In the past, immediate surgery has been associated with a higher morbidity if compared with conservative treatment, while the non-surgical treatment of appendicular abscess or phlegmon has been reported to succeed in over 90% of patients, with an overall risk of recurrence of 7.4% and only 19.7% of cases of abscess requiring percutaneous drainage [202]. Recommendation 1.6.2 In pediatric patients with suspected acute appendicitis, we suggest adopting both biomarker tests and scores in order to predict the severity of the inflammation and the need for imaging investigation [QoE: Very Low; Strength of recommendation: Weak: 2D]. Unfortunately, non-visualization of the appendix is up to 3043% in some single-center series [7982]. Karam PA, Mohan A, Buta MR, et al. The jobs available to recent and undocumented immigrants who lack proficiency in English are unlikely to provide health insurance as a benefit. The study by Bachur et al. Fugazzola P, Coccolini F, Tomasoni M, et al. There are two exceptions to this rule: patients with prior cancer treatment and no recurrence for >5 years are eligible for enrollment and cancer patients with life expectancy of greater than 5 years are eligible for enrollment. Recommendation 5.2 We suggest the routine adoption of an intra-operative grading system for acute appendicitis (e.g., WSES 2015 grading score or AAST EGS grading score) based on clinical, imaging and operative findings [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2B]. The significance of clinical signs and blood indices for the diagnosis of appendicitis during pregnancy. J Endovasc Ther. The Texas Tribune. Statement 4.4 In children with acute appendicitis, the single incision/transumbilical extracorporeal laparoscopic-assisted technique is as safe as the laparoscopic three-port technique. Horn CB, Coleoglou Centeno AA, Guerra JJ, et al. The proportion of children with histologically proven recurrent AA under active observation was 12%, and the proportion of children with severe complications related to interval appendicectomy was 6%. Recommendation 6.1 We suggest non-operative management with antibiotics andif availablepercutaneous drainage for complicated appendicitis with a periappendicular abscess, in settings where laparoscopic expertise is not available [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2B]. Qian D, He Z, Hua J, et al. Although discontinuation of antimicrobial treatment should be based on clinical and laboratory criteria, a period of 35days for adult patients is generally sufficient following appendectomy for complicated AA. However, in patients with progressive or persistent pain, explorative laparoscopy is recommended to establish/exclude the diagnosis of acute appendicitis or alternative diagnoses [QoE: High; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1A]. A positive US would lead to a discussion of appendectomy and a negative test to either CT or further clinical observation with repeated US. The primary outcome was 30-day readmission for SSI or repeat abdominal surgery. One group of researchers estimated food insecurity in AIAN communities nationally by evaluating data from the Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement, a survey distributed to approximately 50,000 households. Can common serum biomarkers predict complicated appendicitis in children? (Note: Anatomic considerations such as tortuosity, arch anatomy, and calcification must be evaluated even more carefully in elderly subjects ( 70 years).). COVID-19 data tracker . In the meta-review by Jaschinski et al. It is associated with potential benefits of earlier recovery after surgery and lower hospital and social costs. Turan TN, Meschia JF, Chimowitz MI, Roldan A, LeMatty T, Luke S, Breathitt L, Eiland R, Foley J, Brott TG. Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training. Recommendation 1.4 We recommend the use of AIR score and AAS score as clinical predictors of acute appendicitis [QoE: High; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1A]. Before Basset et al [8] from the Harvard T.H. Mitigating the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on controlling vascular risk factors among participants in a carotid stenosis trial. There were no mortalities or reoperations. The Scientific Secretariat supported the WSES President, establishing the agenda, choosing the working tools and finally collaborating with Organization Committee and Scientific Secretariat. Q.2.3: What is the best non-operative management of patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis? Stroke. J Vasc Surg. Chao GF, Li KY, Zhu Z. Recommendation 1.9 We suggest that cross-sectional imaging (i.e., CT scan) for high-risk patients younger than 40years old (AIR score 912, Alvarado score 910, and AAS 16) may be avoided before diagnostic +/ therapeutic laparoscopy [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2B]. Life-long