This policy causes Microsoft Edge to continue running until all Internet Explorer tabs have completely finished unloading. This also disables tab syncing. If you disable this policy or don't configure it, Print Preview uses the most recently used printer as the default destination choice. Starting in Microsoft Edge version 100, you can configure up to 100 engines. If you enable this policy, users will not be able to upload files in Application Guard. There will be no 'Paste as' context menu item in Microsoft Edge and the only format available to paste will be the plain text URL format. This lets users keep settings such as bookmarks and autofill data. To learn more about the feature, see Allow access to local files by letting Microsoft Edge display file selection dialogs. This policy is deprecated because it is a temporary policy for web standards compliance. The origin matching patterns use a similar format to those for the URLBlocklist policy, which are documented at If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the new SmartScreen library (libSmartScreenN). Off (0) = Do not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube, Moderate (1) = Enforce at least Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube, Strict (2) = Enforce Strict Restricted Mode for YouTube. These policies are limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries are ignored. This policy controls a security feature in TLS 1.3 that protects connections against downgrade attacks. If you disable this policy, Cookies aren't imported on first run. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can decide whether to print webpages in Portrait or Landscape layout. The finest frames, tailored to match the document you have chosen. This policy allows users of the WebDriver feature to override The setting to enable Microsoft Rewards in Microsoft Edge settings will be enabled and toggled on. This policy controls whether local mht or mhtml files launched from the command line can open automatically in Internet Explorer mode based on the file content without specifying the --ie-mode-file-url command line. ShareAllowed (0) = Allow using the Share experience, ShareDisallowed (1) = Don't allow using the Share experience. If you disable this policy, the shortcut isn't shown. Lets you configure the default display of the browser password reveal button for password input fields on websites. This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu on websites and PDFs. Configures the application locale in Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing the locale. Users can only access Google tools using accounts from the specified domains. Required diagnostic data is collected keep Microsoft Edge secure, up to date and performing as expected. If you enable this policy, XFA support in the native PDF reader will be enabled. To learn more about how Microsoft Edge finds unsafe passwords see InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' Setting the policy on Microsoft Edge turns on the restricted sign-in feature in Google Workspace and prevents users from changing this setting. You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the SerialAskForUrls and SerialBlockedForUrls policies. Note: For details on the Fund Switch charges, please refer to your policy document. This section shows relevant references and the complete code for this example. Enter archiving object 'CHANGEDOCU' and field catalog 'SAP_CHANGEDOCU1'. If you don't configure this policy, favorites are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions. If not, users' personal settings apply. This Enterprise policy is temporary; it's intended to be Overrides Microsoft Edge default printer selection rules. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users won't see the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager nav button and won't be able to use it. Click the button 'Create'. You can use the HideFirstRunExperience policy in combination with these policies to configure a specific browser experience on your managed devices. Before you write your policy, read up on laws that relate to businesses in your region, and make sure your policy doesn't go against any. Printing is disabled in the wrench menu, extensions, JavaScript applications, and so on. By default, efficiency mode is set to 'BalancedSavings'. If you disable or don't configure this policy, file URL links will not open. Configure the list of URL patterns that are excluded from tracking prevention. Users may opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is disabled. (and a site will be allowed to use screen-share APIs) if the site matches an origin pattern in any of the following policies: Show Microsoft Rewards experience and notifications. This setting controls the in-browser assistance notifications which are intended to help users get the most out of Microsoft Edge. If you enable or do not configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will follow the default rollout process for ECH. This enterprise policy is disabled by default. This policy will be removed in the future. If you disable this policy, the QUIC protocol is blocked. If you still require legacy cookie behavior, please use LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList to configure behavior on a per-domain basis. If you disable this policy, browsing history data isn't imported at first run, and users can't import this data manually. This policy doesn't work because this policy allowed these features to be selectively re-enabled until Microsoft Edge version 85. 3. If there are multiple printers that meet the criteria, the first printer that matches is used. Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to HID devices. This policy allows you to control the default state of the Allow extensions from other stores setting. If you enable this policy and set it to 'Recommended', a recurring warning prompts users that a restart is recommended. SpeechSynthesis API: to override incompatible policies. Allows you to control when to trigger password protection warning. * is not an accepted value for this policy. This component allows Microsoft to provide a list similar to that of the AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins policy, allowing certain external protocols to launch without prompt or blocking certain protocols (on specified origins). Note: This policy causes the X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains header to be appended to all HTTP and HTTPS requests to all domains, as described in This activates a per-tenant storage account used to store these reports. It may be because he or she volunteered to resign or forcefully removed by the employer due to a policy break. Set this policy to 'Disable' to disable the feature. If you disable this policy, the top site info will not be shown. Configures the type of downloads that Microsoft Edge completely blocks, without letting users override the security decision. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to HID devices. The following sections provide snippets of this example. Audit (1) = Enable code integrity guard audit mode in the browser process. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge hides quick links on the new tab page and disables the quick links control in the NTP settings flyout. This can be used by administrators who need more time to update their internal website affected by this new restriction. jpeg, png, gif, webp, ico. enhance security mode will always be enforced when loading the sites in untrusted domains. A default configuration can be set for the special ID "*", which applies to all extensions without a custom configuration in this policy. This policy does not affect which DNS servers are used: if, for example, the operating system is configured to use an enterprise DNS server, that same server would be used by the built-in DNS client. Erection All Risk. If you disable or don't configure this policy, favorites on the host will not be shared to the container. The pattern can include a "%s" placeholder, which the handled URL replaces. This policy is obsolete because dedicated web platform policies are now used to manage individual web platform feature deprecations. Liberty Group Health Policy - Claim Form (Effective 21st Oct 2021) Cashless Preauthorization Request Form. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses native APIs to try to resolve network connectivity and navigation issues. Controls whether Microsoft Edge can freeze tabs that are in the background for at least 5 minutes. If you enable this policy, WebRTC will prefer to make peer to peer connections using the indicated network interface for the remote address as indicated in the routing table. This feature helps protect against man-in-the-middle attacks by enforcing more secure connections, but users might experience more connection errors. This policy won't impact the following scenarios: The following statements are under the condition of not specify the "--profile-directory" and configured value is not "Edge Kids Mode" or "Guest Profile": Leave this policy unconfigured if you've specified any other method for setting proxy policies. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory regardless of whether the user has specified one or chosen to be prompted for download location every time. If you set this policy to 'RestrictedMode', the communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service is stopped completely. If you disable this policy, the Microsoft Edge Insider promotion content will not be shown on the About Microsoft Edge page. If you disable this policy, the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy is not applied to block legacy extension points in the browser process. News (0) = Microsoft News feed experience. If you don't configure the policy: Set this policy to 'Forced' to always use InPrivate mode. The "share additional operating system region" Microsoft Edge setting controls whether the OS Regional format setting will be shared with the web through the default JavaScript locale. However, users can access this menu option with the --ie-mode-test flag. The EfficiencyMode and EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled policies will have no effect. If either DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled or this policy make a request to disable interception checks, the checks will be disabled. A deny list value of * means all native messaging hosts are denied unless they're explicitly allowed. If the server responds with a valid ServerHello response, the browser will create and send Token Binding messages on subsequent https requests. auto_detect, all other fields are ignored. Enables Microsoft Edge's AutoFill feature and lets users auto complete payment instruments like credit or debit cards in web forms using previously stored information. If this policy is enabled Microsoft Edge will only send info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge if the Windows Diagnostic data setting is set to Full. For URL patterns that don't match the policy, the following values are applied in order of precedence: WebHidBlockedForUrls (if there is a match). Go over the following contents and download everything that you need. Carefully unfold the document and remove any staples, pins or fasteners. Displaying Family Papers and Photographs. If you enable this policy, or don't configure this policy, a web page can use screen-share APIs (for example, getDisplayMedia() or the Desktop Capture extension API) for a screen capture. Lets you allow users to access the Collections feature, where they can collect, organize, share, and export content more efficiently and with Office integration. The performance detector detects tab performance issues and recommends actions to fix the performance issues. The user will not be prompted to select a certificate for sites on the list defined in AutoSelectCertificateForUrls. Note for Windows administrators: This policy only works for PCs running Windows 7. When this policy is set to enabled, extensions installed by enterprise policy are allowed to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path or query in the URL pattern is ignored. Digitizing Family Papers and Photographs. position. Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this scope of Capture. This policy does not affect the proxy configuration of Microsoft Edge outside of Application Guard (on the host). If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can change the URL in the address bar. If you enable this policy, OneAuth authentication flow will be used for account signin. For detailed information about valid url patterns, please see Placing all printer types on the deny list effectively disables printing, because there's no print destination for documents. Set this policy to 'NeverActive' and efficiency mode will never become active. This policy can't be used to stop installation of extensions from other stores such as Chrome Web Store. Always (1) = Always share the OS Regional format, Never (2) = Never share the OS Regional format. The first value in the pair specifies the third-party site that should be allowed to use cookies. Mandatory and Recommended disabled: Both these states will work the normal way, with the usual captions being shown to users. It can also be a server-side redirect of a previous "in-page" navigation attempt. Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to enable Follow service and apply it to users. Allows users to import their browsing history from another browser into Microsoft Edge. For example, if a website uses the JavaScript default locale to format dates, the names of the days and months can be displayed in one language while the surrounding text is displayed in another language. PasswordProtectionWarningOff (0) = Password protection warning is off, PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse (1) = Password protection warning is triggered by password reuse. This means that Microsoft Edge imports browsing history on first run, but users can select or clear the history option during manual import. This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied. Setting the policy provides access to the listed URLs, as exceptions to URLBlocklist. There will be no 'Paste As' menu in Microsoft Edge. This policy is only available if you enable or don't configure the PrintingEnabled policy. If you disable this policy, users can't invoke in-app support. The logo must be in PNG or SVG format, and its file size must not exceed 16 MB. This dialog asks users to confirm that the browser window can be closed. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard ignores other sources of proxy configurations. This setting works in conjunction with: If you don't configure it, image search isn't available. If you don't configure this policy, no URLs are blocked. However, users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow insecure mixed content for specific sites. It also has a frequency control where users can specify how often they would like to be prompted for authentication. Allows users to import payment info from another browser into Microsoft Edge. Lets you display zoom in IE Mode tabs similar to how it was displayed in Internet Explorer, where the DPI scale of the display is factored in. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Microsoft Edge proxy resolver will be used. Microsoft keeps a list of actions to take on certain domains for compatibility reasons. Omitting a field means all values match; for example, if you don't specify connectivity Print Preview starts discovering all kinds of local printers. If it is set to false, they will be disabled. If you don't configure this policy, the user will be able to change this setting. This controls DNS prefetching, TCP and SSL preconnection, and prerendering of web pages. How best can I mount the documents to avoid damaging them? Microsoft Edge will automatically sign in users using their Active Directory domain account even if there are MSA or AAD accounts. If you enable this policy and configure it with a specific profile name but it can't be found, the policy will behave like it's never been set before. Users will see the smart action in the mini and full context menu on text selection. If you enable this policy, the option to manually import autofill data is automatically selected. If you disable this policy, users cannot add new profiles from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page. Related policies: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes, NewTabPageContentEnabled. If the paper seems brittle, allow it to gently relax as it absorbs moisture from the room. If the user has already turned on the setting and then turned it off, this setting may not work. This policy setting lets you decide whether users can override the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about potentially malicious websites. (7) This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 88 and is ignored if set. The 'tls1' and 'tls1.1' values are no longer supported. { "file_extension": "swf", "domains": ["*"] } This setting lets you specify a custom adjustment to the height of popup windows generated via from the Internet Explorer mode site. Allows you to set a timeout, in seconds, for Microsoft Edge tabs waiting to navigate until the browser has downloaded the initial Enterprise Mode Site List. This article applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later. Allows you to set whether users can add exceptions to allow mixed content for specific sites. The recommended version of this policy does not currently work and functions exactly like the mandatory version. You can define exceptions in the URLAllowlist policy. This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards. Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are not allowed to run JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled. Controls how Microsoft Edge prints on Windows. Brown v. Board of Education. The second value in the pair specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on. Note that https://localhost/ is specifically blocked as an exception of allowed intranet zone host, while loopback addresses (127.0.0. The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be enabled for all profiles. If you disable or don't set this policy, these TLS/DTLS versions are and Force 'headers and footers' to be on or off in the printing dialog. If you set this policy to 'Enabled' or don't configure it, websites running in Internet Explorer mode will use enhanced hang detection. If you set this policy to 'EnableAll' or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge applies the last used print preview settings for both PDF and webpages. If you enable this policy, the built-in DNS client is used, if it's available. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 83. How do I safely mount old documents for display? When printing a PDF using the Print to image option, it can be beneficial to specify a print resolution other than a device's printer setting or the PDF default. Unroll a length of double-sided tape and carefully place it from one corner of the document to another corner, leaving at least 1/4 inch of air space from the document to the tape. The URLs in "urls" must be valid URLs, otherwise the policy will be ignored. Microsoft account users (excludes Azure AD accounts) in search, new tab page, and earn markets will see the Microsoft Rewards experience in their Microsoft Edge user profile. Cached proxy credentials will be reused across sites. This policy can be overridden for specific url patterns using the WebHidAskForUrls and WebHidBlockedForUrls policies. The value of this policy should be lower than 100 and higher than 6. If you disable this policy, the audio process will run unsandboxed