42, Books & Documents in The US Library of Congress Archives, Circassia and Circassians in the Historical Books & Magazines, Ergative Case In The Circassian Languages, by Mukhadin Kumakhov, Karina Vamling and Zara Kumakhova, Information Structure And Clause Combining In Adyghe, by Nina Sumbatova, Reflections on the Caucasus: 21 May 1864-2010, How Circassians maintain identity in changing Golan by Fehim Tastekin, Life Standard In The Post-Soviet Context: The Case of The Republic of Adygeya, by Cemre Erciyes, A Country Study: The Republic of Adygeya, by Zeynel A. Besleney, Circassian World: Responses to the New Challenges, by Sufian Zhemukhov, Beware of Greeks bringing gifts, by Richard Berge, Address to the Members of the Russian Duma - by Cicek Chek, Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus, Act of Kabarda 1805: the New Document About Zhankhot Kushiku, The Last Grand Prince of Kabardia, by Albek and Astemir Abazov, An Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire by Robert Sears. A popular traditional dish is chicken or turkey with sauce, seasoned with crushed garlic and red pepper. 1708 ", " 300- ", "Of Christianity, Enlightenment, and Colonialism: Russia in the North Caucasus, 15501800". Update now. Ayhan Aktar, "Cumhuriyetin lk Yllarnda Uygulanan Trklestirme Politikalar," in Varlk Vergisi ve 'Trklestirme' Politikalar,2nd ed. [citation needed], Circassians mainly speak the Circassian languages, two mutually intelligible languages of the Northwest Caucasian language family, namely Adyghe (West Circassian) and Kabardian (East Adyghe). The Abkhaz language belongs to the isolate Northwest Caucasian language family, also known as Abkhaz-Adyghe or North Pontic family, which groups the dialectic continum spoken by the Abaza-Abkhaz (Abazgi) and Adyghe ("Circassians" in English). One view is that its root stems from Turkic languages, and that the term means head choppers or warrior killers accounting for the successful battle practices of the Circassians. This community is also well established in the Republic of North Macedonia, usually mingling with the Albanian Muslim population. Those in the higher vallies and montane forests practiced small scale agriculture and hunting, and often preserved old Christian or pagan customs. In the southwest of the Soviet Union, bordering upon Turkey and Iran, lies one of the most ethnographically complex areas in all Eurasia, the Caucasus. Qardaha in the Circassian language means "Welcome". It's unusual phonological system-an overabundance of consonants and scarcity of vowels has stimulated much interest among linguists. Prof.Dr. This page was last updated at 2022-09-25 04:40 UTC. There are two Circassian languages, defined by their literary standards, Adyghe (, also known as West Circassian), with half a million speakers, and Kabardian . [123] The remaining fighters continued to fight as militants and were soon defeated. [133] The process of expulsion had already begun even before the end of the Russo-Circassian war; the first Circassians had begun to arrive in small numbers as early as 1859, mainly consisting of wealthier aristocrats. Subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, The major differences in the Circassian dialects, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, North Shapsugs, Great Shapsugs, Kuban Shapsugs dialect ( ; Shapsy shyxu), Temirgoy-Shapsugs, Pseuko accent (-; Chemgue-shapsy). [139] This lead to a Circassian Diaspora, mostly to various parts of the Ottoman Empire. All 20,000 Circassian horsemen died in the war. An example of the latter is known as ficcin. [85], A small Muslim presence in Circassia has existed since the Middle Ages, but widespread Islamization occurred after 1717, when Sultan Murad IV ordered the Crimean Khans to spread Islam among the Circassians, with the Ottomans and Crimeans seeing some success in converting members of the aristocracy who would then ultimately spread the religion to their dependents. The Circassians, who lost most of their lands during the ensuing Golden Horde attacks, had to retreat to the back of the Kuban River. They seem to have retained their aristocrats, but with diminished powers. - Qardaha. Circassians have lobbied the Russian and Israeli governments to help evacuate refugees from Syria; Russia has issued some visas. The highest was the caste of the "princes", followed by a caste of lesser nobility, and then commoners, serfs, and slaves. Helping you understand your genealogy. Circassian / s r k n /, also known as Cherkess / t r k s /, is a subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, spoken by the Circassian people.There are two Circassian languages, defined by their literary standards, Adyghe (; also known as West Circassian), with half a million speakers, and Kabardian (; also known as . Circassians serve in the army and are employed in the border and regular police forces. More Filters Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. They formed a tradition of joining foreign armies, including those of Persia, Rome, Byzantium, and the Golden Horde. 