asymptomatic patients will be defined as having no medical history of stroke or transient ischemic attack and negative responses to all of the symptom items on the Questionnaire for Verifying Stroke-free Status (QVSS).18. In: The Cochrane Collaboration, ed. In a large retrospective series of pregnant women with suspected AA (75.9% with uncomplicated AA, 6.5% with complicated AA, and 17.6% with normal appendix), initial US was diagnostic in 57.9% of patients, whereas 55.8% of patients underwent a delayed repeat study. Outcomes of complicated appendicitis: is conservative management as smooth as it seems? Disconnect between incidence of nonperforated and perforated appendicitis: implications for pathophysiology and management. The authors found that the mean durations of postoperative antibiotic therapy were 3.1days for the non-IAA group and 3.3days for the IAA group, with no significant difference between the groups [222]. Recommendation 1.11 We recommend the use of contrast-enhanced low-dose CT scan over contrast-enhanced standard-dose CT scan in patients with suspected acute appendicitis and negative US findings [QoE: High; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1A]. Excessive circumferential calcification of the stenotic lesion defined as >3mm thickness of calcification seen in orthogonal views on fluoroscopy. Cho J, Park I, Lee D, et al. Diamantis T, Kontos M, Arvelakis A, et al. A systematic review by updated traditional and cumulative meta-analysis. Specializes in Hematology. Commentary: Double-Layer Carotid Stents: From the Clinical Need, through a Stent-in-Stent Strategy, to Effective Plaque Isolation the Journey Toward Safe Carotid Revascularization Using the Endovascular Route. you you make me feel like i am whole again. The RCT by Andersson et al. Vons C, Barry C, Maitre S, et al. Psychol Trauma. Lee SL, Spence L, Mock K, et al. Retrospective analysis of post-operative antibiotics in complicated appendicitis. The CHINA RCT recently compared the outcomes of active observation versus interval appendectomy after successful NOM of an appendix mass in children. School closings, virtual college courses, and virtual work has resulted in many LGBTQ+ youth to be confined in unsupportive homes. Interval appendectomy: finding the breaking point for cost-effectiveness. Exclusion of patients with appendicoliths improved treatment efficacy in conservatively treated patients. Laboratory tests and inflammatory serum parameters (e.g., CRP) should always be requested [QoE: Very Low; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2C]. As stated previously, chronic conditions such as these put people infected with COVID-19 at an increased risk for a complicated course and mortality. Systematic review of nonoperative versus operative treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis. Case reports show that it may be possible to manage uncomplicated AA non-operatively (definitively or as a bridge therapy) during pregnancy [109, 110]. Recommendation 4.2 We recommend laparoscopic appendectomy should be preferred over open appendectomy in children where laparoscopic equipment and expertise are available [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1B]. It is imperative to address these populations pragmatically and diligently to avoid the untoward affects the heightened risks create. When hospitalized for COVID-19, rural residents were less likely to be enrolled in a clinical trial testing the effectiveness of therapeutics [36]. Addiss DG, Shaffer N, Fowler BS, et al. According to the results of the Cochrane review published by Cheng et al. The same study group demonstrated that diagnostic imaging has limited value in patients with a low probability of AA according to the AAS [35]. Respiratory insufficiency with life expectancy < 4 years or FEV1 <30% of predicted value. A prospective randomized controlled trial of single-port and three-port laparoscopic appendectomy in children. Recommendation 4.10 We recommend the use of endoloops/suture ligation or polymeric clips for stump closure for both adults and children in either uncomplicated or complicated appendicitis, whereas endostaplers may be used when dealing with complicated cases depending on the intra-operative judgment of the surgeon and resources available [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1B]. assessed the feasibility of antibiotics-first strategy including outpatient management (intravenous ertapenem greater than or equal to 48h and oral cefdinir and metronidazole), the majority of RCTs published to date included 48h minimum of inpatient administration of intravenous antibiotics, followed by oral antibiotics for a total length of 710days [123]. COVID-19 vaccine prioritization of incarcerated people relative to other vulnerable groups: an analysis of state plans. Including the readmissions, overall