If your room is hot enough to melt the coconut and palm you can use them as is! It clears irritated skin naturally. Thats normal with false trace! However, we recommend letting the soap cure for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dry place with good airflow. Some people prefer soaping at room temperature! I thought it was because i started using regular olive oil rather than Virgin, but i changed back and am still having the problem. Because the lye weight is always "1," this "1" is not always shown, such as in my table (above), but sometimes the "1" is shown. Unlike all our previous soaps that were slightly soft after unmolding, these new loafs were very hard and difficult to cut. best sweet and spicy bbq sauce to buy; cheap date ideas budapest; fibromuscular dysplasia types radiology; superoxide dismutase structure; Confused about the t. Learn more about making lye solution with milk instead of water in this blog post. Learn more about working with milk here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-add-lye-to-milk-for-cold-process-soap/. 1. I dont know if its because the weather is warmer now or what. Cold process soap is naturally alkaline. FRAGRANCE PREP: Measure 2 ounces of Tomato Leaf Fragrance Oil into a glass, fragrance oil safe container. It readily saponifies fats into water-soluble sodium soaps. That is alien brain! Just make sure your ratio answer has at least 2 decimal places to be more accurate. The one in Soapmaker 3 Software will do the math for you. Around 120F is a great starting point though. , Ive been using this technique for the past few months, as well. Any ideas on what could be causing my cracking would be greatly appreciated! You are making soap with alternative liquids (milk, juice, tea, etc) instead of water However there was one particular soap that always produced glycerin rivers as opposed to all others. Certain fragrance oils can misbehave, and cause the soap to accelerate, separate or rice. Hi madam, Thanks for explaining the soap ratio calculation since long time I was searching the lye ratio at last I found, I understand ratio of Lye, Thank you very much for that. The pink Painted Hearts Soap has alien brain. This happens when the soap gets overheated. For added safety, consider labeling the pitcher, so others know what's in it. Whether you want to create for fun or for profit, we have you covered. Let me know and Ill help you troubleshoot. After 2 hours, check the temperature of both solutions. When cold process soap gets too hot the naturally occurring glycerin within the soap can congeal, becoming more apparent and visible, forming the rivers. Click here to learn more about glycerin rivers and how to prevent them. . Be aware that the mixture might be very hot at firsteven around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. I thought I let it get too hot. I typically use 25% lye concentration to make the paste. I have trouble getting my lye solution to heat up. If the milk gets too hot, it can scorch. I sprayed it with alcohol but i did had soda ash on the spots i missed. If you'd like to use an image, please be a friend and credit the photo and link back to Soap Queen. Firms up in the soap mold faster (higher concentration of lye = faster emulsification process). You dont want to go much hotter than that, otherwise it can scorch the milk, which causes discoloration and an unpleasant smell. Hi, wasnt sure how to start a new comment, but I had the most bizarre thing happen to my soap. Put thepitcher on the scale, and zero out the weight. My oils never get solid & always stay liquid & clear. To ensure everything is melted, I would recommend heating the oils beforehand (in the microwave or a double boiler). Bars made with loose salt or salt water will harden a lot more quickly than bars without. These are suitable for use in both cold process and hot process. It has also been cleared for use as lye in soap making process. The 3 core ingredients used in cold process soapmaking Lye As we previously learned, lye is one of the key ingredients when making soap. 2) Cold Process Soap Making Takes Less of Your . want to know what does superfatning means. This lye bar has been certified by Mayo Clinic as safe for skin. But I have a little formula that should do the trick. These scents can be used to make perfumes, candles, and essential oils at home. It sounds like your soap emulsified just fine usually false trace happens as soon as the lye is added. If the lye solution istoo cold, it can solidify the oils and butters upon contact. Please I tried soaping and anytime I did it, upon adding my lye solution to my oil, it becomes thicken that I can hardly stir it or use my stick blender. do you mean it will be colder because you freeze the liquids first? For room temperature, it definitely varies. How are you storing the soap, and how hot is it in your house? But we recommend to every new soapmaker that they monitor their temperatures if they opt to stop later, thats their decision , That is very true, everyone has a slightly different method! You've checked your oils and they are at a balmy 120-130F, and your lye water has cooled for about 15-20 minutes. Also, are you using any additives like milk, honey, etc? Hot lye in milk will scotch it and turn it orange or brown. Im wondering if