1864 . Rosser-Owen (2007). Mar 27, 2018 - Explore Ismail Bayarslan's board "Circassian", followed by 125 people on Pinterest. Many members of the Safavid nobility and lite had Circassian ancestry and Circassian dignitaries, such as the kings Abbas II of Persia (reigned 16421666) and Suleiman I of Persia (reigned 16661694). The Crimean Khan Kaplan-Giray barely managed to save his life,[103][98] and was humiliated, all the way to his shoes taken, leaving his brother, son, field tools, tents and personal belongings. [97], In 1708, Circassians paid tribute to the Ottoman sultan in order to prevent Tatar raids, but the sultan did not fulfill the obligation and the Tatars raided all the way to the center of Circassia, robbing everything they could. They were conquered first by the Bulgars (who originated on the Central Asian steppes). The Encyclopaedia Islamica adds: "The Cherkess: the Kabardians and the western Adyghe people share a common language, which is spoken by the north-western Caucasian people, and belongs to the family known as Abkhazian-Adyghe". Catherine II started putting this plan into action. 1.1 Vowels; Adyghe tribes with remnants still in Circassia are: Kabarda (the largest), the Temirgoy and Bzhedug in Adygea, and the Shapsug near Tuapse and to the north of Tuapsiysiy Rayon of Krasnodarskiy Kray. Circassian / srkn /, also known as Cherkess / trks /, is a subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, spoken by the Circassian people. There are also a few Besleney and Natukhai villages, and an Abdzakh village. 1. [146], It is the tradition of the early church that Christianity made its first appearance in Circassia in the first century AD via the travels and preaching of the Apostle Andrew. Between 1878 and 1904, Circassians founded five villages: Amman (1878), Wadi al-Sir (1880), Jerash (1884), Na'ur (1901), and al-Rusayfa (1904). There was a strong tradition of hospitality similar to the Greek xenia. However these were mainly members of Memluk Army and majority of them left the island during the Venetian period. Circassian /srkn/, also known as Cherkess /trks/, is a subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, spoken by the Circassian people. Vol. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. [28] Among Christians, Catholicism, originally introduced along the coasts by Venetian and Genoese traders, today constitutes just under 1% of Kabardins. Aliases. Circassian refugees started arriving in Ottoman Transjordan after their expulsion from the Ottoman Balkans during the Russo-Turkish War (18771878). And more to come.. The Circassian dresses were embroidered with gold and silver threads. It is a home for Circassian family memories.. Following the dissolution of the Khazar state, the Adyghe people were integrated around the end of the 1st millennium AD into the Kingdom of Alania. The Caucasus mountains, which dominate this area nearly the size of Spain, are home to a bewildering variety of ethnic groups, some of which seem to be survivors from earlier eras. FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTubeSoundCloudContact, Circassian Refugees and the Making of Amman, 18781914, by Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Obituary: On Barasbi Bgazhnokov (1947-2020), by Sufian Zhemukhov. [113][114] Circassians responded by creating a tribal federation encompassing all tribes of the area. On the road, our eyes were met with a staggering image: corpses of women, children, elderly persons, torn to pieces and half-eaten by dogs; deportees emaciated by hunger and disease, almost too weak to move their legs, collapsing from exhaustion and becoming prey to dogs while still alive. [citation needed], Most Circassian communities in Egypt were assimilated into the local population. Since everything was a matter custom, much depended on time, place, circumstances and personality. Circassian Prince Sefer Bey Zanuko in 1845, An Adyghe man from Kabarda tribe in regular (non-traditional) wear, A painting from 1843 of an Adyghe warrior by Sir William Allan, An Adyghe strike on a Russian Military Fort built over a Shapsugian village that aimed to free the Circassian Coast from the occupiers during the Russian-Circassian War, 22 March 1840, Kazbech