success with outpatient management was 85% [151]. Ipsilateral internal or common carotid artery occlusion. US Census Bureau. Allaway MGR, Eslick GD, Cox MR. Recommendation 2.3 In the case of NOM, we recommend initial intravenous antibiotics with a subsequent switch to oral antibiotics based on patient's clinical conditions [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1B]. The rate of non-visualization is higher during the 3rd trimester when the largest degree of anatomic distortion occurs due to the gravid uterus [81]. The multicenter prospective observational study by Van Rossem et al. However, the authors assessed the inter-observer variability in the classification of AA during laparoscopy and demonstrated that agreement was minimal for both the classification of AA ( score 0.398) and the decision to prescribe postoperative antibiotic treatment ( score 0.378) [183]. 2019 Aug;26(4):572-577. doi: 10.1177/1526602819861546. Gorter-Stam MAW, et al. The comparison between early versus delayed laparoscopic appendectomy for appendiceal abscess included 40 pediatric patients, randomized either to early appendectomy (emergent laparoscopic appendicectomy, n = 20) or to delayed appendectomy (initial conservative treatment followed by interval laparoscopic appendicectomy 10weeks later, n = 20). Twenty-four hour versus extended antibiotic administration after surgery in complicated appendicitis: A randomized controlled trial. Low-dose CT for the diagnosis of appendicitis in adolescents and young adults (LOCAT): a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. The incidence of AA has been declining steadily since the late 1940s. 4WWL. Accessed March 4, 2021. However, in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, NHA years of potential life lost were above the percentage of total deaths, indicating that NHAs were dying at earlier ages than other groups in a manner that was statistically detectable. Despite the potential advantages, LigaSure TM represents a high-cost option and it may be logical using endoclips if the mesoappendix is not edematous. The authors were asked to anonymously vote on each statement and recommendation and indicate if they agreed, ( 70% yes was categorized as agreement), leading to the final version of the document. CT scan for high-risk patients younger than 40years old, AIR score 912 and Alvarado score 910 and AAS 16 may be avoided before diagnostic +/ therapeutic laparoscopy which obtained the 68.0% of agreement, whereas the statement We suggest diagnostic +/ therapeutic laparoscopy without pre-operative imaging for high-risk patients younger than 40years old and AIR score 912; Alvarado score 910; AAS 16 reached 26% and the option delete the statement and recommendations reached 6%. Nonoperative management in children with early acute appendicitis: A systematic review. 2021 Dec;52(12):3855-3863. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.032972. Home intravenous versus oral antibiotics following appendectomy for perforated appendicitis in children: a randomized controlled trial. Trauma Recovery And Empowerment Model Trem Training Trauma Recovery and Empowerment-Maxine Harris 1998-09-01 This one-of-a-kind guide serves as a rich and essential resource for mental health professionals working with women whose lives have been shattered by the trauma of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. In particular, pooled sensitivities and specificities of second-line US for the diagnosis of AA in children were 91.3% and 95.2%, respectively. Bhangu A, Sreide K, Di Saverio S, et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery : WJES,,, High-quality evidence, strong recommendation, Desirable effects clearly outweigh undesirable effects or vice versa, Consistent evidence from well-performed RCTs or exceptionally strong evidence from unbiased observational studies, Recommendation can apply to most patients in most circumstances. (Clinical Trial). The development of a SSI was significantly associated with a clinical diagnosis of diabetes, the presence of free fluid, abscess, or perforation on pre-operative imaging [223]. Practical WSES algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with suspected acute appendicitis, Practical WSES algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients with suspected acute appendicitis. For perforated AA, the most common combination is ampicillin, clindamycin (or metronidazole), and gentamicin. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Racial and ethnic disparities in years of potential life lost attributable to COVID-19 in the United States: an analysis of 45 states and the District of Columbia. The risk of IAA was higher for LA in half of six meta-analyses, whereas the occurrence of SSI pooled by all reviews was lower after LA. In complicated AA, intravenous antibiotics that are effective against enteric gram-negative organisms and anaerobes including E. coli and Bacteroides spp. Finnesgard EJ, Hernandez MC, Aho JM, et al. Either the serum creatinine is 2.5 mg/dl or the estimated GFR is < 30 cc/min. The intersection of race, ethnicity, and rurality must be addressed in parallel. Studies show Alvarado score (cutoff 7 points) sensitivity of 78.9% and specificity of 80.0% in pregnant patients [41, 42]. More recently the Appendictis-PEdiatric score (APPE) was developed with the aim of identifying the risk of AA. Hernandez MC, Polites SF, Aho JM, et al. Recommendation 7.2 We recommend against prolonging antibiotics longer than 35days postoperatively in case of complicated appendicitis with adequate source control [QoE: High; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1A]. Park HC, Kim MJ, Lee BH. 2020 Dec;29(12):105362. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105362. Patients in the laparoscopy group had a 10% risk of bowel resection and 13% risk of incomplete appendectomy. Copyright 2022. Several clinical scoring systems have been developed, the two most popular for use in children being the Alvarado score and Samuels Pediatric Appendicitis Score (PAS). All participants will receive intensive medical treatment. Appendiceal faecaliths are associated with right iliac fossa pain. Serving Northeast Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Western North Carolina, our Trauma Center is one of five Level 1 state-accredited. This is demonstrated in Louisiana, where at one point early in the pandemic, Black residents accounted for 72% of COVID-19 deaths, while comprising only 32% of the state's population [4]. Overall, endostapler use was associated with a similar IAA rate but a lower incidence of SSI, whereas the length of stay and readmission and reoperation rates were similar [169]. Five studies (RCT and cohort studies) were analyzed, including 147 children (NOM) and 173 children (appendectomy) with 1-year follow-up. Time from admission to theatre did not predict perforation, whereas WBC count at the time of admission was a significant predictor of perforation (OR 1.08; P < 0.001) [134]. Sammalkorpi HE, Mentula P, Savolainen H, et al. Gorczynski P, Fasoli F. LGBTQ+ focused mental health research strategy in response to COVID-19. Adult patients with complicated AA treated with interval appendectomy can be diagnosed with appendiceal neoplasm in up to 11% of cases, in contrast to 1.5% of the patients who have early appendectomy [217]. Several systematic reviews of RCTs comparing laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) versus open appendectomy (OA) have reported that the laparoscopic approach for AA is often associated with longer operative times and higher operative costs, but it leads to less postoperative pain, shorter length of stay, and earlier return to work and physical activity [137]. Laparoscopy is technically safe and feasible during pregnancy where expertise of laparoscopy is available [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2B]. All the statements were discussed and approved during the 6th WSES congress held in Nijmegen, Holland (2628 June 2019). Flattening the curve for incarcerated populations COVID-19 in jails and prisons. Statement 1.9 Intermediate-risk classification identifies patients likely to benefit from observation and systematic diagnostic imaging. Intermediate-risk patients are likely to benefit from systematic diagnostic imaging [64]. The results showed that the operating time in the LA group was longer than that of the OA groups (WMD 13.78, 95% CI 8.9918.57), whereas the length of hospital stay in the LA groups was significantly shorter (WMD 2.47, 95% CI 3.75 to 1.19), and the time to oral intake was shorter in the LA group than in the OA group (WMD 0.88, 95% CI 1.20 to 0.55) [15]. Recommendation 4.6 We suggest laparoscopic appendectomy in obese patients, older patients, and patients with high peri- and postoperative risk factors [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Weak; 2B]. In this cohort, performing a delayed repeat US during a period of observation in those patients who remained otherwise equivocal increased the diagnostic yield of the US, whereas delaying surgery did not affect maternal or fetal safety. whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations in clinical practice guidelines Part 3 of 3. Optimal stump management in laparoscopic appendectomy: A network meta-analysis by the Minimally Invasive Surgery Synthesis of Interventions and Outcomes Network. Operative time was longer during LA but did not reach statistical significance in the RCT subgroup analysis [141]. Prospective trials demonstrated that patients with perforated AA should receive postoperative antibiotic treatment, especially if complete source control has not been achieved. These access problems are compounded by the fact that LGBTQ+ populations experience reduced access to health care at baseline, with 17% of LGBTQ+ people without any health care coverage compared with 12% in non-LGBTQ+ individuals [49]. Siotos C, Stergios K, Prasath V, et al. Statement 6.1 Non-operative management is a reasonable first-line treatment for appendicitis with phlegmon or abscess. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Most strokes are caused when blood flow to a portion of the brain is blocked. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Counties with a higher proportion of rural residents tend to have fewer primary care providers and surgeons [30,31], and have long suffered after the closure of more than 120 rural hospitals in the last decade [32]. Value of early change of serum C reactive protein combined to modified Alvarado score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Is interval appendicectomy justified after successful nonoperative treatment of an appendix mass in children? The clinical diagnosis of AA is often challenging and involves a synthesis of clinical, laboratory, and radiological findings. Early change of CRP had a moderate diagnostic value in patients with suspected AA, and even combining CRP values to the modified Alvarado score did not improve diagnostic accuracy [52]. The area under the receiver operator characteristics curve of MRI (0.995) was a little higher than that of US (0.987) and CT (0.982) but with no significant difference [93]. Lack of autonomy and freedoms puts incarcerated populations at increased risk. However, the failure rate increases in the presence of appendicolith, and surgery is recommended in such cases. Immediate surgery or conservative treatment for complicated acute appendicitis in children? The Alvarado Score is accurate in pregnancy: a retrospective casecontrol study. Independent risk factors for SSI were complicated AA, longer symptom duration, and presence of sepsis/septic shock [133]. Aneiros Castro B, Cano I, Garca A, et al. Based on the results of this RCT, 24h of antibiotic therapy following appendectomy does not result in worse primary outcomes in complicated AA, but results in a significant reduction in length of hospitalization, with a major cost-saving and antibacterial stewardship benefits [225]. Krause KD. Food Insecurity among American Indians and Alaska Natives: a national profile using the Current Population Survey-Food Security Supplement. Time to appendectomy and risk of complicated appendicitis and adverse outcomes in children. Recommendation 6.3 We recommend against routine interval appendectomy after NOM for complicated appendicitis in young adults (< 40years old) and children. anonymous. Accessed April 21, 2021. There is considerable variability in the intra-operative classification of AA. ACR Appropriateness Criteria Suspected Appendicitis-Child. Siribumrungwong B, Chantip A, Noorit P, et al. Rural surgery and status of the rural workplace: hospital survival and economics. You have reached the maximum number of saved studies (100). Among the new laboratory biomarkers developed, the Appendicitis Urinary Biomarker (AuBleucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein) appears promising as a diagnostic tool for excluding AA in children, without the need for blood sampling (negative predictive value 97.6%) [63]. Benito et al. Accessed XXX. A meta-analysis. USA Today. Kessler U, Mosbahi S, Walker B, et al. US reliability for the diagnosis of AA can be improved through standardized results reporting. Theilen L, Mellnick V, Shanks A, et al. comparing interval appendectomy and follow-up with MRI after initial successful nonoperative treatment of periappendicular abscess was prematurely terminated owing to ethical concerns following the unexpected finding at the interim analysis of a high rate of neoplasm (17%), with all neoplasms in patients older than 40years [218]. Al-Temimi MH, Berglin MA, Kim EG, et al. Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate, Very low-quality evidence, weak recommendation, Major uncertainty in the estimates of desirable effects, harms, and burden; desirable effects may or may not be balanced with undesirable effects, Other alternatives may be equally reasonable. In the pooled analysis, LA had significantly less SSI, with reduced time to oral intake, and length of hospitalization. Not surprisingly, essential workers had higher self-reported infection, which might be underestimated, given the nature of the survey. Lovesong Lyrics. One place this often happens is in the carotid artery. The performance of irrigation during laparoscopic appendectomy does not seem to prevent the development of IAA and wound infections in neither adults nor pediatric patients. Data from the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health reveals that only 49% of the total amount of the Hispanic population has private insurance, compared