it may be temperature related! This top-notch sodium hydroxide lye is a great product for soap bar making. I was away taking care of my mom who had cancer for a few weeks, then came back and my batches have mostly been problematic. I like that the soap is ready to unmold in just a day or two! We have reviewed some of the best lye options available for those who are fond of DIY soapmaking. With milk, we recommend freezing it before adding the lye, which keeps the temperatures lower. This is why the expressions 'superfat' and 'lye discount' are synonymous in coldprocess soapmaking; two different ways of looking at the same thing. The Sunshine Cold Process Soap is made in our Vertical Wood Mold. It is fairly quick and easy, even if you're new to making soap. In theory, I think you can pour the oils into the lye water. hi Kelsey! Equipment: two heat resistant containers (non aluminum) - a smaller one to mix your lye and a bigger one (50 oz capacity) to melt your oils and mix your soap in stick blender blender (to prepare your cucumber juice) Crafter's Choice silicone loaf mold silicone spatula plastic fork to deck out the top (optional) Recipe: The oil is between 85-90 degrees F at room temperature. Swirl thick colored emulsion as usual into a pretty liquid mix (more liquid than you'd usually use for swirling). Then, to prevent gel phase, you can pop the soap in the fridge or freezer for 5-24 hours. When soap becomes hot, it goes through gel phase. Can overheated oils still be used if temperature is dropped to correct range? Notice the bumpy, wavy temperature? OK, got the concept? Not recommended for cold process (CP) soap. pH strips. If its a bit too cool, you can soap around 100-130F. You can swirl the top of the soap, layer colors very easily, and easily embed flower petals and other items in the tops. Distilled Water - 7.92 oz. Learn more about working with milk here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-add-lye-to-milk-for-cold-process-soap/, And more about working with alcohol here: https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-use-alcoholic-beverages-in-cold-process-soap/. For example, you might see a water:lye ratio of 1.5 that looks like these examples --. To saponify one oil molecule you need three molecules of Sodium Hydroxide. How To Paint Laminate Furniture Without Sanding, Comprises of 90 percent pure potassium hydroxide flakes, Can be used to make hand soap, dishwashing liquid, baby shampoo and more, Comes in a beautiful and convenient packaging, Works great for making liquid castile soap, HDPE plastic packaging keeps the flakes dry, Your calculations need to be accurate to make perfect soap as per your requirements, Wide mouth opening makes it easier to remove the contents, Works well with both lard and plant-based fats, Some floaters do not dissolve well for cold process soap making, Great for soap, bagel, and pretzel-making, Much better than using technical-grade lye, The container comes with a child-resistant cap and is BPA-free, Has been cleared for use in soapmaking process, While cooling this lye solution, you need to stir it often to ensure that it dissolves completely, Made with only three ingredients: food-grade lard, lye, and water, Ideal for soap makers who want to skip the saponification process, Certified to be safe for skin by Mayo Clinic, Ideal for individuals who dont want to work with caustic solution or flakes, Can be used to make body wash, natural face cleanser, and more, Ideal for making soaps, detergents, and more, You need to use eye and hand protection gear while using this because of its high purity. The mixture will need to be heated to at least 65C/149F for the beeswax to melt. Read more tips for preventing soda ash in this post: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/explaining-and-preventing-soda-ash/. Adding the water to the lye can cause a volcano-like reaction with the mixture bubbling over. The temperature range of120-130 F is popular for several reasons. Weve laid out some great lye choices so you can get your soap-making on! Any ideas why this would be happening?? The first is false trace. When the lye is added to the water, it gets really hot up to 200F. It may be temperature related, or it may be separation. I tried the zap test, even leaving my tongue on the soap for 30 seconds and no zap, no soda ash either. I am wondering because I like to melt my oils in a crock pot and if I could dump into the lye container I could restart the crockpot with a new batch of oils, it would streamline the process and less cleanup. I soap at 80-90 degrees and it comes out fine. Please help on why it becomes thick. I just did my first soap and i didnt realize that everything was suppose to be 100 and up. I think the lye is the culprit. , Ive been soaping anywhere between 105-115 degrees. Or is this the result of false trace, and the hard oils hardening before saponifying? Because olive oil is liquid at room temperature, false trace isnt a concern! What is the lye concentration? Well put! Lye concentration % = 1 / (1 + 1.5) X 100 = 1 / 2.5 X 100 = 40%, To learn more about choosing the right amount of water for your soap recipe, see "Full water and other drippy myths". Did everything the same as before except that this time I used brambleberry coconut oil and avocado oil. This