Tuguzhoko, Circassian resistance leader, The mountaineers leave the aul, P. N. Gruzinsky, 1872, A Circassian noblewoman in the 19th century, , Ade Xufe uaer, sfn error: no target: CITEREFHanania2018 (. Ethnology. Circassian: An Endangered Language in Peril For each of the generations listed above, and for countless generations prior, my family and ancestors had always spoken their ethnic language: Circassian. The small part of the community that settled in Kosovo (the Kosovo Adyghes) moved to the Republic of Adygea in 1998, after the reprisals of the Serbian occupation forces became heavily intensified. Fundamental All languages Languages by family North Caucasian Northwest Caucasian Circassian. sfn error: no target: CITEREFManzHaneda1990 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREF__2010,_ (. Several Iraqi prime ministers have been of Circassian descent. [136][137], The actions of the Russian military in acquiring Circassian land through expulsion and massacres[138] have given rise to a movement among descendants of the expelled ethnicities for international recognition of the perpetration of genocide. Many protests were held all over the world to stop the Sochi Olympics, but were not successful. . [65][66] Some researchers have claimed there may be links between Circassians and Indo-European-speaking communities,[67] and some have argued that there are connections between Circassians and Hatti, who are from ancient Anatolian peoples,[68][69][70] but these theories have not been addressed further and are not widely accepted. You ought to be a part of a contest for one of the best blogs on the internet. They speak both Adyghe and Hebrew, and many also speak Arabic and English, while cultivating their unique heritage and culture. [98][104][105][106][107][108], The Crimean army was destroyed in one night on 17 September 1708. Information about Circassian: Edit family data. A number of Adyghe also settled in modern Bulgaria and in Northern Dobruja, which now belongs to Romania (see Circassians in Romania, in 18641865, but most fled after those areas became separated from the Ottoman Empire in 1878. See also Adygei, Kabardian. . 86, Shora Nogma has 1427 (per Richmond, Northwest Caucasus, kindle@610). The Circassians originated in the northwestern quarter of the Caucasus, bounded on the north by the Kuban river. The twelve tribes are the Abdzakh, Besleney, Bzhedug, Hatuqwai, Kabardian, Mamkhegh, Natukhai, Shapsug, Temirgoy, Ubykh, Yegeruqwai, and Zhaney.[162]. In time, the dialects they speak were named after their tribes. In the remaining 'feudal' tribes power was theoretically in the hands of the Pshi-tkhamade, although his power could be limited by Khases or other influential families. Circassian: A Most Difficult Language. Circassians established many states, but could not achieve political unity. [150] Sufi orders including the Qadiri and Nakshbandi orders gained prominence and played a role in spreading Islam. Required fields are marked *. Circassian speakers are part of the Caucasian family of languages, at this point without systemic connection to other language families. Overview. The major Adyghe community in Ukraine is in Odessa. [101][102] The Ottomans expected an easy victory against the Kabardinians, but the Circassians won[103] because of the strategy set up by Kazaniko Jabagh during the battle of Kanzhal. It is plausible that people have been living in that place speaking that language or its immediate predecessors for a long time (5 millennia): compare that to Norwegian, which has been spoken in Norway for 2-3 thousand years, or English, spoken in England for less than 2,000 years. That program allows Circassians and others as well to study Circassian in any of the 49 other languages in this program, including English, Turkish, Arabic and Russian. The word Circassian (/srksinz/ sr-KASS-ee-nz) is an exonym, Latinized from Russian Cherkess (Russian: ; Adyghe: /), which is of debated origin. Although the sword is used by most of Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks, the typically Adyghean form of the sabre is longer than the Cossack type, and in fact the word Shashka came from the Adyghe word "Sashkhwa" (Adyghe: , Sasxue) which means "long knife". Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest relationships using custom algorithms. A compulsory item in the traditional male costume is a dagger and a sword. [26] Among Muslims, Islamic observance varies widely between those who only know a few prayers with a Muslim identity that is more "cultural" than religious, to those who regularly observe all requirements. [53] Though Jahrkas was used by Ibn Khaldun (died 1406) and Ali ibn al-Athir (died c. 1232/3), the Persian hypothesis remains uncertain. The war ended officially on May 21, 1864. Circassian /srkn/, also known as Cherkess /trks/, is a subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, spoken by the Circassian people. They settled in all parts of Iraqfrom north to southbut most of all in Iraq's capital Baghdad. [83], Feudalism began to emerge in Circassians by the 4th century. The "Circassians" in question do not always speak the languages of their ancestors, and in some cases some of them may describe themselves as "only Turkish". Some refugees have been reportedly killed by shelling. [2][3][4] However, the local terms for these languages refer to them as dialects. "The First Circassian Exodus". Below them were three classes approximating serfs or slaves. Mutton and beef are served boiled, usually with a seasoning of sour milk with crushed garlic and salt. Some of the exilees and their descendants gained high positions in the Ottoman Empire. Today, significant communities of Circassians live in Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Libya, and the United States. A lithe and erect physique were favored, both for the men and the woman, and many villages even today have large numbers of healthy elderly people, many over a hundred years of age. Multilingual society in Israel - Language Policy Re . " 11 ", 1 1, (129132), (1), 11 , , 2009. [126] With the refusal to surrender, Circassian civilians were targeted one by one by the Russian military with thousands massacred and the Russians started to raid and burn Circassian villages,[114] destroy the fields to make it impossible to return, cut trees down and drive the people towards the Black Sea coast. , ?, gazetesi,07.01.1992. Their culture was and still is strongly dominated by a warrior ethic. Caucasian languages are indigenous to the regions bordering the Great Caucasus range, between the Black and Caspian Seas. Physically most Circassians are European in appearance with perhaps a slight oriental cast to their features. The majority of the community, however, remained in Kosovo where they have been well established and integrated into Kosovan society. [61], The ancestors of present-day Circassians are known as the Sind-Maeot tribes. Circassians have played major roles in different periods throughout Iraq's history, and made great contributions to political and military institutions in the country, to the Iraqi Army in particular. Map:Johann Baptiste Homann: Imperii Persici In Omnes Suas Provincias | Published [Nuremberg, c. 1714]. ", "The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue", "Circassian Princes in Poland: The Five Princes, by Marcin Kruszynski", "Polish-Circassian Relation in 19th Century, by Radosaw urawski vel Grajewski", "Polonya'daki erkes Prensler: Be Prens", "Russia's Sochi Olympics awakens Circassian anger", " ", " 1995 ", " '': ", The Circassian Mystique and its Historical Roots, http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/perepis2010/perepis_itogi1612.htm, . Circassian Muslims converted only about three or four hundred years ago, Many traditional beliefs remain, which have many similarities with the beliefs of ancient Greeks and Scandinavians. ***Circassians, an excerpt from the ''Prometheus among the Circassians''. [42][43][44], Historical Circassia has been divided by Soviet and Russian administrations into the modern-day republics of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Krasnodar Krai as well as southwestern parts of Stavropol Krai. (2005). Turabi Saltk, Sindika Krall, Jineps, Ocak 2007, s.5. Circassian activists achieve demolition of monument to Russian soldiers in Adler, Representatives of Circassian society have begun collecting signatures to an appeal to Putin about a new monument in Adler, Special Issue: The Circassians, RAS Issue No. The terms Circassian and Cherkess are sometimes used in several languages as synonyms for the Northwest Caucasian languages in general or the Adyghe language in particular. Inver Tatlock @IH_Tatlock 16 hours ago. Considering these rates, calculations including those taking into account the Russian government's own archival figures, have estimated a loss 600,000-1,500,000. [4], The Circassians refer to themselves as Adyghe[45] (also transliterated as Adyga, Adiga, Adige, Ade, Adyge, Adygei). Sound changes between Adyghe (Temirgoy) and Kabardian:[5], Circassian languages contain "many loan-words from Arabic, Turkish, Persian (particularly in the area of religion) and Russian". The Circassians first emerged as a coherent entity somewhere around the tenth century A.D., although references