with 75% of the non-Hispanic White population [18]. Jernigan VBB, Huyser KR, Valdes J. Allemann P, Probst H, Demartines N, et al. Q.4.5: Is outpatient laparoscopic appendectomy safe and feasible for patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis? Statement 4.13 The prophylactic use of abdominal drainage after laparoscopic appendectomy for perforated appendicitis in children does not prevent postoperative complications and may be associated with negative outcomes. Ilonzo N, Rao A, Safir S. Acute thrombotic manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 infection: experience at a large New York City health care system. The comparison between early versus delayed open appendectomy for appendiceal phlegmon included 40 participants (pediatric and adults), randomized either to early appendectomy (appendectomy as soon as appendiceal mass resolved within the same admission, n = 20) or to delayed appendectomy (initial conservative treatment followed by interval appendectomy 6 weeks later, n = 20). Recommendation 4.12 We recommend against the use of drains following appendectomy for complicated appendicitis in adult patients [QoE: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong; 1B]. A retrospective evaluation of the Modified Alvarado Score for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in HIV-infected patients. The updated 2019 Cochrane review on the issue included six RCTs (521 participants), comparing abdominal drainage and no drainage in patients undergoing emergency OA for complicated AA. demonstrated that, in low-risk patients, the use of an AIR (Appendicitis Inflammatory Response) score-based algorithm resulted in less imaging (19.2% vs 34.5%, P < 0.001), fewer admissions (29.5% vs 42.8%, P < 0.001), fewer negative explorations (1.6% vs 3.2%, P = 0.030), and fewer surgical operations for non-perforated AA (6.8% vs 9.7%, P = 0.034). Addressing the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and gender minority populations in the United States: actions toward equity. Further research is unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate effect, Moderate quality evidence, weak recommendation, Alternative approaches likely to be better for some patients under some circumstances. including seven retrospective cohort studies and one randomized controlled trial, LA in obese patients was associated with reduced mortality (RR 0.19), reduced overall morbidity (RR 0.49), reduced superficial SSI (RR 0.27), and shorter operating times and postoperative length of hospital stay, compared to OA [156]. conducted a RCT of 82 pediatric patients to compare the effect of home intravenous versus oral antibiotic therapy on complication rates and resource utilization following appendectomy for perforated AA. The biomarker panel exhibited a sensitivity of 97.1%, a negative predictive value of 97.4%, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.08, with a specificity of 37.9% for AA [51]. However, the sensitivity and specificity of US for the diagnosis of pediatric AA varies across studies: it is well known that US is operator dependent and may be dependent on patient-specific factors, including BMI [86]. Several tables highlighting the research topics and questions, search syntaxes, and the statements and the WSES evidence-based recommendations are provided. Select MyUPMC to access your UPMC health information. The lack of health insurance makes the costs of health care services prohibitive for many people, and is the most important barrier to adequate health care access in this population. Use of computed tomography to determine perforation in patients with acute appendicitis. However, drains were statistically associated with an increased requirement for antibiotic and analgesic medication, fasting time, operative time, and length of hospital stay [177]. Epub 2017 Apr 27. Pittsburgh (/ p t s b r / PITS-burg) is a city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County.It is the second-most populous city in Pennsylvania, behind Philadelphia, and 68th-largest city in the U.S. with a population of 302,971 as of the 2020 census.The city anchors the Pittsburgh metropolitan area of Western Pennsylvania; its The investigators will assess patient-level outcomes (Mental-Health Related Quality of Life and depressive symptoms) at 3- and 6-months post-screening and conduct a mixed-methods process evaluation to assess multi-level facilitators and barriers of screening uptake. Recommendation 1.5 In pediatric patients with suspected acute appendicitis, we suggest against making a diagnosis based on clinical scores alone [QoE: Low; Strength of recommendation: Weak: 2C]. All the graphs reporting the results of the additional Delphi are reported within the Supplementary Material files 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
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