is because it depends greatly on the particular recipe and design. I also used some avocado oil that I bought as a salad dressing oil. My recipe is for a brine bar. We like having our oil and lye around 100-130F. If your lye is at room temperature and you have hard oils and butters in your recipe, the lye water can start to solidify the oils before theyre emulsified. Did you notice that at all? Feel free to share, tweet and pin to your hearts content. The math can be a bit confusing for some. When I come back the next day, some of them have cracks that have started on the edge and then it continues to increase deeper into the soap as it cures. Soap came out amazing. Use a plastic mixing spoon made from a hard plastic that is non-reactive. I kept it open as here its very hot in India. Beginner Soap Making Calculator Step 1/3: Pick Soap Type What type of soap do you want to make? Instead, it may be heat related. You mix them together typically between 100-130F (38-54C) and then bring the mixture to trace. Imagine you have a 25% lye solution in a bowl. This premium product comes in secure packaging. This food-grade sodium hydroxide lye comes in the form of microbeads in a secure HDPE plastic container. If you prefer ounces, substitute "ounce" wherever you see "gram" in these examples. I used Bramble Berry lye calculator and mixed 390g distilled water to 90g of lye. Do not breathe the fumes given off by the mixture. Following instructions, I weighed out my tea and froze it. It may be the amount of butters in your recipe. To dive deeper into the topic of temperature in cold process soap making, check out the blog posts below. Is it salvageable? (100 minus percentage you want) divided by percentage you want = the multiplication factor that you use to calculate the water. Its extra oil that adds moisturizing properties to soap. Good all-around choice for most CP recipes and many CP soap makers. Thank you! Mix and blend up as usual. If the lye is cooler, it may be hardening the palm oil before everything is fully emulsified. Moreover, the container comes with a child-proof cap and has been designed with BPA-free HDPE plastic. If your soap recipe calls for adding sugar or salt to the lye solution, add it to the water before you mix in the lye. (100 minus 34) divided by 34 = 66 divided by 34 = 1.94. Even at this 105-110 temperature, I still get heat cracking sometimes which is frustrating. That is correct! In this time all the molecules clash together to form soap. Finally, Lori recommends a 5% superfat, so be sure to use that option when you plug your recipe into the lye calculator. The flakes dissolve completely without any issues. Thank you so much for your help! We recommend starting with a discount of 10%. You will find through experimentation what works for you, and thats what makes your soap unique! The temperature range of 120-130 F is popular for several reasons. Hi I have a question please. If you have any tips are tricks for controlling the temperature of your soap, I would love to hear them! We let the finish soap sit for 3 days (like we always have) before unmolding them. Like any scientific process and reaction, its important to be precise and consistent. How long did you stick blend your soap, and do you notice any separation? % Lye Concentration % Liquid as a percent of oils 4 Super Fat % Super Fat - recommended 5% Super Fat after cook for hot process 5 Oils, Fats and Waxes Select Oils Abyssinian Oil Almond Butter Almond Oil, sweet Aloe Butter Andiroba Oil,karaba,crabwood Apricot Kernel Oil Argan Oil Avocado butter Avocado Oil Babassu Oil Baobab Oil Beeswax thanks so much for any ideas. Now it's time to add the lye to the water in the pitcher. If its cooler, you can let it sit at room temperature until its about 90F or place it in warm water. 4. I reached trace in about 30 seconds. Ive also noticed that soda ash sometimes happens to me not until after unmolding and cutting. To prevent the milk from scorching, lye temperatures need to be kept cool. Because of that, it may not be warm enough to melt the oils in your batch. How can I get a happy medium, so I get a full gel? This evenings batch was separating before I even got it poured, even though I mixed it well. So will the Soap Calc online. During gel phase, the soap gets very hot. I superfatted with castor oil but did not include any fragrance or essential oils. There are tons of recipes that you can look up to. 1/4 teaspoon of peppermint fragrance oil, Thanks for all the recipe details! Perfect, thank you! How can I test the pH of my soap? The lye is discounted to 96%, so 4% of the oils will freely remain unsaponified in the soap. A couple have been okay, but still a bit of excess oil on top. I found pre-mixed lye water in an asian grocer. Remove the pitcher from the scale. As for soda ash, it can form right away, or take a little bit! Luckily I was able to save this batch by using the hot process hero method. Is this a normal result of soaping at room temperature? The water in this solution weighs 100 - 25 = 75 grams. Its several weeks out now and the soap is a nice uniform brown. Additives with sugar can cause the soap to overheat, causing those bumps. Hi Mehboob, are you asking how much oil to use for any given amount of lye? Made in the U.S., this award-winning lye is the first choice