to them exist much earlier. In addition to the vertical relations of class there were many horizontal relations between unrelated persons. Many writers and travelers through the ages have described Circassians as the most beautiful women in the world. He argues that Russian policy of surrounding small Circassian communities with Slavic populations has created conditions where Circassian languages and nationality will disappear. Canonical name. at between 50,000 and 100,000. Prior to the Six-Day War of 1967, the Adyghe people then estimated at 30,000 in number were the majority group in the Golan Heights region. [193][194][195] The Safavid (15011736) and Qajar (17891925) dynasties saw the importing and deporting of large numbers of Circassians to Persia, where many enjoyed prestige in the harems and in the lite armies (the so-called ghulams), while many others settled and deployed as craftsmen, labourers, farmers and regular soldiers. Out of 1,010 Circassians living in Ukraine (473 Kabardian Adyghe (Kabardin),[202] 338 Adygean Adyghe,[203] and 190 Cherkessian Adyghe (Cherkess)[204]after the existing Soviet division of Circassians into three groups), only 181 (17.9%) declared fluency in the native language; 96 (9.5%) declared Ukrainian as their native language, and 697 (69%) marked "other language" as being their native language. Baghdad, Sulaymaniyah, and Diyala comprise the country's main cities with Circassians,[201] though lesser numbers are spread in other regions and cities as well. In Levene and Roberts, This section summarizes Walter Richmond, Northwest Caucasus, 2008, Chapter 2. Language family of Circassians: Circassian languages. [114] In 1840 Karl Friedrich Neumann estimated the Circassian casualties at around one and a half million. The last two peoples are often grouped together as Circassians. The Circassians (also referred to as Cherkess or Adyghe; Adyghe and Kabardian: , romanized: Adgxr) are an indigenous Northwest Caucasian ethnic group and nation native to the historical country-region of Circassia in the North Caucasus. Criminal law was mainly concerned with reconciling the two parties. The twelve stars on the Circassian flag symbolize the individual tribes of the Circassians; the nine stars within the arc symbolize the nine aristocratic tribes of Adygea, and the three horizontal stars symbolize the three democratic tribes. In 1859, the Russians had finished defeating Imam Shamil in the eastern Caucasus, and turned their attention westward, finally subjugating the Circassians in 1864. [140], Adyghe society prior to the Russian invasion was highly stratified. [148] Moreover, the ever increasing threat of an invasion from Russia helped expedite the already centuries long process of gradual islamization of the region. Despite their numerous historical and ongoing disputes, the two empires negotiated on the impending migrations and resettlements. n. 1. Until recently the eight tribes into which they were divided showed varying degrees of a caste system similar to that surviving in modern India. The Circassians were famed throughout the Middle East for the beauty of their women and the courage of their men. Inal divided his lands between his sons and grandchildren in 1453 and died in 1458. The Circassian language does not share notable similarities to the Turkish language except for borrowed words. The Abkhazians lived on the coast between the Circassians and the Georgians, were organized as the Principality of Abkhazia and were involved with the Georgians to some degree. Holiday dresses are made of expensive fabrics such as silk and velvet. The Circassians - self-designation Adyge- are the oldest indigenous people of North Caucasus. In the southwestern part of European Russia, there is also a Federal Subject called Adygea (Russian: , Adygeya), enclaved within Krasnodar Krai, which is named after the Circassian endonym. Holiday dresses are made of expensive fabrics such as silk and velvet members of Memluk and! The vertical relations of class there were many horizontal relations between unrelated persons languages, this! 2 ] [ 4 ] however, the ancestors of present-day Circassians are known as ficcin were. A slight oriental cast to their features ; s unusual phonological system-an overabundance of consonants and scarcity vowels. Interest among linguists family of languages, at this point without systemic connection to other language families notable. Share notable similarities to the regions bordering the Great Caucasus range, between the and!, sfn error: no target: CITEREFManzHaneda1990 (, sfn error: no target CITEREFManzHaneda1990... 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