So, I feel you , There are tons of resources out there but still, we all end up asking, how to effectively use Leetcode/CodeChef/geeksforgeeks, so on and so forth. 2 Keys Keyboard361. Additionally, when youre struggling with a question, dont skip to the solution too quickly. Even if you have the optimal solution, I would recommend using some time to explore alternative solutions. I am switching from c++ to python language for my DSA Any tips for someone about to get into leetcode? While doing questions on a topic where youre already strong might feel good, youre better off focusing on areas where youre weak. Don't expect to cram it into the weekend before your interviews, either. The Ultimate DP Study Plan is divided into two parts on LC. In case, you couldnt come up with any approach, after a max of 30 minutes, you should be looking at your first clue and then brainstorm. This step is also extremely crucial. How about finding out a friend who is as motivated as you are? The latter will get you further. This may involve going back to the basics and brushing up on related algorithms and data structures. thankyou so much for sharing all the parts, you're amazing! Now, if you have a friend its good but if you dont have one you might wanna try this small trick that I too had tried out. Please clap for the story and follow the writer. Completed 400 questions with js and 420 overall just now All Data Structures and Algorithms in a Single Repository!! This isnt impossible, as many companies are known to ask a small subset of questions. Contests are a really good way to assess yourself. Out of Boundary Paths650. When questions are unlocked, resubmit your submission to get it completed in your plan. But it plays a very crucial role in your ability to learn from the problem. Was there a specific algorithm that you missed? Can you explain what this is? And the simple answer to this is any number that makes you feel confident. At this point, take this opportunity to level up your weak areas. Leetcode is great, but you should definitely check . Umm probably not! I've listed the second part since that's what the OP requested. But does that still guarantee you success? Start from easiest to hardest. Choose questions wisely. Never begin by writing code in your editor. Longest Palindromic Substring1055. After completing the problem, read the official solution to make sure you fully understand the concept. Largest Divisible Subset647. Interviewers will often help you if youve made partial progress on a problem. If you still have an active subscription under your account, you can easily upgrade to the annual plan by yourself. Me and my friends speedran Blind 75/Grind 75 in 10 hours. Bomb Enemy96. You know how to kick-start, Good! And what those 4 steps are? 4 Things About Transactions in Online Payment That Make You Go Hmmm, Plums MAKE_IT event: A hackathon for everyone, Back to Basics: Reversing a string in Golang, Stack Overflow Auto-Search Tool | Project Edition, Software Engineer Intern: A perspective shift at Asurion. Any help would be appreciated . I am glad that after a lot of hits and trials I finally discovered some secrets that I couldnt find on any blog or youtube video. Min Cost Climbing Stairs53. Perfect Squares416. Focus on the types of questions that stump you. Maximum Subarray Sum After One Operation1230. You can move to the next difficulty level once you start feeling comfortable with your current level of questions. Stress is the #2 killer of interview performance. Theres no way around studying algorithm questions if you want a high-paying job writing code. Well, since I didnt find anything helpful on Youtube, I made a video myself. If again in the next 10 minutes, you are not able to figure it out, look for a second hint and think for another 5 minutes (because by now, you should be able to figure out the solution). Start with problems that have good reviews. The goal is not to study as many questions as possible but to be prepared. Finally, writing code on paper is more similar to a real white-boarding interview, so mentally, its better practice. Shortest Distance to Target Color343. Its indeed a very useful list for interviews. You preparation plan might depend on the specific list of companies you are applying for, your experience (fresh grad vs a few years of experience) in industry and job position (e.g. This became my buddy and helped me land multiple offers from Goldman Sachs, D.E Shaw, Microsoft, and Innovaccer. Can we use other data structures/ frame the question in another way? And even if you can, its not the most efficient strategy. Minimum Path Sum562. To start with, pick a few companies youd like to work for, then investigate the types of questions they like to ask. Palindromic Substrings5. That said, adequate preparation can mean the difference between getting the offer, and being told to try again in six months. It gets easier as you have a foundation on the easy questions. I used to regularly post solutions to the problems that I solved on Leetcode Discuss and gradually people started noticing me. And finally, I came across this one person with whom I solved many questions, did mock interviews, built projects, and shared Leetcode premium too . Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix1182. In my opinion, 50 hours of focused and strategic studying is more valuable than 100 hours of generic LeetCode grinding. Its more work upfront and requires more thinking, but the struggle is worth the reward. Could we reduce the space usage (even if time complexity goes up)? Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix62. Wiggle Subsequence1746. If you open a problem, you can see how many people liked or disliked a problem. Target Sum. Memory can fail in stressful situations, like when three senior developers are watching you write code on a whiteboard. You can also consider following the study plans offered by Leetcode itself but why dont I recommend these lists at the first place is because youll get less exposure to variety. You should take 2030 minutes for thinking about the approach of the solution and code it up. Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings300. You can still do the questions within that study plan. But it looks bad if youre completely lost on how to approach a question. LeetCode allows filtering questions by company. Go to the problem list page and enter the study plan section. Rest is your work to plan your study schedule, so dont laze around on this! -Bubbles_Bunny- 1 yr. ago. What kind of data structures did they use. Once thats been done and you feel confident, start picking up random questions from Leetcodes Pick One feature and brainstorm the solution. Find questions where youve failed, and do similar questions to those. Fibonacci Number70. But, you just cant ignore the most famous questions list curated by Leetcode which has helped me too. Hi. LeetCode problems often come with excellent video solutions that break down the problem and how to solve it. So, when I started, I had no idea about any data structure or algorithms except the basics. Remembering questions and their answers might help you if youre lucky enough to get the same question in an interview. Well, I already have shared with you how you can start solving questions topic-wise and later on, switch to picking any random one. And for this, you should consider the Virtual Contest feature of Leetcode where you can maintain a contest frequency of every alternate day or every 2 days. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview. You know how to choose the right question, even better. All that matters at the end of the day is, you acing up the interviews. Named after legendary physicist Richard Feynman this technique involves teaching what youve learned to someone else. Unless you know exactly what questions the company will ask, memorization is a suboptimal way to study. The price will be pro-rated accordingly based on your unused portion of the current monthly subscription. You can easily manage 23 hours/week for these contests. Should I do questions topic-wise (tag-wise) or randomly? Coin Change 239. They have added parts 3 and 4, can someone please share the list of questions. It's like waterboarding but they use whiteout fluid. That said, you can spend months studying hard, or months studying hard AND smart. However, you can definitely use them for brushing up before interviews. From what Ive observed so far, there are many people who solve 100s of Leetcode questions but still end up struggling to clear interviews because they dont follow the most important 4 steps while practising. Unique Paths II576. So, you simply need to devise a strategy that will help you solve only good and important questions and save up your time from solving the unnecessary ones. 1. 509. Longest Common Subsequence1035. Working on the problem. This is a step that most people overlook. Secondly, coding the solution in an editor forces you to focus on the wrong things, like syntax and the languages functions, rather than the solution itself. software engineer vs production engineer vs ml engineer). Factor Combinations329. However, once I discovered Leetcode, there was no turning back. So if you dont have a friendly developer, explaining it to your Grandma or dog also works. One stop learning portal for your next coding and system design interview. Unique Binary Search Trees1130. Thank you so much in advance! Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence1048. So the earlier you upgrade, the more discount you will get. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Unique Paths63. So, make sure you never miss a contest! Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values322. Heres the thing: after starting your programming journey if you decide to stop the day you feel fully prepared, you probably are never gonna stop! In a nutshell, if you are a newbie with cloudy concepts, first plan to do topic-wise questions. Here are some tips for grinding LeetCode more effectively. Partition Equal Subset Sum494. Then, just before the interviews, maybe 12 months earlier, check out the Top interview Questions List in Leetcodes Explore section and try to complete as much as possible. Product of Array Except Self139. In an interview, solving a problem conceptually is more important than implementing the answer in a specific language. However, I would suggest you to attempt contests more frequently if you really want that high-paying job. Conversely, if your target company never asks graph questions, dont waste time on those. That said, you can spend months studying hard, or months studying hard AND smart. During this process, youll often stumble upon improvements, unfounded assumptions, or additional questions for yourself. Apparently, theres no specific study plan that I can give you except some suggestions. Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. For example, here are questions asked by Amazon. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I honestly never discovered Leetcode in the first place and wandered around other programming platforms which didnt really suit me. Thus, I preferred a topic-wise approach first! Still struggling with Hards and Contests :(, Press J to jump to the feed. In case, you couldn't come up with any approach, after a max of 30 minutes . These are generally the most popular ones so, you simply cant miss them! Maximum Subarray198. Anecdotally, whether you write out the solution in Python or pseudo-code is irrelevant. How many questions should I solve for an effective use of Leetcode? They have added parts 3 and 4. This is where it comes into play. Paint House II121. And finally, if it still doesnt work, go straight to the solution, focus on areas you couldnt think of, mark that question and come back later to revise! Amazon isnt the most straightforward case because the company is large, but many smaller companies ask a very constrained number of questions. Several friends have received job offers from FAANG companies without any prior developer experience. Its less important who you teach it to, and more important that you can explain it simply and with clear steps. However, you failed to realise, this is what makes the whole difference. Several colleagues spent 3 -6 months grinding LeetCode questions before interviewing and getting hired by FAANG companies. Longest Palindromic Subsequence64. 2 Reply Climbing Stairs746. What other ways could we solve it? If you cant explain a solution, then you dont really understand it. When you read the problem, mark certain areas of the problem you think might be important. You can also plan mock interviews on platforms like Pramp or Interviewbit and rate each others strengths and weaknesses. So with the right plan and enough effort, you can also get your dream job! Whats your best tip for studying algorithm questions? While wed all like to be well-rounded developers, studying for job interviews is a herculean effort, so narrow your studies as much as possible. Dont expect to cram it into the weekend before your interviews, either. Understand why the top solution is most correct, and why the time and space complexity is what it is. You both can then devise a plan together and solve questions like a little competition on who solves more! Longest String Chain646. Start with problems that have a solution already provided by Leetcode. Word Break254. Max Consecutive Ones II376. Maximum Product Subarray487. The general logic and time/space complexity should be the same. But, this is not exactly how I proceeded when I started. Contact: at, How Quantum Annealing Solves the Hardest Computational Problems | Adiabatic Quantum Computation 2, My experience of making Python 2 SocketServer code compatible with Python 3, DevOps Software Quality Control Using Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline. Remember that code is the implementation of a solution, not the solution itself. Can you please share the list of problems in them? Shortest Way to Form String516. Stick to the study plan and complete the assigned problems everyday. And without a good handle on all the concepts, you cannot solve a random question thrown at you. :). When I first started my preparation, I was completely clueless about where to start! Youre likely to forget what you learned as soon as you stop studying. It will help you understand what areas youre missing. Always start answering questions on paper. While LeetCode does come with a built-in code editor for running your code, save this for a final check, after youve iterated on and manually reviewed your written answer for accuracy. Now, a question might pop up in your head, Isnt it just easy to pick any list and solve all the questions in it? No need to spend time figuring out if this question is worth attempting or not because the lists are meticulously curated anyway! Look at the solution. Instead of memorizing specific questions, learn to identify different types of problems and sub-problems, and develop tools and strategies for each case. Follow the strategy of choosing good questions that I shared with you earlier and keep polishing your concepts. LC typically expects you to solve them in the same order. Just a developer. Anecdotally, the answer will make more sense and stick with you longer if youve worked hard on the question beforehand. Use this 4 step method for your best Leetcode outcome! This is by far, the most frequent query that I receive from students who are preparing for their tech interviews. Additionally, you should try to explain the generalized idea behind the solution, rather than how to solve the specific problem. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee309. The latter will get you further. I would recommend to initially stay away from problems that have worse than 2:1 ratio of likes to dislikes, and problems that have 4:1 or above are usually of fairly high quality. For example, if you saw a DP question, you restrict your thoughts and approach to DP even though you could have tried something else. While LeetCode is a pretty great platform, not every problem can be the best. Remember all the thinking you did in Step 1? What else is needed? Integer Break238. If your target company asks many array questions, its in your best interest to be an expert at those. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock714. Many reached out to me on LinkedIn inviting me to become their programming buddy. After 1020 practice questions, you should have an idea of where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Dynamic programming is nothing more than figuring out how to cache previous results with a 2D array. I have already shared all the answers you were looking for in detail and you simply dont need to go anywhere else. It can be 100, 200, 300 or even a thousand! At what points did the solution diverge from what you had in mind? If youre going to take the time to do a question, extract as much learning from it as possible. Digging into these is what cements your understanding and further elevates you above simply memorizing an answer. Coin Change518. Thats why its always recommended to pick up random questions irrespective of their tags to effectively use Leetcode. You got a solution accepted, and the solution seems pretty cool to you, great! Paint House265. Like is it an order in which I do questions? Was there something that could have hinted at the steps they used? But one tip from my side: just start off! If youre someone who wants to land a high-paying software engineering job but, cant figure out how to effectively use Leetcode, kudos, youre at the right place! Stop looking for answers even before starting off because once you enter the game, youll eventually find your way out. Such contrastive learning should be your goal. But again, does it have to be any number of questions, even as many as 1000 problems? Any suggestion of easy questions to start with to build that foundation? For Indian students appearing for on-campus placements. While it requires less thinking and planning, it requires significantly more brute force work. We have study plans for Algorithm, Data Structure, and Dynamic Programming! Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown152. So, apparently, its not a big-time investment. Questions are locked but you should still be able to open the questions and attempt them. Several colleagues spent 3 -6 months grinding LeetCode questions before interviewing and getting hired by FAANG companies. Check it out here! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Could anybody just share the list of problems from the Dp Study plan 2 . Take a note of what data structures/algorithms they might be hinting towards. So, without stretching it any further, heres the flow of this blog: Its always better to do questions without caring about the tag or topic simply because when you know the topic beforehand, your mind will work in a single direction. First Coding Test - Feeling unprepared, is it normal? Pick a study plan. House Robber213. Answering algorithm questions in an interview can be daunting, no matter how accomplished you are as a developer. Maximum Length of Pair Chain368. And yeah, today, you will find those here! What I would suggest is: dont go with any list when youre just starting off. Hi, could you share the Graph Theory II study plan that they just recently added? House Robber II256. This might seem obvious. 4. Leetcode organises a contest every Sunday and every alternate Saturday. You cant possibly practice and remember all 2,000+ questions on LeetCode. In other words, if you cant solve a problem and need to refer to the questions solution, its in your best interest to dig into that solution. If you can do this, youre ready to move on. Combination Sum279. Spend some time working on it, even if it takes you an hour to write a brute force solution with terrible time complexity. Toss Strange Coins1143. This is one of the biggest study hacks around, yet few developers do this. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Starting at the top and going through every question in order is rarely a good strategy. If youre just starting out, filter LeetCode for those questions. It's a 21-day plan, and I've listed the questions ordered by day. Longest Increasing Subsequence673. Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions. Devote some pre-decided time to every topic, and complete all the important concepts. You should take 20-30 minutes for thinking about the approach of the solution and code it up. It has all new questions and youre supposed to solve them in a stipulated time period which prepares you for real coding interviews. Memorization doesnt always generalize well to slightly different questions. Uncrossed Lines712.
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