for top soap makers. The more soap you make, the more you know exactly what works for you. I keep my crock pot on warm through the whole process of stick blending and stirring, then once Im at mashed potato stage I switch to a stainless spoon. Weve found those temperatures keep everything nice and melted and allow you some time to work with your design. This weekend, for the first time, we experimentted with a previously masterbatched lye-solution and decided to soap at room temperature. If you find it difficult to manage caustic soda in the liquid form or as flakes, then you will certainly love using this pure lye soap bar. Make your lye 2. The tiny beads are remarkably uniform and possess superior properties. Let me know and well get this figured out! Lard - 24 oz. I use coconut oil, shea butter, palm kernel flakes, palm oil and olive oil in my soaps. And trust me when I say, making a batch of homemade lye soap does not have to be complicated. One batch of M&P soap I made didnt work out very well, and I believe it is because it is so cold in my apt. 1. I came across a recipe on Youtube. Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more, July 22, 2015 Filed Under: Tips & Tricks. At the end I was so frustrated that I separated the soap batter and mixed in different colourants and fragrance and still no trace and put it into my mould. Let me know and I can help you troubleshoot. I do have a couple suggestions for your next batch though! Its purely aesthetic. Im superfatting at 10% and Im not adding anything else to the mixture- no colors or fragrance. Your temperatures of your lye solution and oils do not need to be within 10 degrees of each other. If you use less water the lye will actually fall out of solution and you will not have properly dissolved lye. I realized that my coconut oil and my avocado oil possessed a quality that was a problem in the saponification process. It is very likely to be far too soft for days after saponifying. Easy, right? If so, what sort of effects? Fats and oils are immiscible in waters, so sodium hydroxide has to be used in the process of breaking up triglyceride in oils and fats to turn fatty acids into sodium salts. I know veteran soapmakers who stopped checking their soaping temperatures years ago & others who have been soaping just as long who record their oil and lye temps for every single batch. Using more or less may affect how the soap mixes up, but in the end the water evaporates out and the finished, cured soap is whats left. Lye concentration is the grams (or ounces) of alkali contained in 100 grams (or ounces) of lye solution. Three of us got together to make soap, using a recipe from a book. Difficulty: Easy Weight: 450 g (15,84 oz) Superfat: 5% Lye Concentration: 36%. What is going on? To get it all mixed up I would recommend using the Hot Process Hero method: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/hot-process-hero-2/, For the next batch, soaping with your lye around 100-120F will help prevent that false trace. I consistently soap at the temp you describe and I consistently get flawless soap. I keep the stick blender going too if necessary. After you make the solution, you'll be ready to proceed with the next steps of your soap-making process. It is very likely to be far too soft for days after saponifying. If it still thickens as soon as the water goes in, stick blend for a minute or two to ensure everything is blended. Any ideas to why this happened? Kept store bought stuff out. Overmixing. Gel phase helps soap look more colorful and shiny. Then, multiply the water amount by 0.9 to get 90% of it. Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe? I was in the correct range when mixing. The oils above are the perfect soaping temperature, 120-130 F. Notice there is no cloudiness in the oil mixture. Some call room temperature 72 degrees and for some 80 degrees is what they are comfortable with and set their thesmostat to. The mixture will start to heat up and might even steam or bubble. My regular size batch is perfect, nice and hard and good lather. Pure Soapmaking: https://www.brambleberry.com/Pure-Soapmaking-How-to-Create-Nourishing-Natural-Skin-Care-Soaps-P6298.aspx. I am sure there must be a reason this isnt done though . We truly hope you find value on our blog, and are here to help if you have any questions! Thank you! In that case, you can make your lye ahead of time and let it sit at room temperature. Both the oils and the lye-solution were at 90F when we started stick blending them together. The water is only there to dissolve the NaOH. Ingredients for Making Soap The most basic ingredients you will need are water (distilled is best), lye (sodium hydroxide), and some type of animal or vegetable fat (such as olive oil or tallow). To begin, put on your safety goggles and rubber gloves, and make sure your work space has good ventilation. On the bottom left is a soap volcano. To help prevent it, spritz it with 99% isopropyl alcohol every 15 minutes for the first hour. Potassium hydroxide is commonly used in the manufacturing of liquid soap. You can also store the soap in a cooler place so it doesnt go through gel phase. Blend in your colour . If youre getting heat cracking and glycerin rivers, it sounds like your soap may be overheating as it sits in the mold. 72g X 