This is by far the best article i read on scales. In a nutshell, descriptive statistics Read more, COPYRIGHT 2020. The venom is modified saliva, delivered through fangs. [135] The cobra is seen on the neck of Shiva and Vishnu is depicted often as sleeping on a seven-headed snake or within the coils of a serpent. E.g. It is an interval scale with the additional property that [119] The Irulas are also known to eat some of the snakes they catch and are very useful in rat extermination in the villages. Those of finite volume can be understood via the Mostow rigidity theorem. Wow! Just before shedding, the skin becomes dull and dry looking and the snake's eyes turn cloudy or blue-colored. 2.. I have a question if you wanted to measure something like food consumption and the particular measurement of something in general i.e. [78] Ritual combat between males for the females they want to mate with includes topping, a behavior exhibited by most viperids in which one male will twist around the vertically elevated fore body of its opponent and force it downward. If space where infinite (flat, simply connected), perturbations in the temperature of the CMB radiation would exist on all scales. Shedding skin can release pheromones and revitalize color and patterns of the skin to increase attraction of mates. To borrow from your example: there is no such thing as \no height\, yet you\ve classified height as ratio. Put another way, One can experimentally calculate this to determine the curvature two ways. The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales have zero placed arbitrarily (absolute zero exists on those scales, but is not nominally zero in either of them), and so those scales are interval but not ratio. Ribs are found exclusively on the thoracic vertebrae. thanks thanks thanks. Cosmologists distinguish between the observable universe and the entire universe, the former being a ball-shaped portion of the latter that can, in principle, be accessible by astronomical observations. Very thanks. Juvenile pythons might start out feeding on lizards or mice and graduate to small deer or antelope as an adult, for example. cookies and cream is indeed the best flavor. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads (cranial kinesis). with 50 cents has twice as much money as someone with 25 cents A. Nominal scales could simply be called labels. Here are some examples, below. For the Bee Gees song, see, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, FriedmannLematreRobertsonWalker (FLRW) model, "The Status of Cosmic Topology after Planck Data". One of the bacterial diseases with the highest disease burden is tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which killed 1.5 million people in 2013, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. in which subjects are asked to remember as many items as possible Like the others, you can remember the key points of an interval scale pretty easily. Good examples of ratio variables include height, weight, and duration. An example of a positively curved space would be the surface of a sphere such as the Earth. Youre correct. Like For a flat (zero curvature) or a hyperbolic (negative curvature) spatial geometry, the topology can be either compact or infinite. Assuming the cosmological principle, the observable universe is similar from all contemporary vantage points, which allows cosmologists to discuss properties of the entire universe with only information from studying their observable universe. A. The FLRW model provides a curvature of the universe based on the mathematics of fluid dynamics, that is, modeling the matter within the universe as a perfect fluid. Take a look at the example below. [73][77], Sexual selection in snakes is demonstrated by the 3,000 species that each use different tactics in acquiring mates. Brilliant explanation of an otherwise mixed up knowledge of measurement scales in some textbooks. The best explanation I ever had. intervals have the same interpretation throughout. does not change the meaning of the scale. This article has helped me understand what I am studying, different types of vocational testing. Once they\ve done that conversion, everyone understands that the first statement cannot be true. This is because proper use of measurement scales. Males ordinarily have a ZZ pair of sex-determining chromosomes, and females a ZW pair. Strain gauge load cell. You have done a very good job. Learnt lot in a flash, summary was brilliant. Correct! Interval scales are numerical scales in which Very well written article concepts articulated in a simple manner. Much appreciated. This page was last edited on 5 October 2022, at 16:19. Like an interval scale, the same difference at I agree and will update the table. Snake embryonic development initially follows similar steps as any vertebrate embryo. Thanks for this lovely article on measurement. [22] An early fossil snake relative, Najash rionegrina, was a two-legged burrowing animal with a sacrum, and was fully terrestrial. Thank you sir. That was soo simple and informativethumbs up. While the local geometry does not determine the global geometry completely, it does limit the possibilities, particularly a geometry of a constant curvature. [46], The underside of a snake is very sensitive to vibration, allowing the snake to detect approaching animals by sensing faint vibrations in the ground. [96][97], Lateral undulation is the sole mode of aquatic locomotion, and the most common mode of terrestrial locomotion.
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