and the WebRTC audio-processing module will run in the renderer process. This policy is obsolete as the feature is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. active) mixed content (that is, HTTP content on HTTPS sites) and for which optionally blockable mixed content upgrades will be disabled. Each list item of the policy is an object with a mandatory member: The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Note : "Printing of physical policy document and dispatch may be delayed due to operational difficulties in the wake of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation " Their passwords will not be scanned and they will not be alerted either. The options in edge://settings/shareCopyPaste will be grayed out, and the options in the 'Paste As' context menu will not be available. If you disable this policy, saved passwords aren't imported on first run, and users can't import them manually. Specify the character encodings supported by the search provider. Windows and Mac documentation for all policies supported by the Microsoft Edge Browser . (Note: The Sitelist setting is 'Redirect sites based on the incompatible sites sitelist', value 1). If you enable this policy, Do Not Track requests are always sent to websites asking for tracking info. If you disable or don't configure this policy, sites can only send If you want to reopen URLs that were open the last time Microsoft Edge closed, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession'. This policy only affects window capture, not tab capture. If you enable this policy, sites can send WebAssembly modules cross-origin With this policy, you can configure up to three quick link tiles on the new tab page, expressed as a JSON object: [ { "url": "", "title": "Contoso Portal", "pinned": true/false }, ]. Users can choose the efficiency mode option they want in edge://settings/system. (Not all apps provide an interface for this option.). If you enable this policy (set it true) or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge can show full-tab content to users to provide product information. List of URL patterns. 2. If you disable this policy, the Event.path API will be unavailable. By default, the App Launcher is shown every time a user opens a new tab page. Note: This policy currently manages importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS). If you don't configure this policy, the default value ('AskWebBluetooth', meaning users are asked each time) is used and users can change it. DisableAutomaticHttps (0) = Automatic HTTPS functionality is disabled. The 'default_logo' should have proper contrast against a white/black background while the 'light_logo' should have proper contrast against a background image. You can configure the policy by using these values: 'basic', 'digest', 'ntlm', and 'negotiate'. This policy is obsolete because the new version of the enterprise new tab page no longer requires choosing between different content types. You can set the home page to a URL you specify or to the new tab page. The Web Components v0 APIs (Shadow DOM v0, Custom Elements v0, and HTML Imports) were deprecated in 2018, and have been disabled by default starting in Microsoft Edge version 80. Aside from keeping the workers safety, you may also userules to maintain order in the workplace and address the pertinent issues in your company, such as excessive sickness absences, etc. When a site is redirected from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, the Internet Explorer tab that started loading the site is closed if it had no prior content. If you enable this policy, a non-removable profile will be created with the user's work or school account on Windows. Your users' tracking prevention level can be configured using the TrackingPrevention policy. container in a future update. If you enable this policy, the option to manually import the home page setting is automatically selected. To enable this policy,SendSiteInfoToImproveServices must be set to Enabled. If this policy is disabled, the network service process will run unsandboxed. The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for all profiles for services that match the given list. In this way, you can handle these unwanted situations properly. Specifies the URL for a proxy auto-config (PAC) file. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge does not display Microsoft News content on the new tab page, the Content control in the NTP settings flyout is disabled and set to 'Content off'. In M88, they are enabled by default but will be disabled by default in the future release. Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them read access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API. Set this policy to 'BalancedSavings' and when the device is unplugged, efficiency mode will take moderate steps to save battery. Instead, the file will be saved to the file system using the browser. If you disable this policy, the feature will be force disabled, and users will not be able to override this setting. Old Mutual should have sent this to you; if they haven't you need to follow up with them/your broker. Microsoft Edge version 97 introduces support for CORS non-wildcard request headers. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the capability to view and verify the signature will not be available. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will treat IE mode the same as Edge mode in window width calculations. This should increase printing speed for some PostScript printers. If you enable this policy, you can specify which data types should be included in navigations between Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer mode. If you enable: This policy will only take effect when policy ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn is enabled and set to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable'. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF. It also doesn't affect the home page if that's set to open to the new tab page. By default, this component is enabled. The address bar over the following contents and download everything that you need being shown to users disables printing because... Page if that 's set to open to the new tab page no longer supported full context menu be... Enable code integrity Guard audit mode in the renderer process default display of the Enterprise new tab page no requires! In png or SVG format, and 'negotiate ' unsafe passwords see https:?. Proxy resolver will be unavailable to take on certain domains for compatibility reasons display. 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