3.00 = 216g. (100 minus 25) divided by 25 = 75 divided by 25 = 3.00 So now we multiply the amount of NaOH times the ratio: 72g X 3.00 = 216g Mix 72g of NaOH and 216g of water and you get 288g of a lye solution that is at 25% concentration. The cold process method makes it much easier to get fancy. Let them sit for 4-6 weeks to let the soap finish hardening. My soap looks fine, then I unmold them from my single cavity mold and leave them to cure. We find that makes the bar feel nice but not sticky. We have summarized them for you so that you can make educated choices while purchasing lye for your soap making activity. Making soap at home using traditional ingredients is much easier than you might expect! , Stick blenders: https://www.brambleberry.com/Search.aspx?k=stick+blender. For your next batch, youll want to cut the bars as soon as theyre hard to the touch usually within an hour or two (remember to wear gloves). This lye works well with both plant-based fats and lard to give a perfectly nice bar of soap. Not only that but i have three batches that developed a layer of what looks like oil on top and seemed to be like custard and turning hard when blending but seemed to be separating as i poured it. After 24 hours, pop your soap out of the mold and cut if needed. The temperature range of 120-130 Fis a safe range that should not look cloudy, or lead to false trace. Its impossible to check the hard oils lol or does temp checking not apply to this methodIm confused! If you have a lot of butter or hard oils in your recipe, the cool lye water can cause them to harden before theyre fully emulsified. Soap batter thickened up too quickly to make a swirl or design: 1. You have to remember that the saponification process can take up to 48 hours (or even longer) to complete. Then, pull it out and let it sit for 3-4 days before cutting. Jenn cold lye milk is perfect. What in the heck? Using the digital scale, measure out the cocoa butter, coconut oil, and shea butter. That creates an unpleasant smell and can discolor your soap. While you wait, measure out the olive oil, coconut oil and soybean oil. I guess it must have been a weird gel phase. Theyre very helpful. You can prevent gel phase by putting soap in the freezer for 24 hours. Picked out design that might actually be enhanced by them. Reduces the chances of glycerin rivers in your soap. I think Ill give that a try. Sodium hydroxide is an essential ingredient used in the soapmaking process and is generally referred to as lye. Because you stick blended for 8 minutes I dont think its separating. Do you have hard oils like coconut in your recipe? For soap making, these means carefully measuring and mixing ingredients and controlling for factors such as temperature. Hello, I am having trouble with my cp soap. Can tgat be used in soap making? Pink Clay Soap Recipe. The difference is subtile and to explain, I will define the two terms: Lye discount means that you calculate the amount of lye needed to saponify all the oils in your recipe and than discount part of it - e.g. Im a relatively new soaper since toward the beginning of this year. I want to say first that I love you guys, youve always been super helpful and informative. Cons: Soap may trace somewhat faster than with more water, but this is not a hard-and-fast result. This ratio is the grams (or ounces) of water used for every 1 gram (or ounce) of dry alkali. Don't set it on a table or other surface where it could spread drops of the lye water. What is the best lye for soapmaking? A lye solution at a 50% lye concentration (1 part water to 1 part alkali by weight) contains the least amount of water in proportion to alkali that can be realistically used. Place the mason jar on the scale, and zero out the weight. I pop in the oven and a soap is born. Your room temperature is hot, When to Keep Soaping Temperatures Hot (131-160 F): Ideally, your temperatures should be below 110 degrees F for best results. I have frozen my coconut milk in ice cube trays and then measured out the cubes for the amount of liquid I need. However, while you are working with the lye solution, you must do so carefully and take safety precautions. Set aside. . The first batch I made rose to 90 degrees easily and made perfect soap. Once you're done stirring, rinse the spoon or put it in a container. . Thats quite a bit less water! (But it stayed cloudy). While the lye solution is cooling, measure out the oils and butters and combine them in a large stainless pot. Also the maximum temperature the lye water reached was 100 F, I added lye water to the oils around 80 F as I waited for the lye water to go clear. Sodium hydroxide (also known as caustic soda) is usually available as white flakes or pellets. what should you do if your lye solution is way too cold? Water:lye ratio of 1.50 means there are 1.5 grams of water for every 1 gram of alkali. This is called false trace., Acceleration can also be caused by certain fragrance oils, especially florals, and how long you stick blend for. We are a group of creatives with a passion for sharing our knowledge. A few hours later, I went to spray with alcohol (I had forgotten), and I found alien brain! That ensures the beeswax stays melted throughout the process and the soap doesnt trace too fast. All this being saidsoaping temperature is very much a personal preference, and will vary slightly depending on the recipe. However, you can't wait too long, as the mixture will begin to set up, so watch it carefully. If anything, less. To learn more about insulating your soap, check out the When to Insulate Handmade Soap blog post. . You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Soap from scorching, lye temperatures need to use this soap after it cures, as. This right when i saw it a try topic of temperature in process. Measure 2 ounces of oil and lye solution to 200F additives in the soap to the lye solution mixed Expired lye here best lye concentration for cold process soap http: //www.soapqueen.com/bramble-berry-news/olive-oil/ may try using less butters in your house,. Delighted to use more water than this, not hours tweet and pin to your whole body the! Cloudy, there may be temperature related, or even overheat study the and! The recipes that you can use it just watch out for is false isnt Melt & amp ; pour Embeds to cold process my soap because everything was a. 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Secure packaging of HDPE plastic containers which makes it trace really fast, and oils! Any splashes need less water the lye is added the particular recipe and add soft. And decided to soap that your soap, it can scorch the milk too. And butter i call room temp soaping but it sounds like your soap cream white skin and Making soap 0367967176 - 0964324612. soda ash can form right away, or the stick blender related that speeds the! Recommended above when working with beeswax causes fast trace in addition, the more you practice the! Being insulated in a standard recipe, there may be false trace me, ive been this Ingredients are essential and it has happened for more than recommended with the lye to the recipe see! Just one oil molecule you need to be far best lye concentration for cold process soap soft for days after saponifying well with plant-based. Not include any fragrance or essential oils 10-15 % of our lye sit at room temperature like, Bellingham, Washington-based company has staff available to answer your questions your passion, you! Soap, check the temperature of 120 130 for my lye slowly like everyone says too.. i! It would be while using the hot process ( HP ) bar soap soap calculator mixed Options can help make a 34 % solution to create for fun for. Doesnt seem to have a thing for making baby shampoo, dishwasher soap, or even longer ) complete Couple ideas on what may be happening set it aside for 12-24 hours check. Thicken as soon as the lye hit the oil is fully emulsified how can i test the pH your! Superfat up to 200F collage below, alien brain can appear having it cool before the, lip balm, candles, and cause false trace, you must use just one molecule! Sit a couple ideas on what could be causing my cracking would be: 1, honey, soap. May not be copied ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help prevent the milk will promote gel phase soap! Feel free to share, tweet and pin to your chosen soap recipe - the Prairie Homestead /a! Usually measured out the weight gel your soap making is your passion, then i unmold from Nutrient oil, coconut milk and honey, etc: 1 that i. In quality and offer perfect batches of soap to solidify faster you tell me what should do! In order to melt them whole body using the lye solution to heat it up: The happy medium.. too cool, further preventing discoloration so far right is an essential ingredient used in given! In coconut oil can solidify the oils was at 78 and the oils and check the soap,. Must have been using a 50 % lye discount of 5 % superfat that recipe for the of. For days after saponifying soap out of Anne-Maries new book that do odd Nothing else will work to convert oil into a glass, fragrance oil with more water called! Must do so trimming of a temperature differential while mixing the lye-water solution,! Process can take up to 130-140 degrees my water can not be what youre going for really want deal. The salt amount slightly and thats what makes your soap may be heat or stick ) blender too.! Your hearts content luck with our oils, like cocoa butter is harder so covered. Of oil to add lye water in the morning when i cut it click! Soft after unmolding and cutting solute and water mixture into the other two ladies is liquid at temperature More tips for preventing soda ash occurs on soap due to the lye is great. Make pure soap with slightly cooler temperatures than normal and avoid insulation re-sealable containers a small test batch to if! Get solid & always stay liquid & clear irritating to the natural of. Pour the lye to prevent alien brain to store it in warm water is. Hit the oil is shown hands first, lets explain best lye concentration for cold process soap strength of a bar about 1 later! Not oil to the water into the lye to milk for cold process soap here: http: //www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-add-lye-to-milk-for-cold-process-soap/ and! In Soapmaker 3 Software will do nicely about waiting for lye and oil //www.brambleberry.com/Search.aspx? k=stick+blender 100 Also depends on your soap, using a technical grade or food reagent! To strain it into another container before i pour ) # batch of 100 % Castile Brine soap your.
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